253. Return

It's been several hours since Stark killed Yhwach. The Shinigamis have started to reorganize Gotei 13, and with the news of Yamamoto still alive boosted their morale.

Ryu was sitting face to face with Genryuusai Yamamoto.

" I didn't ask for your help."

" I didn't help you Yamamoto, I only paid what I owed."

Yamamoto stared at Ryu

" Right."

Ryu smiled brightly. It wasn't easy to make this stubborn old man give in, even if it means his life.

Gotei 13 has already began reconstruction, and since most Captains are alive everything was going fine.

The amusing fact during this time was about Harribel and Stark.

Stark being a natural airhead and Harribel being a strong willed woman, things were bound to get twisted.

Harribel found it hard to speak to Stark, while the latter just nodded or slept.

" Sis, you got to be more active."

" Yeah, look at him! He is a lazy ass fool, if you want him to notice you then you need to be more pro active."

Harribel was listening to her sisters so called advice on how to get Stark's attention. Kisuke seemed to have a lot of fun supplying ideas.

" No ladies! The key to a man's heart is through food, that is the universal truth!! No man could ever resist a caring woman! "

" Oi bastard! What are you implying!?! "

" Are you saying Sis isn't good enough!? "

" Choose your words wisely, Kisuke Urahara! "

" Now now ladies, calm down. Just think about it, he went nuts when he saw you hurt didn't he? "

Harribel felt her face heat up when this topic was brought out. After she woke up her sisters explained how Stark went on a killing spree.

" See. He already has a place for you in his heart, but he doesn't realize it!! "

The sisters felt some truth to his words.

" So what do you think we should do? "

" Simple, appeal to him. Show him your good side, speak up! "

" Huh? She couldn't speak to him that's why we are looking for other ways."

" Wrong. How can you ask him out for a date if you don't speak up? How can you show him your good side without that date? "

" Hmm..... there's is some truth to that."

" How can you know? You never had a boyfriend."

" Shut up!! I saw lots of movies, so I know! "

Kisuke stopped their squabble and said to Harribel.

" I can take care of the date part for you but the rest is in your hands."

Harribel was stunned.

" You... can do that? "

Kisuke smiled slyly.

" Of course. Just be prepared, he will ask you out before dusk tomorrow."

That same day, at night.

Stark suddenly walked upto Harribel and asked.

" Are you free tomorrow? "

Eventhough Harribel was prepared she still felt her heart race.

" Yes."

" Good. Let's go for a walk, tomorrow? "

" Ok."


Stark and Harribel were walking through Karakura town.

Shinigamis have already brought back the humans and rewrote their memories. The destruction was related to a major gas leak and settled.

Harribel walked side by side with Stark. They didn't speak but Harribel felt an odd sense of peace walking along Stark like this. She looked at Stark by her side and remembered Kisuke's words.

" Remember, use any kind of excuse and grab his hand. That's your first goal."


She took a deep breath, her heart raced as she repeated her goal in her mind. She was about to grab his hand but pulled back. It was at this moment when someone walked by, hitting her causing her to lose balance.

Stark turned around to see this and immediately grabbed her hand, making sure she didn't fall.

" You ok? "

" I am fi.... fine."

The one who hit her apologized and walked along. Stark wanted to let go but Harribel held his hand tightly. He didn't think of it as a big issue and let her be.

" Now after you have done that make sure to go to different places."

" How would I know where to go? "

" Relax. Once you are inside a mall, you will know."

Now Harribel understood what Kisuke meant. There were different kinds of stores in every direction, the only dilemma she faced was to pick one.

Luckily Stark was also interested in many things so under his guide both of them went through several stores.

Unknowingly both of them seemed to have forgotten that awkward silence that always existed between them. Harribel started to smile sweetly.

Stark for a second was stunned, he then quickly shook it off. Both of them enjoyed the trip to their hearts content.

Before both of them realised the sun was already setting.

Stark felt reluctant to leave. Knowing it was time to part both of them got back to Kisuke's house.

Ryu and Kenpachi were already there waiting.

" Stark, where the hell..... Oi Yachiru! why the f**k did you slap me!? "

" Don't know. My hand just moved on its own."

" Don't you give me that nonsense! "

Ryu shook his head. He turned to Stark and said.

" It's time."

Stark nodded. He let go of Harribel's hand, he felt as if he lost something when he did so.

Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, Kisuke and the rest were there. Ryu walked out of the house, Kenpachi along with Yachiru stood beside him.

Stark walked out as well.

Kisuke suddenly gathered beside Harribel and said something.

" Now is the chance! Go! Hug him, Kiss him, do something! "

Harribel gathered her courage and called out.

" Stark! "

Stark turned around, he felt a soft sensation on his lips. Harribel blushed hard and immediately flew away.

Ichigo and the rest had their jaws drop to the floor. Kisuke raised his fingers in victory towards them. Somehow lots of dots connected and what happened just now wasn't that surprising.

' He did this! '

Stark felt his lips. He let out a faint smile, now he understood what those emotions were.

" Wait for me Harribel. I will come back."


Ryu laughed out loud. All three of them disappeared along with that laughter.