Chapter 225. Supreme Teigu

Ryu was walking along while thinking back to Esdeath's reaction. He was confused as to why she fell for Madara.

' Is it because of his dominant aura? She swings that way?..... forget it. That's his problem.'

The Royal palace was within his sight. He didn't stop his steps and proceeded further. He could hear sounds of battle from all directions and from the looks of it, the revolutionary army seems to be winning.

Inside the Palace...

The minister who always seemed calm was panicking. His strongest card Esdeath was defeated days ago and now those same people have intruded into the Capital so brazenly. What was infuriating was that the revolutionary army took this chance to attack them or rather they seems to be cooperating.

The young king looked at his trusted subordinate and asked nervously

" Minister what should we do? Our troops are falling one by one! "

Minister calmed down and showed a confident smile " Don't worry my King, as long as we have the Supreme Teigu our country will never fall."

The young King also calmed down " Yes. As long as we have it we won't lose."

Minister urged the King " My king, it time. If we wait any longer our forces will fall under the revolutionary army. I suggest we use the Supreme Teigu now! "

The young King pondered for a second and agreed. Both the Minister and the Young King went deeper inside the Castle, where the Supreme Teigu was located.

While this was happening Ryu was currently standing face to face with a bulky man. He had a weird armour around him, Ryu sensed it to be a Teigu. He was intrigued, this Teigu seemed much stronger than the rest.

" My name is Budo! I am the guard to the castle and you will go no further!! "

Ryu chuckled " Quite confident. Well then, let's see how many seconds you last."

Budo wasn't angered, he had heard about how Esdeath was defeated by them so he didn't look down on them and unleashed his full power.

Lightning clouds gathered, rumble of thunder echoed from above.

Budo raised his hands and brought them down. Like a punishment from heavens lightning struck Ryu.


A loud explosion rang out, dust and rubble flew everywhere. Budo didn't relax, he got ready for any immediate attack. Suddenly a sound rang out from the dust cloud.

" Heh, that it? When I saw lightning I thought it would be strong enough to make me atleast warm up but it seems it was only so so."

Budo was shocked to his core when he saw Ryu walk out lazily without so much of a scratch on his body. The look in his eyes scared Budo, that sight scared a Great General who went through blood and bones before.

Ryu " Anything else? "

Budo gulped. He backed up and released even more energy, thunder continued to strike upon Ryu but he was standing leisurely while being heavily attacked by thunder.

Budo felt his heart sink into an ice hole

' How am I supposed to beat this monster!? '

He didn't give up, he was the final wall before the Royal Castle. He can't fall here, he pushed past his limits. The lightning seemed to get stronger buy they were still useless against Ryu.

Ryu was curious as to why the guy didn't run " Hey, you can't beat me then why aren't you running? "

Budo replied resolutely " Run? Never! I am a Royal guard, my job is to protect the palace and I will fulfill my duty to my last breath! "

Ryu's eyes showed appreciation " Good."

His figure flashed, he got behind Budo and chopped his neck. He then poked several points in his body and completely immobilised him.

" You are a good soldier. You will be a great asset for the new Empire."

Ryu left Budo and continued forward. As he was about to reach the throne room he felt the ground quake. He stopped and looked forward.

As he watched a giant figure emerged from the ground. It was huge humanoid mechanical figure.

Ryu ' Hmm.... a Teigu. This should be the Supreme Teigu. Just so so.'

An immature voice rang out from within the Teigu

" Traitors! You dare go against the Empire!! "

The revolutionary army stopped in its tracks. All of their eyes gathered above, their faces paled when they saw such huge figure.

" As the King, I sentence all of you for your crimes! Death! "

The immature voice rang out again. A huge amount of energy was condensed infront of it. Ryu was prepared to stop it when he saw Madara jump out.

Madara now stood in mid air, right infront of the energy ball. His long spiky hair danced wildly to the winds rhythm.

Najenda who was leading the army had a sweat trickle down her face. That ball of energy if released would decimate a quarter of their forces. It was at this point she saw Madara block that ball of energy.

' Is he planning on stopping it!!?? '

The young King was angered seeing someone stand before him with arrogance.

" Die! "


A beam light flashed.

This day would forever be marked in annals of history. As the Capital watched, as the Revolutionary Army watched Madara extended his arm and blocked it.

He hand completely blocked that beam of energy. He didn't use any flashy moves, he didn't use any weapons, he blocked that terrifying attack with his body alone.

Every single onlooker had their jaws hit the floor. Najenda was shell shocked to her core, she muttered

" What a monster."

Ryu commented " He doesn't even realize how cool he looks to others when he does things like this."

Esdeath who was now leaning near and building with her rough breathing was looking at Madara with stars in her eyes.

' That arrogance, that attitude, that confidence, that dominance..... aaahh, he really is the perfect man.

The Minister relaxing inside the palace all sure of his victory paled when he saw this scene. The food he was eating dropped to the floor, he finally understood one thing

' I lost.'

Without a second thought he ran. He didn't ran far before several people blocked his path. Akame, Tatsumi, Bulat, Mine, Sheele, Leone and Lubbock now stood before him.

The Minister's expression worsened. He looked at Akame and the rest with hatred, if not for their meddling this wouldn't have happened.

Akame pointed her Sword at the Minister and said " Rest in Pieces! "