Chapter 226. Execution.

Akame and the rest attacked the Minister. With Six Teigu user and an excellent Warrior as his opponents the Minister wasn't even able to hold for several seconds before being heavily injured.

Leone was about go for the kill when Akame fiercely reacted. Her Sword striked out fast against Leone's back.


Sound of metal colliding rang out through the space. Leone reacted very fast, she retreated and looked vigilantly towards the dark. A teasing voice rang out

" Seems like you are in a pickle.... father."

Minister snorted " About time you got here, Sylee."

From the dark a man with tanned skin emerged. He had a cross mark on his face, several others trailed behind him. Akame and the rest got ready for a fierce battle.

Sylee looked at Akame and the rest and commented " Night Raid..... you guys sure recruited some monsters."

Lubbock shrugged " Your bad luck, I guess."

Sylee didn't bother " It seems so. But for now please move aside, we are really in a hurry."

Akame raised her Sword " You are every bit of a scum as your father. Rest in pieces."

With that all of them attacked. The ones behind Sylee were the Teigu users he had gathered as per his father's orders few days ago. He didn't understand why his father was in a rush but seeing the situation right now... it all made sense.

A fierce battle broke out, Sylee really underestimated Akame and the others teamwork. One by one the warriors he gathered fell, he was starting to panic now.

Minister also didn't expect Akame and the rest to be this strong. He was constantly on the watch for a way to escape but he felt as if a beast was always staring at him, ready to plunge it's fangs into him should he make a move.



Madara floated in mid air and watched that enormous Teigu charge up another attack but like the last one this one was also blocked with ease. The young King was panicked, he looked to his trusted Minister for support but saw noone.

Madara got bored seeing the same useless attacks again and again. His figure flashed and got right infront of the Supreme Teigu's chest and punched out.


Like a loose cannon, the huge Teigu was send flying out of the capital. It's chest had numerous cracks all over it. Madara was done playing with, his palm was covered in fire and touched the Teigu.

Instantly the Supreme Teigu was lit up in flames. Bit by bit it was burned away, the young King inside felt a surge of heat assault. For the first time he felt death.

Soon the flames died down, only a bunch of ashes remained. The Supreme Teigu known as the last defence of the Empire for years was now gone from existence, forever.

Madara turned around to search for something interesting but it seems like most of those Teigu users were now dead or defeated. He got bored and went back, Ryu shook his head and smiled seeing Madara's departure.

He sensed the last battle was also coming to a close. The Minister seems to be trapped, Ryu leisurely walked in their direction. Although he was walking, his speed was no less than Akame and the rest at their max.

Sylee's group was annihilated, only the Minister and him remained. Akame and the rest weren't faring well either, most of them had heavy wounds but nothing life threatening.

Before long both Sylee and the Minister was captured. Ryu was just in time see this, he smiled and nodded at them.

" Congratulations on your success."

Akame and the rest deeply bowed towards Ryu " Thank you for helping us. Without it we wouldn't how long it would take or how many friends we would lose."

Ryu waved his hands " Enough with the formalities. Be sure to thank Madara as well."

Tatsumi " Of course! "


Finally, after years the corrupt rule was brought down. Najenda quickly took control over the situation. The Minister and his son was given the cruelest of punishments.

They were sentenced to the worse torture humanly possible until death.

Esdeath was captured as well, it was decided that she would be publicly executed. But Esdeath didn't show any fear for death, her mind was fully occupied by Madara's figure.

Najenda was about make this news public when Ryu appeared beside her.

" Hold that command Najenda."

Najenda and the other officials were startled at Ryu's entry. Najenda wasn't bothered, she asked

" What's wrong? "

Ryu looked around and said " I will be taking Esdeath with me so there isn't a need for execution."

Najenda was shocked " What!? "

One of the officials stood up and spoke " Sir Ryu.... that woman is crazy! "

Ryu nodded " I know. Don't worry, she isn't a threat to us."

Another official " It isn't about threat. How do I day this?..... she is simply crazy."

Ryu laughed " Haha, that's fine. You haven't met my other friends yet, they are even more crazier than her. Compared to them she is a gentle woman. Anyway I will be taking her."

With that said he left. Najenda shook her head and let go off Esdeath's matter. She proceeded towards other problems.


Inside a cell.....

Esdeath was sitting calmly while holding a pen and book. She was drawing Madara, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't bring out that wild character in him into the pictures.

It was at this point a voice broke her thoughts " Nice pictures but still lacking that wildness."

Esdeath raised her head and looked at Ryu " Why are you here? "

Ryu " I have a deal for you, interested? "

Esdeath " No."

She went back to her drawing.

Ryu smiled " Hear me out. It also include him."

This time Ryu got Esdeath's attention, he explained who they were and what their goal was and how they are as a team.

Esdeath showed a shocked expression but soon calmed down. She now understood that Madara wasn't a man of this world. Her heart would beat faster every time she remembered him.

Ryu " If you come with us you can purse him as well, sort of like a bonus or is it the other way? Doesn't matter, so what's your choice? "