254. Primal Stone

Ichigo and team watched them disappear. After they were gone Ichigo turned around and asked Kisuke.

" How did you do it? "

" Stark and Harribel? "

Ichigo nodded, Kisuke showed a sly smile and said

" All it takes is a slight nudge at the right times."

Ichigo could faintly guess what he did but he choose to ignore it.

Harribel watched Stark disappear from afar, his words somehow reached her. A faint smile crept onto her face, it was so beautiful.

Her sisters stared seeing Harribel's smile.

' Was sis that charming? '


Immortal Realm.

Ryu and the rest appeared within the manor. Merlin and Escanor seemed to have expected their arrival and were waiting.

" Smooth? "

" Yeah. Everyone went off? What about Hisoka? "

" Hisoka didn't give a firm reply. He said he would stroll around and didn't contact after."

" Alright."

Ryu and Merlin exchanged few words and got right to point.

" I will be leaving for the Hell chasms. I heard there were interesting materials there."

" Hell Chasm..... ok, be careful."

Ryu warned Merlin. Hell Chasm is a dangerous place but it is also filled with rare materials and herbs. For a researcher like Merlin that's a paradise.

He then turned back to Stark and Kenpachi.

" What about you guys? "

" Nothing concrete yet but I suppose I would travel and gain a better understanding of this world."

" What understanding? Let's just find some good opponents! "

Stark's felt a headache coming when thinking about his future.

" If there is nothing I will be going. See ya."

With that Ryu disappeared from their sight.

Stark got up and walked out. Kenpachi followed behind with Yachiru chirping all the way. Merlin showed a smile and snapped her fingers. Both her and Escanor were covered by a spell circle and vanished.


Far away from Rockwell city.

Here was a stretch of mountains. A lone figure walked along the rocky path whistling. It was a man.

He suddenly halted and turned around. Right infront of him a man appeared out of nowhere.

" You went pretty far Hisoka."

Hisoka shrugged.

" I just walked along and sometimes used Joker. It was fun."

" Haha, anyway why are you here? You are very far from the next city."

Hisoka didn't answer. He turned his palm, a milky white crystal appeared in his hand and threw it to Ryu.

Ryu was surprised when he saw the crystal.

" A primal stone? Where did you get it? "

" I found it."

" What!? "

Ryu was shocked. A Primal stone is something born from the accumulation of spiritual energy for hundreds of years. It contained pure energy needed for Cultivation.

Primal stones are classified into Low, Mid, High and Supreme tier. What Ryu was holding was a Mid Grade Primal stone. In Immortal world Primal stones were also a form of currency, just that their value is higher than Demon cores.

" Where? "

" Few miles west of here. From the looks of it, it was an isolated mine."

Ryu grew excited. Even if all of them were monsters and could raise their levels quickly that's only in the initial stages. The coming realms would require a mountain of resources.

But if they could get an entire mine of it, then that problem would be solved!

" Let's go then. A mine like that would come to attention sooner or later. We gotta get some advantages before anyone else finds them."

Hisoka and Ryu rushed towards their destination. The mountain was left in the distance, right now they were standing Infront of a small waterfall.

This place was not that eye catching. Only after Ryu got close could he faintly sense the density of spiritual energy inside.

Hisoka pointed behind the waterfall and said.

" There is a small entrance in that corner behind the waterfall. Only one person could fit in at a time."

Ryu nodded. He jumped behind the waterfall and saw a small entrance in a corner. The closer he got to the entrance the denser the energy was.

Every pore in his body was greedily absorbing such pure energy. Chaos energy was riled and devouring everything.

' I don't know the size of this mine but if it is a Mid Grade mine then it should be enough for all of us and even more.'

He entered the cave. The space was just enough for one person to enter at a time. Hisoka was right behind him.

They walked for few minutes before reaching an open space. Ryu looked up, glittering lights like the stars upon a dark night greeted his vision.

The walls protruded with several large stones which glowed slightly. It was beautiful to watch.

This was just the opening. Ryu looked further and saw the cave extending deeper. He looked at Hisoka.

" The cave is larger than it looks. It's atleast few dozen miles in size, and the Primal stones should all be Mid Grade."

Ryu drew in a cold breath. He still underestimated the value of this mine. A major mine like would be something that would be fought for, it's not an understatement to say that rivers of blood would flow for this mine.

Both of walked further inside. Everywhere they visited Primal stones greeted their eyes. Just as they stepped past a fork and moved further a blue clear pond appeared before them.

Ryu was surprised, it was hard to imagine he would find such clear water inside a deep cave. He walked forward and touched the water. As he did so Navii's voice rang out in his head.

[ Master, currently one mission has been activated.]