235. Ten Thousand Hammer

Madara and the old man stood facing each other before disappearing.


Air rippled violently as they collided in mid air. The old man wielded that hammer like a toy, it moved swiftly and yet Madara could feel a crushing strength from each strike.

His sword burning with true flames erupted. Two flames, one pale golden and the other violet in colour intertwined on his sword.

He matched each one of the old man's attacks. But even Madara found it hard to break through the old man's Qi, his Sharingan rotated with flames burning brightly within.

The old man felt as if his secrets were being exposed, sensing such gaze he retreated. Madara grinned, he advanced towards the old man. True flames formed a sharp gleam on his sword as he cut towards his opponent.

His sword seemed to have cleaved through space as it dawned upon the old man.

Seeing such a terrifying attack the old man didn't panic, his Qi flared coating his hammer with a metallic cover.

Like judgement upon mortals the old man raised his hammer and struck down at Madara. For an instant Madara felt as if thousands of mountains were falling upon him.

boom!... boom!....

Destruction rained down on ground below them. Hundreds of huge craters now occupied what was previously a lush part of the forest, the soil was coloured red with blood of beasts.

The old man stood way above the ground with that huge hammer in his hands. He didn't even bat an eye towards the destruction he caused instead he looked towards his opponent.

Madara was standing Infront of him. The right side of his arm was slightly injured and bleeding.

" You are truly a talent. Even true Immortals wouldn't take my Ten Thousand Hammer head on."

" Don't be modest. That last one nearly killed me."

Madara wasn't joking. If he wasn't fast enough he would have certainly died, even his flame body gave close to zero protection against such an attack.

The old man infront of wasn't like other opponents he fought before, a single mistake would grievously injure him.

But who was Madara? Would death scare him?

His face showed a toothy grin. Flames started to gather around him, pale yellow flames and violet flames intertwined together, burning with the intent to destroy everything.

His Qi circulated furiously within him, the old man felt danger. Madara's Qi was starting to climb.

Not only him the others watching were also startled. Apart from the young man the others were slightly surprised then returned to normal. To them Madara not being able to do such feat was weird.

The young man seemed calm on the outside but his mind was a mess. He couldn't understand how an Immortal was able to show such strength, strength able to match a true Immortal.

' Is it because of those weapons? or is it because of them? Are they that strong? '

The young man knew how strong his aid was. Even though he was just a level five true Immortal he was respected even within his organisation.

And now a man was able to challenge him, and he was just an immortal. No matter how much of a genius a person is, can they really surmount an entire realm?

' Soul weapons... just who are these people? '

Madara's aura kept on spiking. The true flames around him increased in size, they kept merging causing violent blasts of energy to erupt all around the area.

The old man's eyebrows shot up.

' Not good! I can't let him go on! '

His Qi spiked and charged in. The hammer in his hands hummed as a metallic glint covered it.

His figure flashed and appeared behind Madara, he wanted to get close but those terrifying true flames threatened to burn him alive if he went any closer.

Gathering his Qi the old man let out a roar.

" Ten Thousand Hammer! "

Qi silhouettes of huge hammers appeared behind the old man. A faint ripple spread out with him as the center.

Madara felt a slight nudge as his body sunk down from mid air. He felt as if a heavy mountain was crushing upon him.

' Domain! '

This was the exclusive ability of anyone who breaks through from peak half Immortal to Immortal.


Domain is formed by every person's take on their laws, as they go further in Cultivation their insights into their laws also gets stronger, which would further strengthen their domain.

Madara was a whole realm lower in Cultivation than the old man so obviously his insights were lacking.

The old man's Qi flared up, this time he didn't hold back and attacked unleashing every ounce of strength he had.

Hundreds of hammer silhouettes crowded the sky. The light from the sun was blocked by these silhouettes and night seemed to have descended down on that particular part of forest.

Madara didn't panic, his Qi circulated even faster. The flames around him seemed to reached its final stages.

His eyes gleamed as he watched those huge hammers descent upon him. He raised his sword which was now fully covered in flames. The space around it was distorted and on the verge of breaking.

Among those hundreds of heaven crushing hammers Madara's figure seemed tiny.

" True Flames style... Heavens Fall."

He made a simple swipe at those thousands of hammers. From his sword a faint line of ripple flashed.


Before any of those hammer silhouettes could reach Madara, flames surged from all around the area. Pale yellow flames and violet flames burned brightly.

Violent energy came crashing down on these hammers. Each of these shadows were starting to burn, and like a wild fire they were completely engulfed by flames.

The sky over the wilderness seemed to be burned down from a distance. Space was starting to destabilise causing cracks to appear.

boom! boom!....

Don't know which one it was but like fire crackers each one of those hammers started to explode. The resulting energy was completely burnt down and erased.