263. Battle

Ryu and Hisoka walked through the narrow passage. Both of them didn't care whether they could see further or rather they didn't have to. Just as they walked past a certain point the passage disappeared. What appeared before them was a wide hall.

Numerous holes could be seen on the walls. Ryu's eyes gleamed slightly as his lips curled up. Not long after Wolf Gang also appeared, they weren't surprised to see a sudden change in environment.

Wolf looked around and drew out his blade. His men did the same, their aura was fully unleashed and ready for battle.

Luna's group entered right at this moment. She looked around and did the same.

" Hahaha, men! Looks like we can enjoy ourselves for few days!! "


Laughter echoed through the hall. Ryu watched as numerous figures appeared out of the holes in the wall. All of them wore armours and had either a Sword or a Saber on them.

" Look at that figure, I am getting hard just from seeing them! "

" Hehe, don't worry young ladies we will make you understand what true pleasure is."

Obscene words rang out from these men but surprisingly Luna and her group was calm. Ryu nodded in appreciation, this was a true Warrior.

The bandits suddenly moved to the side giving way for a large man to come forward. A huge blood red dog walked along with him, giving rise to a bone chilling pressure. The men beside him wore respectful vision staring at this man.

' Demon Dog.... I guess he got that name because of his Contract Beast.'

Demon Dog looked at Ryu and the other men coldly. When his eyes swept past the women lust and greed emerged. Raising his Sword his yelled.

" Kill them and bring me the Women! "


With a loud roar tens of men rushed at Ryu and the others.

" Get ready! "

" Formation! "

Wolf Gang and Lunar Eclipse took a defensive formation. Ryu and Hisoka however watched everything calmly.

" 35 Immortal, 23 True Immortal with five of them being at Peak and lastly 2 Golden Immortal."

" Impressive line up."

" Let's see who kills the most."

Ryu disappeared after saying that. Like dead fish the Bandits with Immortal Cultivation around him fell down one by one. The True Immortals noticed this and assaulted him immediately.

Seeing the incoming attacks Ryu remained calm. He nimbly jumped up and palmed the weapons. The Bandit felt as if a mountain fell upon his weapon. He lost his balance delivering his neck to Ryu.

In a smooth manner Ryu twisted his neck. Even until the last second he couldn't understand how he was killed. The rest saw this and felt their blood boil up.

" Bas**rd!!! Kill him! "

" Die! "

Dozens of abilities were thrown at Ryu but under their shocked eyes all of it simply passed through him. Before they could react Ryu suddenly appeared beside one of them and punched his chest.


A slight sound was heard then the man fell down. The other Bandits finally understood

" This guy isn't a normal Immortal! "

" Careful. He can phase through attacks and use Teleportation so he must one of those rare Spatial Warriors! "

While Ryu was doing his slaughter Hisoka was being besieged by dozens of Immortals and Couple of True Immortals. Like an agile monkey Hisoka jumped around them dodging every attack coming at him.

After tens of attack he was finally surrounded by several enemies.

" Why aren't you running!? "

" See if you can jump around monkey!? Try!! Come on try!! "

Hisoka wore a smile that made them uncomfortable. One of them couldn't take it anymore and went for his neck.

Luna wanted to help Hisoka but was besieged by several bandits. The Bandit leader was fighting her while his Contract Beast was attacking Wolf. She couldn't even get an advantage over this man let alone Hisoka.

However she still couldn't believe Hisoka and Ryu would be foolish enough to throw away their life. Atleast that's what she understood from that brief moment when her friend tried to attack Ryu.

' Was I wrong? Is he really that weak? '

The weapon cut the air and was just and inch away from Hisoka's throat but suddenly it stopped. Luna watched in astonishment as the Bandit fell down, his head rolled away from him leaving a bloody trail.

Her pupils shrunk as she watched this.

' How did he? '

Before she could realise how he did it the other Bandits charged in at Hisoka but... like the one before, all of them fell down with rolling heads leaving a bloody trail.

Her back chilled when she saw this sight.

' Holy.. thank God I stopped her! Otherwise... '

The Bandit leader's eyes were red. Those were his men! Men he cultivated through the years and yet now they were being killed like pigs.

" Cerberus! Kill him!! "

The Demon Dog battling Wolf acknowledged his master and was about to go after Hisoka.

" Where do you think you are going twerp!? Stay! "

His long Sword gleamed with darkness as he slashed at the Dog.


Due to carelessness the attack connected making a large wound on its body. Vapour erupted from the wound trying to heal it but darkness around the wound prevented from doing so.

The Bandit Leader was now panicking. He assumed it would be easy to kill these guys off. But those two Immortals messed up his plan, those two nearly took out a large part of his group! And they didn't show any signs of stopping!

' This can't go on! '

The Bandit Leader seemed to have made up his mind. He took out a Token inscribed with seals.

Seeing the seal Luna and Wolf acted immediately. Both of took out Token as well and crushed it without hesitation. In an instant the entire hall was covered by a strange power.

" What!! "

" Hmph! Do you really think we would come without any preparations? "

The leader despaired. He didn't except to lose against these people even with double the combat power.

While the battle raged on none of them noticed the blood disappear into the soil.