Chapter 192. Flame Emperor

The clouds forming above him were tribulation clouds.

Madara watched these clouds gather above the huge Python. It's body gave off a horrifying pressure, each of its scales seemed to be emitting energy covering it's entire body.

Once a Cultivator or a Beast reaches the pinnacle of Half Immortal Realm, to go even further they would have to be subjected to Heavenly tribulation. The tribulation consists of three Heavenly strikes.

The Python before Madara was a Level Nine Half Immortal.

Lighting was rumbling inside the black clouds, streaks of it flashed from time to time. Madara was slightly surprised at the power held by the tribulation.


Suddenly a streak of golden lighting descended upon the large Python.

A reddish energy erupted from its body and shielded against this lighting. The devastating energy contained within the lightning produced cracks on the energy cover. But very quickly the lightning faded.


As soon as the first one scattered the second one descended. This one was twice as strong as the previous one. The energy cover held on for few seconds and crumbled. The lightning hit the large Python.


A loud roar escaped from its mouth as it defended against the lightning. Like the first one this one also scattered after doing its part. The Python was bloodied all over but it's eyes gleemed as it looked at Madara then at the tribulation clouds.


The third one fell.

This one was atleast four times stronger than the last. The Pythons body was scarred and blood dripped down producing sizzling sounds.

As the last lightning faded a holy glow covered the large Python. The wounds it suffered was being healed at visible rate.

Seconds later the Python emerged from the holy glow. Unlike it's previous appearance the Python looked vastly different. It's body was several kilometres long, it had four claws on it's belly and a horn that gleemed with prestige.

This was a Dragon!! A true Eastern Dragon!!!

Madara was stunned, his eyes blazed as he looked at the colossal figure before him and broke out into a grin.

The dragon looked at Madara in disdain, its body began to shrink. Blazing red energy covered it completely and a man clad in blazing red robes emerged. He had fiery red hair and red eyes. Several scales could be seen on the corner of his eyes and forehead.

" Puny human!! You have destroyed my chance to further evolve and get stronger in my Cultivation. But it doesn't matter, your body and blood essence shall compensate for it!! "

Hearing his words Madara smirked, the energy around him blazed as his Sharingan changed to Eternal Mangekyo.

" Susanoo!! "

Madara wasn't a fool, he could feel power brim off the figure before him so he decided to go all out. The flaming red God of destruction came to life, Madara sliced the flame sword of his Susanoo at the dragon.

Seeing Madara's Susanoo the red dragon was astonished but he sneered seeing Madara's attack. He flicked his finger and the sword was deflected away. The dragon clenched his fists and punched out.


A loud blast echoed. Madara's Susanoo was pierced through. There was large gaping hole on the Susanoo's chest, flames burned around it. Madara coughed out blood, that large attack countered his Susanoo, affecting him as well.

Red Dragon scoffed " Puny human, you don't understand the difference between a Half Immortal and an Immortal. A Half Immortal may have Immortal word attached to it but... ultimately they are still mortal.

Whereas I am an Immortal!!! An immortal essentially controls a law!!!

Mine is flame, you must be dreaming if you want to content with me using flames. I can sense a true fire within you but so what!! You are still mortal and you are beneath me!! With your blood as well as that True fire I can go a step further!! Haha!! "

Madara's Susanoo faded, blood was leaking from his mouth but a wild look surfaced on his face.

" Hahaha!!! That's how it should be!! It wouldn't be any fun if you die so easily!! "

Red Dragon smiled dangerously " You can die now!! "

Flames surged around the Red Dragon forming a claw, he swiped it at Madara.

Madara's figure blurred as he dodged the incoming attack but he wasn't fast enough. His chest was slightly charred from the dragon's attack. Smell of burnt flesh assaulted Madara's nose. He touched his wound and grinned.

' How long has it been since I was this excited? Hashirama..... it would have been great if you were here. We always competed to see who was better and you won most of the time.

Haha.... it's sad that we spend most of our lives fighting each other, I regret not being able to compete with you anymore but..... you wouldn't want me to sulk, would you? I have already surpassed you and I will continue to get stronger........ for both of us! '

Red Dragon showed an evil smile " Not bad, jump around some more. It's fun to watch you struggle."

Flames attacked Madara from all sides, his flesh was being burned. Madara was now in a sublime mood, he dodged the incoming attacks with more and more precision. The innumerable attacks were barely able to harm him.

This surprised the Red Dragon, he may not be using his full power but for a Half Immortal to dodge his attacks...

' Something's wrong.... he seems to know where my attack would land!! '

Madara was enjoying this feeling, he felt as if the world slowed down. He could faintly feel several possible angles from where the attack would come from.

' Ha! So this is the peak of Observation Haki!! '

Finally under extreme pressure Madara broke through that final hurdle and marched into the peak of Observation Haki, Future Prediction!!

Seeing a weak human dodge his attacks infuriated the Red Dragon. He finally used his full power. World decimating flames surged out from his body and formed the shape of a humungous red dragon. The air was being distorted by the heat emitted by this Red Dragon.

" Puny human.... Die!! "

The Red Dragon formed from blazing energy rushed at Madara. The Volcanos where it passed were destroyed and nothing remained.

Seeing the incoming attack Madara laughed " Hahaha!!! To use flames to kill me? Overgrown lizard...... I RULE OVER FLAMES!!!! "

He turned his hand, a sword with red hilt with red strings attached to it's hilt appeared in his palm. Madara placed the sword before him and muttered

" Creation..... Destruction... Transformation.... Flame rules over all and I..... shall reign Supreme over Flames!!!
