233. Shock

The young man sat calmly while drinking tea, his aid stood beside him. Opposite of him sat Merlin with a faint smile on her face.

" What do you want to know? "

" Everything about this world and about Heaven Alliance."

The young man lifted his eyes and stared at Merlin.

" I see.... you came from another space. Your knowledge about this world should only be limited to the geography around here and the basic history."

" Right. So what do you say? Fair trade? "

The young man weighed his options and nodded.

" This world is governed by Heaven Alliance. An organisation formed by ten great sects and numerous small sects.

There are two other powers on equal standing as Heaven Alliance, Hell gate and Saint church.

Hell gate is formed by four hells and Saint church is a group of fanatics, training in Saint aura."

" Does that mean there are no Hell gate or Saint church people here? "

" No. There are people from that organisation. Three of these organisations have multitude of trades between them so every planet under any organisation would have people from all three of them."

" Hmm... then how do we go from this planet to another? "

" Transfer arrays. There are four continents in this world and transfer arrays can be found in central city of every continent."

Merlin asked few more questions that bugged her for some time and was satisfied. She now had a clear understanding of this world.

" Ask away."

" What's that weapon he and the others possess? "

Merlin smiled.

" That's what we call a Soul weapon."

" Soul weapon?? "

" Yes. It's something forged from a person's soul."

The young man expected such an answer but he was still shocked.

" How is that even possible? Even if a weapon can be forged from soul it won't be material but what he is using is clearly one."

" Who said soul weapons can't be? These weapons are the result of combination of traditional forging and a special bloodline."

The young man stared at Merlin to see if she was lying but she kept that mysterious smile on her face the entire time. Even he found it hard to understand what she was thinking.

Merlin kind of lied a bit when she said about how a Zanpakuto is forged.

" Who made it? "

" The one you are here to kill."

The young man went silent. He didn't fully understand what those weapons were but his instincts told him they were terrifying. Right now those weapons were Mortal Grade but somehow he felt as if they can grow.

" Anything else? "

The young man got up and walked out, his servant faithfully followed him. Merlin smiled ever so beautifully seeing his vanishing figure.

" Was it alright to tell them that much? "

Escanor who was standing in a corner spoke out.

" It's fine. He isn't like we had expected, instead of blind murder he chose to only kill his brother's killer and not anyone else."

" And that makes him trustworthy? "

" No, that makes him worth negotiable."


The young man stood outside with his hand crossed on his chest.

" Lord, what should we do now? "

" Wait. We will wait till he comes back."

" They don't seem to care about us."

" I noticed. Either they are idiots or lunatics and I favour the latter."

" They are dangerous."

" *sigh*..... I sealed my brother there so he that he could die like a mortal but..... "

" Don't blame yourself, my lord. Young master was cruel and merciless, even the head himself wanted to kill him. You gave him a way to atleast live that much longer."

The young man was silent. He truly loved his brother but he knew his brothers character, to not see his death by another he sealed him in that semi world.

Since it's a semi world, the connection between it and the Immortal world is unstable so time ratio between there and Immortal was different. A year in immortal world would be hundreds of years there.

" No matter what, I have to kill the one responsible."

The old man behind him faintly let out a sigh.


Just like that days passed, the young man grew numb to how these freaks around him was breaking through left and right.

Two months had already past since he arrived here and yet there is no sign of Ryu returning. But the most surprising thing was the young man, he was patient and seemed stubborn to not leave.

On this day, two figures appeared above the mansion. One was clad in red armour while the other wore while shirt and skirt with blue linings.

Who else would it be other than Esdeath and Madara.

Madara directly went inside, Esdeath followed him like a magnet. Madara's face twitched uncontrollably, during the past two months he found it impossible to make her hate him.

If anything he found her becoming more and more bold with her actions. Even he was at a loss, there was many times he just wanted to hack her to death.

Just as he stepped in his eyes focused on two people sitting on the couch. He looked at Merlin who was sipping tea.

" They are here to kill Ryu."

Madara looked at these two and grinned.

" You want to kill that brat? With your measly strength!? Ha! "

The young man lifted his eyes.

" Just an immortal.... quite confident, aren't you? "

" Why don't you try out? "

Madara's body emitted a strong aura which caused the young man to wrinkle his eyebrows. His low opinion of Madara went out the window.

" Glaze."

" Yes, my lord."

The old man behind him stepped out. His aura erupted making the other titans draw back.

Like hell they want to interfere in Madara's fight.

Escanor smoothed his mustache and said.

" He just got here seconds ago and now he is already picking a fight."

" Let him. I can only imagine his torture when with Esdeath."

" With me? He didn't say anything, we even bathed together."

Madara who was about to fight the old man nearly staggered. A vein popped on his forehead

" Woman, say something ridiculous again and I am gonna rip that mouth off of you."

Esdeath shut her mouth but she still mumbled something. The others who listened to their conversation had their jaws hitting the floor then they looked at the old man with pity.

" Poor old man, Madara is gonna take it out on him."

Madara drew out his sword, flames danced around him as he traced his sword.

" Burn.... flame emperor! "