251. Yhwach

Lille Barro, one of the royal guards to Yhwach. In his entire life he never once faltered before his Majesty's enemy, he would always carry out his orders to his death.

Their invasion into Soul Society, breaking into Royal Palace, Killing Zero Sqaud.... everything went smooth. To them such feat wasn't considered impossible, just hard.

But as he faced this man before him, Lille felt his heart tremble. An emotion he has only ever felt from his King started to seep his heart.... Fear.

Yes. Lille Barro, one of the elite among elites felt fear.

His code was X, The X axis. He could fire at a location he locks without it being blocked, that was his power. It was an astonishing ability, even the Zero Squad fell before this power.

But, it seems fate was playing tricks on him. A man using Guns suddenly appeared, killing the other Royal Guards like pigs to slaughter. He even countered his bullets like it was nothing.

" Fire."

" What?... "

" Fire at me."

Stark said to Lille. His eyes showed no emotion, just indifference. Lille wasn't gonna wait around to die, at this point he didn't care whether his opponent could block or not. A single opportunity was all he needed to kill Stark.




Lille fired three consecutive shots from three different axis. One to Stark's heart, one to his head, one to his gut.

Three shots from three angles, Stark assessed the incoming attacks and raised an eye.

' I see.... it's similar but weak.'

Bang! Bang! Bang!..

Stark's hands blurred as he fired as well. Three loud explosions shook the air.

Lille already knew his attack would be blocked, but seeing it still shocked him. He used high speed movement to get around Stark and attacked again and again.

But ever single shot was countered, Lille felt death approach him step by step. He looked inside the Palace, hoping for his King to help him but.... noone came.

" You looked away."

An eerie voice reached his eyes, Lille felt his blood freeze hearing those words. His head stiffly turned aside to see Stark stand before him, Los Lobos was already aimed at his head.

" Your ability is good, jumping space to hit the target. But..... it's just a trash ability compared to mine."

Stark took back Los Lobos and aimed at the sky. His eyes suddenly changed, his pupils now contained a ' Mark ' pattern seen on sniper scopes.

" Heavens Mark."


For a second Lille saw a energy circle flash past the mouth of Los Lobos.

He didn't understand why Stark didn't fire at him but a split second later he felt danger approach. All his hair stood erect sensing it, without even considering where danger was coming from he dodged.

But..... that feeling was still there, even stronger.

' What is it!? What..... is it that shot!?! '

He couldn't see the attack, not could he sense it. All he could do was to dodge based on instinct.

But as time passed he felt death getting closer.

" You dodged very well, now..... die."


Lille fell down, his head was gone. Even to the last second he didn't understand how he died.

Stark nodded towards Ryu and went inside.

Ryu and the others kept silent and followed. The Shinigamis felt their world view crumble, all this time they were fighting with their lives on the line and for what?

Stark just waltzed in and killed everyone like ants.


Jugram who was beside Yhwach spoke.

" Lille is dead."

" No matter. They will still bow before me."

At this moment sound of footsteps echoed through the silent halls. Jugram unsheathed his sword and got ready. He didn't know if he could defeat this man but he had to try.

" Welcome, Coyote Stark."

Yhwach said towards the darkness. Stark stepped out from the darkness and stared at Yhwach.

" You must be their King."

" Yes. And now the god of this world and yours."

" God.... even Ryu wouldn't say those words."

" Hmm... "

Stark aimed Los Lobos at Yhwach. Jugram who was beside Yhwach couldn't wait any longer and attacked.

" Jugram stop! "

Yhwach suddenly froze. He ordered Jugram to stop attacking Stark but it was too late.

Bang! Bang!

Jugram fell down, his head was gone like the other Quincies before him except there was a large hole in his chest as well.

Stark looked at Jugram's corpse and commented

" Good ability, but choose your opponents wisely in next life."

Ryu and company were watching the fight from sidelines. Yachiru and Kenpachi had a bored look on their faces.

" This is so boring. If I had known this I wouldn't have come! One pesky fellow, Che! "

The other Captains felt their mouth twitch hearing those words. They risked their lives to fight these monsters and yet here was a lunatic complaining about not enough opponents.

" Noone could have foreseen this, even I am surprised."

Stark stepped over Jugram's corpse and walked towards Yhwach. The Mark Pattern within his eyes glowed in the dark, this made Yhwach frown.

Just as Stark was about to fire, several black shadows attacked him.

Stark wasn't flustered, he calmly looked before him. Just inches away from streaks of black lines thick as an arm wiggled, trying to penetrate what seemed to be an energy barrier.

But no matter what they did, it didn't budge. Stark looked to the Shadows.

" You disappeared as soon as I came, did you really think I wouldn't notice? "

He was speaking to a hooded figure. The Sternritter C, Pernida. Due to instinct, Pernida hid as soon as he saw Stark and waited for his chance to attack.

Stark looked at Pernida indifferent, his energy spiked for a second.

" You are different, I don't want to waste my time."

Heavens Mark Pattern, A Cross shape within a circle with runes flashed around the mouth of Los Lobos.


Before Pernida could react Heaven Mark Pattern covered his entire body, blasting a huge hole on him. His body crumbled and dispersed.

Yhwach watched silently. It was at this moment Stark asked

" Tell me ' God '..... can you see your future? "