252. God?


Yhwach laughed out loud hearing Stark's words. Stark stared with indifference at Yhwach, Los Lobos aimed at him and fired.


Yhwach's body was completely covered in black energy, several eyes creeped along this energy.

A second later Yhwach walked out, unharmed.

" Your Reitsu is strong but it's meaningless against me."

" Is that so? "

Stark fired again.

The dark energy covering Yhwach spread out, devouring Stark's attack. It didn't stop there, but continued to attack him.

Stark moved around, dodging these attacks. Suddenly he jumped up.

Where he was a second ago was now filled with black spikes. Stark looked at Yhwach lazily, his eyes darted around that dark energy.

" Heh... Time Laws? "

" Hmm."

Yhwach was surprised at Stark's words. He made a grabbing motion.

The dark energy swirmed around Stark, trying to devour him. Stark stood still this time, allowing the darkness to cover him. In seconds he was completely devoured.

" Shit!! "

" Oi! You gonna wait around for him to die!! "

Renji yelled at Ryu.

" Huh? Shut up! I am already pissed off, don't make me slice you to pieces."

Kenpachi barked at Renji, making him shut up. Ryu stated with a smile.

" Renji, have you ever seen a cat play with a mouse? Eventhough the cat could kill it immediately, it doesn't. Instead it plays with it till the last spark of it's life dies down.

Just watch."

Yhwach clenched his fist, trying to squeeze out Stark's life.


His power was forcefully scattered. Reishi formed a storm in that closed space destroying everything within.

Yhwach looked forward, his eyes were covered with dark energy but if it wasn't then shock would be seen inside.

Stark walked out from within, not a scratch on him.

" Is that it? "

" You!!...


Stark didn't wait for his answer and fired. Yhwach hastily prepared a shield of darkness, trying to defend but.....


Blood splattered. Yhwach looked at his hands, blood seeped out from a hole on his palm.

' How!? I rewrote that future!! '

Stark suddenly appeared infront of him. Los Lobos aimed at his chest.


" Aaaaahhhhhhhh....!!! "

Yhwach yelled out loud, darkness immediately descended upon everyone. The entire Royal Palace was changing, the Reishi was changing as well.

Yhwach barely managed to escape that shot.

" Good job. You dodged that one, how about three percent? "

Stark moved like a ghost appearing before Yhwach. Los Lobos was already at Yhwach's throat, ready to take his life.

Yhwach drew his sword. Reishi descended upon him like tides, trying to push away Stark.

" I am the God of this world!! You are nothing more than an Arrancar!! An experiment!! You can never match me! "

Against the mighty Reishi storm Stark stood like a mountain. Los Lobos was still aimed at Yhwach's throat.

Yhwach in his desperation tried to hack at Stark but...



His other Gun fired once, deflecting and destroying Yhwach's sword. The other gun locked onto Yhwach and.....


A bloody hole appeared on Yhwach's throat.

" Ho... puu... How!?.... I transformed the future!... puu... "

Scattered words came out his mouth, blood accompanied each word. Stark stared at Yhwach with indifference.

" Future? Don't be naive. You are just a Half Immortal, you can at best meddle with future. To transform it? That's the funniest joke I ever heard."

" Mongrel!! I am Wanhwelt!! The first Quincy and a God, my very existence is the reason this world lives."

" Get this through your skull, you are a toad living in a well. There is a much vaster world out there, far more dangerous than I am. Any one of those existence can wipe you out instantly.

God? If you are God then what would those existences be? "

Stark's Qi spiked for a second. Heavens Mark pattern appeared for a brief period on Los Lobos.

" Goodbye ' God '."


Yhwach's body was covered by Heavens Mark, his head exploded and his body crumbled to nothing.

Stark sealed Los Lobos and walked out. A rift appeared before him and he stepped in, disappearing from everyone's sight.

" It's over? Just like that? "

" Yeah."

Renji couldn't believe it.

" Then why the heck did we train like hell these past few days!!? "

Ryu threw his hands and shrugged. He looked at Zero Squad's corpse on last time before disappearing.


Stark directly returned to Division Four. By the time he did Harribel was already up, she was dazed when she saw stark and turned her head away.

" You are up."

" Hmm."

" Are you alright? "

" Hmm."


The mood got awkward. Luckily Ryu and the others appeared just in time, they witnessed how Harribel who was a strong willed woman acting all shy and embarrassed.

The most shocked one was Toushiro.

' Is she the same woman who fought me? '

The sister trio looked dumbfounded seeing Stark and their sister. They looked at each other

' This isn't good.'

' He is dumber than we thought.'

' Looks like we have to come up with a plan.'

Ryu showed sly smile.

" Oh, Harribel! Looks like you are fine, Stark nearly went nuts."

Harribel's face was tinted with a red hue, the sister trio gave a thumbs up. Stark stared at Ryu and walked out.

" Be prepared we will be pulled back in two days."

Stark nodded.

They came through the Token. If it was in the same realm they could go back whenever they please but since they were from the Immortal realm, it's different.

They would be pulled back after some time.

With Yhwach's death, the Blood War was over.