Chapter 193. Lord Of Flames

" Creation... Destruction... Transformation.... Flames rules over all and I..... shall reign Supreme over Flames....




Flames exploded around the entire area. Madara was being engulfed by Pure Yang flames, the Uchiha fan materialised behind him, a chain extended from its handle and was bound to Madara's wrist.

The Uchiha fan is different from before, its surface had nine Magatamas. Three forming a set and arranged in the shape of a triangle. One of the Magatama was brightly light up with yellow flames.

The most astonishing change were his eyes. His Sharingan had now changed, his pupil now had a single Magatama inside. It was yellow in colour, it burned silently but strongly within his eyes.

The Red Dragon witnessing this change in him was dumbfounded. He could feel his influence over flames diminish, if he waited any longer he would lose it completely.

His fist changed to a claw, flames covered his hand as a devastating energy condensed over it. His body blurred and appeared beside Madara, his fist rumbled through the air and striked at Madara.

Surprisingly Madara didn't react, the Red Dragon's fist went through his rib but instead of Madara crying out in pain.....

" Aaaahhhh..."

The Red Dragon quickly took back his hand and retreated. He held his hand which was now being burnt by pale yellow flames. His eyes stared at Madara's body.

Madara stood there with a grin on his face, his ribs which were pierced before was now being covered by flame and went back to normal.

Red Dragon " How.... How is this possible!!?? Even if your body is intangible it shouldn't be immune to energy based attack!!! How!!?? "

This was Madara's release, his Shikai gave him a Flame body, this is only possible for him as he possess ' Flame Emperor's Body '. His body is now entirely made of Pure Yang flames, the attack from the Red Dragon went through his Pure Yang body and was burned by his flames.

Madara grinned " Show me your strongest move! "

Red Dragon growled " Don't be smug human!! You are still a Half Immortal whereas I am an Immortal!! "

The Dragon raised his arms, flames materialised into thousands of small dragons. Each of it looked so real, Madara was intrigued by this attack. Pure Yang flames burned within his eyes.

" Charge Of thousands!! "

The red Dragon waves his hand, space seemed to be pulled apart by his motion. Thousands of Dragons rushed at Madara, their bodies were small but a terrifying amount of power seemed to be condensed within them. In a split second all of it were Infront of Madara.

Madara smirked but he didn't move.

Boom! Boom! Boom! .....

The contact between them produced ear deafening sounds throughout the region. The large range of smaller Volcanos were now gone and only the tallest one remained.

Ash and smoke covered the Dragons vision, it tried to sense Madara but he couldn't make out anything from the cloud of smoke. But he didn't let his guard down, he knew that someone with a true fire won't go down that easily.

" Haha! That's was good. Show me more!! "

An arrogant voice was heard from the clouds of smoke. Madara's figure slowly walked out, his armour was intact without a single scratch. The flames moved out of his way as he walked over.

The Red Dragon was shocked inside ' How can this be!? There is nine sub realms and a single large realm between out strengths!!! Then how can he be this strong!!?? "

Madara " My turn."

He grabbed the hilt of the Uchiha Fan and pulled.

The Handle detached from the fan. A long sword with Nine Magatamas imprinted on its blade appeared before the Red Dragons eyes. One of the Magatamas was lit up in Yellow flames.

Madara swiped his sword in the Red Dragons direction.


A blazing arc of yellow flames materialised as it went at the Red Dragon. This attack was so casual but the Red Dragon knew that if this attack hits him then he is a goner. His body began to morph, in seconds his body took the shape of a huge Red Dragon!


The Dragon roared and shot out an equally blazing energy at Madara's attack.


Both attacks collided in mid air. The red Dragons attack was trying to engulf Madara's attack while Madara's was burning away the Red Dragons attack. Space seemed to twist from the amount of heat generated by these two attacks.

The red Dragon didn't wait around, energy condensed around its tail forming a huge imposing blade. It swept its tail at Madara.

With the addition of this move Madara's attack was dispersed but it didn't stop there. The attack gained even more power after combining with the previous attack and continued towards Madara.

Madara " Heh.... not bad."

He reattached the sword with the Fan and grabbed the entire Fan. Seeing the incoming attack Madara's lips curled up, he placed the Uchiha Fan before him.

Like a drop of water falling into the sea the entire destructive energy waves were absorbed into the Uchiha Fan.

Madara showed a evil grin and placed the Fan over his shoulder and Directed it at the Dragon.

" Uchiha Reflection! "


An even stronger wave atleast twice in power erupted from the Fan and was launched ta the Dragon. Before the Dragon could realise what was happening his body was engulfed by a pale yellow surge of flames and was being burned.

He was horrified to find that these pale Yellow flames were burning his body away, his strong defence was starting to wilt in the face of a True fire.

Unlike before Madara's Fan can now double the reflection power as well as convert the reflection into True flames he possessed.

Wails could be heard from the center of the energy storm. The Dragon was being battered within, his body, bones and blood was being burned away. If Ryu and Law was here they would curse Madara for wasting such a precious ingredient for pill making and Forging.

Minutes later the wails died down. Only a concentrated amount of blazing red blood and a bright red crystal remained. Everything else was burned to ashes. Madara caught the two items and showed a toothy grin.

His figure blurred and disappeared as he went to the bottom of the largest Volcano. He could feel pure and Concentrated fire energy within this Volcano. He went to the depths of the Volcano and found a spark of violet flame blazing at the center of a large Lava lake.

Madara's eyes brightened ' Devils heart True Fire!! '

Madara was already at the peak of first layer of ' Heavenly Flame Mantra ', if he could breakthrough then he would be able to control another True Fire.

The Red Dragon had actually mistaken Madara's realm. Madara was only at the peak of Ascension realm, a step away from Half Immortal thus there was two big realm difference between them!!

Madara sat in meditation and started to cultivate. His energy was starting to get stronger and stronger. That battle with the Red Dragon had actually pushed his across the last hurdle. He could now breakthrough to the next realm.

As Madara was making a breakthrough, Kenpachi was wrecking havoc through a dense forest. He went through a trail of bloodbath and was now battling against a gaint black vined creature.

Yachiru was yelling from the side " Kenny, don't let the vines bind you."

Kenpachi " Would you pipe it down!!?? "

He looked at the large creature before him and spoke " Drink .....