231. Base

Inside the depths of Wilderness two figures were floating in mid air. Their auras scanned past the entire region before locking onto a particular part.

" Lord, it's there."

One of these figures was an old man dressed in grey robes. His presence seemed thin and non existent, and he seemed to be merged with the air.

The other was a young man with black hair and remarkable features. He would leave a deep impression towards anyone he meets.

The young man took a step and disappeared. His figure appeared right where the old man pointed. Placing his hand in mid air the young man made a grabbing motion.

The space infront of him was torn apart, revealing a pathway leading to darkness.

The young man furrowed his eyebrows, the old man was now standing beside him. His eyes peeked through the pathway and asked.

" Lord, was it....

" No. If it was him he would have contacted the family. No matter what he did he is still one of us, he knows that as well."

" Then...

" It's someone else."

The young man let go and the space Mended itself returning to its calmness. The old man stood silent, he understood what those words meant.

A cold expression was now on the young man's face.

" Find out if anyone new has appeared around here.! "

" Yes, my lord."

The old man bowed and left. The young man's eyes teared up after that old man left.

" Foolish brother..... no matter who it is they will die ! "

His aura flared up scaring the beasts around, even half Immortal beasts were scared silly and escaped the region.


Ryu wasn't aware that a hunt was on their way. All of them combed the town in search of a place they could stay, it didn't have to be luxurious or anything. They just needed a big place.

Surprisingly it was Kenpachi who found the place, it seems he stumbled upon it when he was walking around before.

The place was in the remote corner of the city, slightly isolated but perfect for them.

A large mansion right in the middle of a large field stood before them. It was destroyed in several places, weeds grew everywhere but for them it was ok.

It didn't take long before they bought the place. Ryu had tons of gold inside his storage, he just exchanged a large quantity of it for gold coins and done, they were rich.

The mansion was bigger than they thought, it had dozens of rooms and an underground storage as well.

Ryu made tens of shadow clones and started to clean up. Giving all the work to his clones all of them thought about their next step.

" Since we got our base our next step is to increase our strength. Me and Madara are at the peak of Half Immortal, both of us can breakthrough any minute. What about you guys? "

Law was the first to respond.

" Given the density of energy present around us it would take a month for me to reach Half Immortal."

" Same here."

" Two months."


Apart from Esdeath and Hisoka the rest didn't need much time to reach Peak half Immortal.

" I will take Hisoka and go inside Wilderness. Only there can they increase their strength exponentially otherwise they would lag behind."

Esdeath's eyes shined, she eagerly looked at Madara, waiting for his words but to her disappointment he was still like a stone.

" You are alright with that, right Madara? "

Madara lifted his eyelids and stared at Ryu for a second before grunting.

" I will place few spells around this place. If what Hisoka said is true then we may need to be prepared."

Merlin spoke out.

" But how would they even know? "

Zoro asked confused.

" Idiot. We came in through a channel they created. It's child's play to understand what happened and if they are hostile then we need to prepare."

Law chided.

" Law, you need anymore ingredients? "

" A few more."

" Just give me a detailed list."

Law was getting a hang of creating pills, but the resources he burned off was nothing to scoff at. But compared to what Ryu had to pay to get any pill from Navii it was tolerable.

Each time Ryu needed some precious pill, he would need to pay World points and those aren't that easy to obtain.

Ryu took Hisoka and left. Madara grudgingly walked out with Esdeath right along his side. Nobody dared to laugh unless they want to become pandas. Zoro learned that lesson the hard way.


While Ryu and the rest were preparing a hunt was on their trail like they expected.

" Yes sir, I saw few weird guys few days ago."

" Where? "

Inside a grand mansion two people were listening to a man's report. It was the same guard that let Ryu and others enter the town.

Yesterday all of the city guards got an order to search for any suspicious person that entered the town during the last few days. The guard obviously thought of Ryu and company since they were wearing unusual clothes.

" Where did they go? "

" I don't know sir. But if you could give me one day I can find them! "

" You have one day."

The guard bowed deeply. His back was drenched in sweat as he left, those two people scared the crap out of him. He quickly ran off to find those people.

After he left.

" Lord, Looks like we found them."

" Hmm."

These two were the same ones searching inside Wilderness before. These days of search led them here, to Rockwell Town.