234. Madara's Strength

The last two months not only changed Esdeath but also Madara. He was close to breaking through before he left and now he has achieved it.

Madara could feel a terrifying pressure ooze out from the white haired elder before him. He didn't wait around and directly released his Zanpakuto.

Before the young man's eyes an astonishing sight occured.

Madara's sword was engulfed by two colours, one pale yellow, the other violet and took the shape of a fan. It had three sets of Magatama with each set having three magatama forming a circle.

Two magatama in a set was lit up with pale yellow and violet colour and they seemed to be burning silently.

Madara opened his eyes revealing his Sharingan with two magatamas, one pale yellow the other Violet.

The old man felt his body dry up, his face betrayed his emotions. He stared at those two flames burning within his eyes and weapon.

" That... that's a true flame!! "

The old man's voice cracked. He identified those flames instantly, with his status it would be weird if he didn't.

The young man was also shocked seeing Madara's change. He observed his weapon and his eyes, those eyes warned him of danger.

" Glaze... don't let your guard down."

The old man snapped out and nodded heavily. All of his senses were tuned to their max, he couldn't afford the slightest mistake when fighting against someone in control of two true fires.

Madara grinned.

" Let's dance."

Let a meteor he plunged at the old man.

Seeing Madara the old man didn't dilly dally, he flipped his palm and took out a huge hammer.

The hammer was grey in colour, its head had a hexagonal shape and seemed to weight atleast several tons. However the old man held it steady like it weighted nothing.


Madara's fist and the hammer collided. Shockwave started to spread out from their collision, cracks spread throughout the mansion.

Merlin wasn't about to let her hard work be destroyed all of a sudden. She snapped her fingers.

Spell circle appeared beneath all of them.

" Take your fight outside."

The spell circle burst out with light and engulfed all of them and disappeared.



Beasts run amok in these parts. Even Cultivators would find these places thorny.

Amongst a large expanse of trees several lights suddenly appeared and spat out a dozen or so people.

All of them landed steadily on the ground and looked around.

" Now you can fight to your heart's content."

Merlin spoke out. She retreated further to see how the fight would go though she was sure Madara would win.

The young man was astonished at Merlin's ability. She was able to teleport all of them to such distances.

Madara stared at the old man, the old man did the same before both of them disappeared.

boom! boom! boom!

Loud echoes of sound rang through the surroundings. The old man and Madara were exchanging blows in mid air.

The old man though not muscular was swinging that several ton hammer like it was nothing.

Madara blocked all of those attacks and countered. The old man had great amount of fighting experience, he was able to dodge Madara's attack and reply in kind.

" Thousand fold strike! "

The old man bellowed. His hammer was suddenly surrounded by a heavy aura as he striked at Madara.

Madara promptly retreated and took out the Uchiha fan. He placed it infront of him, a second later the old man somehow appeared infront of him with that huge hammer in his hands and striked him.


Air rippled furiously raising a cloud of dust. A long trail of broken trees and hashed meat of beasts appeared before everyone.

Madara stood right at the forefront of this trail with the Uchiha fan in his hand. The old man was right Infront of him with his hammer still shimmering with a metallic glint.

' He is alright!?! '

The old man suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He immediately retreated, as he looked at where he stood a moment ago his face paled.

Violet flames burned where he stood before. The space was being torn apart by the sheer might of those flames.

" Che! "

Madara snickered. He placed the Uchiha fan behind him and pulled it's handle.

A long blade with several magatama shaped holes on it was pulled out. Two bright yet terrifying flames burned on his sword.

The young man was shocked to his core seeing Madara's weapon. He turned around and faced Merlin with a cold expression.

" You didn't say anything about this."

Merlin shrugged.

" Don't blame me. That's the characteristic of a soul weapon, it would bring out a certain power within a person's soul. What you are seeing is Madara's ability drawn out from his soul."

The young man took back his vision and focused on the fight. Truthfully speaking he had another motive in allowing his aid to fight Madara, that's to find out about these so called soul weapons and Madara seemed to be strong enough to bring out it's true power.

The old man narrowed his eyes. Qi circulated around his body creating a layer of armour around him, his hammer was again shrouded by that heavy aura.

Madara grinned as his eyes blazed furiously.

" That's better. Bring out your true power otherwise this fight is meaningless."

Esdeath was watching from a distance, her heart raced seeing Madara's appearance. This is what she loved about him, this wild nature, that arrogant nature, this man is the one she loved,

This is Madara Uchiha!