232. Visitors

Ryu and Madara had left with Hisoka and Esdeath few days ago. The rest was training like usual to reach peak of half Immortal before they came back.

Merlin had already placed dozens of warning spells as well as illusion barriers around the mansion. She had also placed defensive talismans Ryu given her ingeniously.

Right now she was standing in the middle of a spell circle. A mysterious energy traced around the lines beneath her feet. Seconds later Merlin opened her eyes.

" Still not right. Combining this much varieties is harder than I thought. Oh well, I have time anyway."

She looked outside the window to see Escanor standing in the midst of overgrown weeds. Sunlight shined through the clouds, falling on him.

Like a sponge his body absorbed every ounce of it and shined for a second. This repeated for several minutes before he stopped.

Unlike before Escanor's body wasn't overly muscular but it was still bulky.

Escanor breathed out, he could feel warmth spread throughout his entire body, like he was filled with power. He raised his hand, an axe golden in colour appeared in mid air.

He held the Axe in his hands and started to do some light exercises but his movements had a rhythm to it, anyone watching could sense power radiating off these shallow movements.

Merlin smiled and continued to work. The rest of Titans were almost doing the same.

Just as Merlin was about to perform another experiment her face froze. She jumped out and looked above.

Escanor, Stark, Kenpachi, Law, Zoro was also beside her. All of their eyes were trained in on two figures above them. Even Kenpachi had a solemn expression, he knew with his current power he would be crushed in an instant if he was to fight them.

Merlin on the other hand was calm.

" This is private property."

The two men above were surprised at Merlin's calm behaviour. These two were of course the ones searching for Ryu.

The young man looked at Merlin and was confused.

" None of you killed my brother. Where is the one who killed him? "

Merlin understood whom he meant.

' It must be that Luo guy Ryu mentioned. Like we expected.....

" Yup. He isn't here."

" Where is he? "

" Don't know."

The young man's aura flared up. Even without him doing so Merlin figured out his power level.

' Golden Immortal, Level Two. '

Merlin was still calm. This made the young man even more surprised.

" Answer me. Where is he? None of you didn't kill him so if you answer my question you can leave."

Merlin smiled. Unexpectedly her enemy was slightly righteous. Such an enemy was easier to handle.

" Like I told you. I don't know and even if I did I wouldn't tell you."

" I see. Then if I were to kill off your friends, would you tell me? "

" You can try. We can't beat you but..... what makes you confident you can make us stay? "

The young man wrinkled his eyebrows. He turned around towards his aid and saw him shake his head.

' I have blocked off the entire space then why is she so calm? Could she really escape? '

The young man looked at Merlin deeply before retracting his aura. His figure floated down and calmly walked inside the mansion, his servant followed him without a word.

Merlin smiled seeing such a result. She went back inside and saw him sitting leisurely on a chair, that servant stood beside him.

" Since you don't know where he is I will wait till he gets here. And don't bother to sent any warning."

Merlin smirked.

" If I did that then those fellows would haunt me forever."

She said her piece and went back inside. The rest of Titans also ignored the young man and his servant before resuming their training.

The young man was calm and collected but an ice cold light flickered in his eyes whenever he thought of his brother's killer.

Soon the day passed. He sat there the whole time without moving, Merlin placed some food infront of him and went back to her experiments.

Days passed.

The young man didn't leave, like a glue he stuck around. He wasn't impatient, nor was he bothersome. He didn't interfere with anyone and just silently waited.

Two weeks after.....

The young man now had a shocking expression on his face, he rubbed his eyes few times to see if he was right.

Right infront of him was Zoro holding his sword ready to do a draw. What surprised him wasn't his style rather his aura.

Just few days ago this man before him broke through and now he was about to breakthrough again. He doubted whether he was in an illusion or not. Not only him his servant was also flabbergasted.

" Lord, this.....

" I know. These guys aren't normal. Yesterday it was that wild guy, he brokethrough two realms in a week. The others aren't any weaker, all of them managed to make breakthroughs like eating rice.

Especially that woman, she made three continuous breakthroughs in a single day. And I believe she might do that again making her approach half Immortal peak.

Who are these people. They entered through that semi world, each one of them is way too talented.

Then there is this guy..... his swords..... did you feel it? "

" Yes, my lord. His weapon is a grade nine mortal weapon but it emits the same nature as his soul."

" How is that even possible? Even a divine weapon in legends wouldn't have that ability, does that mean that sword is his soul!? "

" Yes. It is."

The voice that answered his question wasn't the old man's but Merlin's. She was now standing beside them with a cup of tea in her hand and watching Zoro make another breakthrough.

She looked at the young man and asked.

" Curious, right? What do you say we trade information? "