267. Surprise

Under Luna and Wolf's dumbfounded gaze Ryu left with Hisoka. Both of them gave thirty High Grade Spirit Stones to Ryu and ended the Task. However the names under Task completion would include Ryu and Hisoka being prime fighters.

Ryu had travelled far and settled somewhere safe. He sealed the surroundings and turned to Hisoka. Looking at his wounds Ryu mumbled under his breath.

" How great would it be if I could heal him just with my energy."

Some time ago Law had a heated discussion with Ryu about how he used his energy.

" Listen, your energy is by far the strongest and purest of healing type energy I have ever come across. But! The way you use it is way too elementary. You have a good command over physical structure, with Chaos energy you would be able to heal even the craziest of wounds."

" Hmm..... but the applications of my energy is weakened against higher grade cultivators."

" True. Towards Mortals even with Half Immortal Grade strength your energy is wondrous but used on Immortal and above... that's a different case.

Immortals are essentially different, their body make up is vastly different. Even the slightest of wound would require the same energy to save a gravely wounded Half Immortal. Not only that, there are certain factors that limit the crude way you use energy.

So when treating an Immortal and above follow these steps...

Ryu's Spirit swept Hisoka. Each of his wound was completely analysed in seconds.

" Find the root... clear broken parts..... correct bones..... restore organs..... treat internal bleeding...

Ryu stretched out his hand. Strings of Chaos energy emerged from his palms and covered Hisoka. They penetrated deep into his body, before following what law taught him.

Shards of bones and pieces of internal organs were pulled out and discarded. Chaos energy swept the entire cave, Ryu was extremely focused. His eyes were narrowed, only now did he understand how hard it was to treat an Immortal.

The amount of energy he just expanded could easily heal a Half Immortal on the verge of death. Luckily Ryu had a good understanding of human structure, with his ability he was finally able to do his part.

Heaving a sigh Ryu took back his energy. Making sure Hisoka was alright Ryu stepped out. He stretched slightly and looked up.

" Now, what should I do? Heaven Alliance is pretty vast, should we go outside this planet? "

He was walking around aimlessly when he sensed someone slightly away from him. Surprised, Ryu walked over. Infront of him stood a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old. He was holding a broken sword and pointing at a Rock Lizard.

The youths eyes were cold. His entire body was bleeding but he showed no feat. Even after staring at death he didn't fear, this surprised Ryu. Suddenly a feeling rose in his heart and activated Chaos eyes. What he saw stunned him.

Unlike the bloody scene before where the boy stared at death, what appeared before Ryu was a world filled with golden lines covering that youth. Dense and innumerable golden lines twined around the youth, it looked like a cloak from a third persons view.

" Destined.....

A smile crept up Ryu's face. He continued to watch.

The lizard hissed loudly and chomped at the youth. A hair breath away from death the youth barely managed to dodge. His broken sword swept the side of its gut trying to pry it open.

Unfortunately for a dull sword the best it couldn't even leave a mark. The youth however didn't give up he used this chance to escape. Dragging his worn body he ran.

The Lizard roared loudly and chased after him. Running for a while under the furious attack of the Lizard the boy finally gave in. His legs tried to gather strength to take another step but failed. Under his cold gaze that huge mouth drew closer.

' Sorry mom... '

He closed his eyes to welcome death. But after few seconds nothing happened. Confused he opened his eyes. A man with bright red hair stood before him, his hand held that large mouth like a piece of twig and grinned.

" Nice expression you got there."

Ryu spoke with a smile. He liked this youth, he got guts. Even to death he didn't bat an eye.

" Let's take care of this lizard first."

Under the youth's stunned gaze Wood sprag out from the ground and bound the lizard. Within seconds the lizard was completely encased in wood. Ryu walked up and lightly tapped the wood.


The wood cracked open. A large lizard fell down with its tongue rolled out. It was dead. Turning to the youth who was stunned Ryu asked.

" Why are you so deep inside the Wilderness? "

Snapping out of his shock the youth struggled to get up and bowed to Ryu.

" Respected Lord please, please train me! "

Ryu was surprised. He looked deeply at him and asked.

" You seek revenge."

Biting his lips the youth replied with extreme hatred.

" Yes."

Ryu didn't reply. The youth still bowed, he was praying that this Lord would help him. Help him take revenge.

" Let's go. I like that attitude of yours."

Ryu walked back. The youth lifted his head fiercely and found Ryu walk away. Gathering his strength the youth followed.

" Ah, what's your name? "

The youth said with respect

" Master, my name is Mael."

The world would never imagine that this would be the birth of a legend.