265. Hisoka's Ability

" He will kill us for helping?? "

Luna and Wolf looked back at Ryu who was laid back and watching the battle.

" Why would he do that? Doesn't he want to live? "

Luna carefully asked. Ryu shook his head and pointed at Hisoka.

" He doesn't like anyone touching his prey. In fact none among us do, especially Hisoka. He would haunt you if you interfere in his match and believe me when I say so you don't want a crazy guy like him as your enemy."

Wolf still held up his guard. He didn't believe an Immortal would be able to defeat a Golden Immortal. Luna however got something else from their conversation.

' Among them? Does that mean these guys are part of a group? '

The battle was raging on. Hisoka's attack couldn't breach the Beasts defence. Similarly the Beast's size gave him the advantage he needed. His daggers gleamed coldly as he went for critical parts of its body.

Luna and Wolf didn't understand why Hisoka was doing such a pointless action. He had already striked the same part over dozen times but still he couldn't breach it's defence.

Just as he was about to make another jab at its tendons black mist erupted from the ground and bound Hisoka. A huge claw was already approaching his head giving no chance for him to dodge.

Just as the claw was about to tear his head an card materialised before that huge claw. A Joker smiled widely on the card.

" Call."

The claw went through Hisoka like a hot knife through butter. When everyone thought it was over Hisoka's body dissipated into the air. Right above the beast Hisoka materialised, a large wound on his chest. Blood soaked his entire clothes but his face showed no pain instead he seemed more excited.

The Violet Dagger gleamed coldly. This time the beast felt danger. Black mist raged before forming a shield around its head. The Violet Dagger pierced through the mist stopping an inch before its head. Hisoka's eyes gleamed brightly, he dissipated into the air and appeared right beside it's heart.

Like before Black mist formed a protective shield. Unlike before the beast actively dodged every one of Hisoka's attack. Dodging with such a huge body was troublesome but using the Black mist it was able to do so.

" How is this possible? "

Luna muttered in disbelief. If Hisoka was the one doing it then it was fine, his power was low to begin with but that beast? No way. That was a Nightmare Beast, a fearsome creature with a divine ability to stagnate and consume it's opponents Qi and Blood.

Ryu heard heard her words and smiled. The fearsome ability of its wasn't a threat to Hisoka, unless of course he was captured then that would be troublesome.

" Sis, is it just me or are there some kind of strange things around them? "

One among the ladies pointed out. Luna and Wolf looked closely and found strange ripples around Hisoka and the Beast. When they used their senses they were stupified.

' Cards??.. '

Within their senses were innumerable cards. Each card seemed to have blended with the air and stood there silently. No threat was emanating from it but then, why were they there?

Right at this moment the Beast howled loudly. Everyone looked closely and took a cold breath. One of the beasts eyes were bleeding like a water fountain.

Hisoka licked the blade and showed a crazy smile. That large wound on his chest coupled with his smile sent a shiver down everyones spine.

Out of anger the Beast's energy went berserk. The black mist formed tendrils that drilled towards Hisoka. It pierced through him but like before his body dissipated.

Luna watching closely found out how he did it. Whenever he dissipated a card would disappear. And he would appear right where the card was.

' He is replacing the cards. Not only that his power works by stacking, more he stack the stronger his next attack gets.'

Like a ghost Hisoka jumped around the Beast. There was two realms difference between them, such a wide margin can't simply be overcome with just power alone. With the amount of power the beast held Hisoka couldn't completely dodge of the impact.

His body was covered in numerous small cuts. However each cut only seemed to excite him. His senses got sharp and his attacks got stronger.

" Shouldn't you help out? If this goes on he will die."

Luna asked Ryu.

" Die? You are watching the battle right? Then watch closely."

Hearing this words all of them stared intently but found nothing. Luna was confused they were looking at the battle but couldn't spot anything other than the cards. Then it hit her.

' Watch closely?? '

She seemed to have picked up something. Her Qi flowed through her eyes and then she saw something she would never forget.

The cards floating before her wasn't simply standing there. Innumerable Violet strings connected through them forming a maze of strings. Just a step inside and you would be completely bound by it.

" How is this possible!? If there was something like this then we would be able to sense it!! "

Ryu laughed loudly and answered her doubts.

" That's why you should never look down on Hisoka. Using Qi in your eyes allows you to see certain things you won't be able to normally but this becomes obsolete once you become an Immortal.

The connection to the world and your spirit allows you to sense whether something is near you or not. Hisoka ability however is different it can only be seen by your eyes. Some may think it's easy to beat him once you realise this but they will pay dearly if they think so.

There are no weaklings among us, only monsters."