266. Are They Crazy?

Ryu's words stunned Luna and Wolf.

' No Weaklings.... Only Monsters..... '

Turning back to look at Hisoka they kind of understood what he meant. With just Immortal Level strength he was already challenging something a realm above him. Not only that, this guy seemed unafraid of death!

The beast felt a faint sense of crisis shroud it. It didn't know from where but it felt death breathe down on its neck. Fear started to emerge in its eyes.


A roar shook the hall. The black mist around the beast shook and went on a rampage. It tried to bound Hisoka and tear him to pieces. A surprising thing was the Beast's size, it was shrinking!!

" Oh no! Kill it now! That's it's Innate ability, once it sense danger it will sacrifice half of its energy to condense its body and strengthen its overall abilities! "

Luna yelled out. She didn't want Hisoka to die, if he did then it would be over for them. At its shrunk stage the beast would be thrice as strong as it was before.

But unfortunately her words fell on deaf ears. Hisoka while bathed in his own blood and the Beast's watched on as it completed the transformation.

The huge beast shrunk until it was slightly bigger than a tiger. It looked less menacing now but everyone here could sense a terrifying power brewing inside it.

Hisoka licked his lips and shot forward. His eyes gleamed coldly chilling everyones heart.

' That Lunatic!! '

Even Wolf who seemed unafraid of death felt his heart turn cold sensing Hisoka's murder intent. He has seen battle maniacs before but noone like this man. He was extremely talented, even heaven defying. Coupled with that crazy intent to battle he became someone far more dangerous than those so called battle maniacs.

" B-Boss....

His subordinate who lashed out at Ryu at the entrance shivered in fright. He was afraid Hisoka would come after him.

" Cool down. Since they didn't actively seek us then it's fine."

Hisoka was fast but the shrunken beast was faster. It's body flickered within the black mist and suddenly appeared behind Hisoka. Those large cruel eyes locked onto Hisoka and bit on his neck.

Barely dodging Hisoka dispersed into the air and appeared near its head. Going for those menacing eyes Hisoka had a Joker card in his hand

" Call."

The Beast stagnated for a second. Using this opportunity Hisoka stabbed towards its eyes but before he could reach his goal a large paw was already taking a swing to tear his heart out.

" Huh? "

Ryu was surprised. Usually Hisoka's Joker would seal an opponents abilities, even against higher realm opponents it would still work but only for few seconds. But this beast ignored that ability.

" In that form Nightmare Beast is purely depending on physical attributes not energy."

" Oh, interesting."

Ryu replied with a curious smile as he looked at the Nightmare Beast. Luna rolled his eyes over his careless manner.

Hisoka was surprised and couldn't dodge in time. Like that another huge wound appeared on his torso. Blood and fresh mangled over his body but that Intent to battle didn't lessen if anything it became stronger.

" What the....

One of Wolf's subordinates couldn't help but gasp loudly. How can someone still fight in that condition? Is he even human?

Hisoka's blood dripped down like a leaking pipe. Even bloodied he was still able to barely dodge the beast. A smirk started to form over his lips. The beast felt something wrong, that smile scared it.

Black mist started converge and cover its body. Like a cocoon it wrapped the Beast and encased it in a mass of Black Mist.

Hisoka smiled and took out a card. This time it was the Queen.

" Call."

Just as he said those words the invisible innumerable strings around them started to darken in colour. Luna and Wolf felt their heart cringe when they saw this scene. Unknowingly they all thought the same thing.

' That's gonna be painful.'

The strings started constrict. The Beast encased in Black Mist felt its body go out of control. It's limbs felt like they were crushed by mountains. No matter what it did not a fiber on its body obeyed it.

Like a fly caught in a web it flailed around trying to get free. But the harder it struggled stronger the binding became. It was panicking, fear started to fill its eyes.

Hisoka walked towards the Beast slowly. Each step left a bloodied footprint on the ground. He flipped his palm, this time another card was on his hand, The King.

Seeing the Beasts eyes he smiled widely.

" Call."

As those words left his lips light started to gather. Blinding Violent energy converged on the card. It dispersed into countless specks of light before taking the shape of huge broad sword. The sword merged with his daggers, the sheer power within caused the dagger to tremble.

The beast roared crazily. The Black mist raged on, trying to break free from whatever that was restraining it. Hisoka stood before its eyes and said with a smile.

" Bye~~ "

Before the Beast could let out a roar his Daggers pierced its head, lodging deep into its skull. Those menacing eyes full of fear slowly lost its light and finally died down. Hisoka seemed to have exhausted all of his strength and starting to lose his consciousness.

Ryu took his cue and held him up like a rag doll. He then turned to Luna and Wolf

" The Task is completed. We will take thirty of the reward you guys can take the rest."

" Alright."

Luna and Wolf had no problem with that arrangement. If not for Hisoka they would have died.

" Hey is he ok? "

Wolf suddenly asked.

" He is fine."

Wolf looked at the still bleeding Hisoka and asked again.

" He lost a lot of blood."

" Haha, It's alright he is no stranger to blood loss."

Luna also asked.

" Are you sure? He looks pale."

" Haha, don't worry. Even if we strain all his blood this guy won't die so easily."

Wolf "..."

Luna "..."