264. Awakening

The battle was heating up. Luna and Wolf were dealing with the Bandit Leader and the Demon Dog while their team dealt with the other small fries.

Ryu and Hisoka had already done their part. Dozens of bodies littered around them fully soaked in blood. Hisoka and Ryu had a peculiar expression on their faces.

The Bandit Leader truly felt infuriated. His hard trained men were gone and it's even a question whether he could live through this.

" Cerberus!! "

Letting out a loud roar Cerberus's body grew. Two more head made of burning flame appeared on its shoulders. The Bandit Leader didn't hesitate and jumped on its back.

" Stop him!! "

" Damnit! "

Flames surged around Cerberus causing the space around them to twist. The energy trapping them inside the cave started to burn and disappear. Seeing a gap appear Cerberus charged out.

" No you don't."

Ryu raised a finger and slashed down. Before the Bandit leader could react a horrifying Sword Arc swept past his Demon Dog. A neat cut appeared on its body before slipping into two pieces.

Blood rained down like torrents. The Bandit Leader was also affected by the attack, a long wound appeared on his chest. He fell down on a pool of its own contracted beasts blood.

" That's.....

" C-crazy...

Luna and Wolf were dumbfounded. They were fighting neck and neck with these two for some time but this man before them just swiped his hand and one of them was dead while the other on the verge of death.

Ryu didn't even bother with such trash. The man's Qi wasn't even pure to begin with, moreover his battle capability was shit.

Among Immortal Grade and above of the same level there is a clear distinction of power. Someone training in low Grade Manual will lose terribly to someone using a High Grade one.

All Titans trained in Supreme Manuals. The energy within them was a hundred times purer then anyone using Immortal Grade Manuals. Moreover their talents were off the charts.

Even after seriously wounding the Bandit Leader Ryu didn't move. He just watched in amusement. Luna and Wolf didn't understand what was happening. Nodding at each other both of them went for the kill.

Just as they reached him an unexpected situation arised Black smoke rose from the ground shaped like tendrils and pierced the Bandit Leader and the Demon Dog. Before he could even squeak all the blood and energy within him was devoured by the black tendrils.

A chill ran up Luna and Wolf's spine. Both of them immediately retreated. Seconds later two dried up corpse laid before them. Sweat trickled down their face watching this horrible scene.


The walls of the hall shook as rubble fell down. Black smoke started to rise from the ground, with its appearance the remaining blood was also absorbed. A strange energy started to ripple from deep inside the ground.

As they watched the ground split forming a bottomless hole. A huge pitch black claw rose from the darkness, it's pierced through the earth and pulled up the remaining body.

A pair of blood red eyes emerged from the darkness. The menace in those eyes caused Luna and Wolf to shudder. They wanted to escape but they knew if they did then whatever chances they had would go out the window.

Soon the huge monster fully escaped from the darkness. It's pitch black body emanated a strange energy causing their energy to stagnate. Previously their Qi flow was like a water stream unobstructed but now.... it seemed like walking through mud.

A horrifying information was jolted from their minds sensing this power.

" Ni-nightmare beast!! Its a Nightmare beast!! "

Luna's face paled as she realised what kind of beast was before her. She now knew this would be her grave, letting out a bitter smile she looked at her friends.

" Sorry.....

" What do you mean sis? If we die, we die. If not for you we wouldn't know what kind of fate have befallen us."

" Yeah sis, It's alright. We had a lot of fun and that's enough."

Ryu watched Luna and her team with a smile. His eyes scanned past Wolf and couldn't help but show appreciation. Their team didn't speak any words and yet a certain conviction flashed through their eyes.

' They have a bad attitude but as Warriors they pass.''

" Hey.... this one is mine."

Ryu turned around to find Hisoka staring at the Nightmare Beast with a wide grin.

" Sure."

He stepped back and sat down. Hisoka stepped forward, he passed Luna and Wolf's team and stood before the terrifying beast. The beast was a Golden Immortal Level beast, it had a certain level of intelligence.

In its eyes the human before it was weird. That look in his eyes was very familiar to it's those were the eyes of a predator looking at its prey. But that couldn't be, this human was but a mere Immortal how would he dare look at it with those eyes.


Letting out a bone chilling roar the beast swiped its massive claws at Hisoka. It expected blood and bones to fall down but nothing. It's attack hit empty air.

Hisoka was already above it. His hands held onto several cards and threw it at the beast.

Ding... Ding....

Like a bullet against a steel wall his attacks just made loud sounds and were bounced off. Hisoka smiled even more and took out another card, an Ace.

" Call."

The card slowly changed. From the size of a palm it's changed into two violet daggers. Hisoka's body flashed and closed the distance between him and the beast.

Drawing his hands back his daggers pierced into the beasts eyes. The beast was fully enraged now, it had just awoken and already someone was trying to kill it and just a mere Immortal at that. This truly infuriated the beast.

Black smoke swirled around forming a cover around its eyes. Those blood red eyes glowed with a strange colour covered by the black mist. Hisoka's arm felt like it hit solid wall, he immediately retreated and drew out several cards.

Luna and Wolf were stunned. They were prepared for an all out battle, they were prepared for a life and death battle but this weird man suddenly engaged the beast in a 1 on 1 match!

They looked at each other and came to a decision. Just as they were about to step out to help a voice reached their ears.

" I suggest you don't. If you interfere then he might kill you first then deal with the beast."