274. Chosen Battle

Mael looked at the towering walls before him with melancholy. It's been two years since he ran away, he was no longer the clueless kid he was before. Time with his Master has shown him how large the world is and being weak would only lead to your fate being decided by others.

Taking a deep breath Mael walked forward. He joined the large line of people waiting to enter the huge city before him. This city was one of the major strongholds of Heaven Alliance and it came under the rule of the Wood Sect.

After queueing for some time Mael finally entered the city. The guards looked at Mael with peculiar gazes but he ignored them and walked in.

Gazing around he found the roads filled with people. People from almost every sect and power could be seen moving around. Mael found a vendor nearby and gave him some money.

" Where can I register for the competition? "

The vendor rubbed the beast core between his fingers and pointed to the center of the city.

" Go forward, take a left and you will come across a shop, Heavenly Pills. That place is under the Wood Sect, you can register there."

" Thank you."

Nodding his head Mael walked towards the shop. It didn't take him long before he stood before a large shop. The shop's front was made of glass with several compartments holding pills and elixirs.

Mael didn't wait any longer and stepped inside. Just as he stepped in he felt a wisp of medical fragrance enter his nose. He felt comforted by the smell and relaxed.

" How can I help you sir? "

A beautiful lady wearing green clothes with gold and blue patterns walked upto Mael and asked.

" Ah! Yes. I want to register for the competition."

Hearing his reply the young lady sized him up and wrinkled her eyebrows.

" Sir, eventhough the benchmark for taking part in the competition is Immoral realm you should still consider. All those talents participating in the competition are atleast True Immortal level."

Mael smiled and confirmed.

" It's alright. I am just trying to train."

Seeing his carefree smile the lady sighed and registered him for the competition.

" That would be five Class 2 cores or equivalent crystals."

Mael was surprised at the registration fee but still handed over five cores. He looked around for a bit and bought couple of pills.

The lady was surprised to find that Mael was rich. She sized him up, he wore plain clothes, had no exquisite weapon by his side but he had a serene aura around him.

Walking out of the shop Mael stretched his hands and thought to himself.

' The competition won't start till tomorrow and it would last for three days. I better find a good place to stay, also Master and Sir Hisoka might come so I have to book three rooms.'

Asking direction from a passerby Mael found an Inn belonging to the Heaven Alliance. He was walked in and found the receptionist.

" Hello. I would like to book three rooms."

" Would you like the VIP rooms or the lower ones."

Thinking for a bit Mael said.

" Book three VIP rooms."

" Yes. That would be Thirty Class 2 Demon cores or equivalent Crystals."

Mael payed the money and was about to go up when a rude voice reached his ear.

" Lady, I want three VIP rooms! "

Mael looked back and immediately narrowed his eyes. A young man wearing golden Armour was standing before the receptionist with an arrogant smile.

The receptionist lady smiled and wasn't the least bit intimidated by the man.

" Sorry sir. We currently have only one room available."

" What? You saying my friends should stay in those filthy low class rooms."

The man's voice had a hint of anger in them. The lady however smiled and replied.

" Sir please mind your words. Even the lowest rated room of ours offer high grade service. As the price goes up the grade of service also goes up, so please refrain from speaking ill of our establishment."

The man smiled coldly and didn't lash out. This place belonged to the Heaven Alliance, only an Idiot would cause ruckus here.

" Then where would my friends stay? "

" I can offer them High Grade suites. As for VIP rooms, as soon as one is available I will immediately inform you."

" So if some people evacuate then we could have enough rooms? "

" Right."

" Then it's simple."

The man turned around, he looked at Mael and said solemnly.

" Boy, hand over two of your rooms. I will pay you fifty class 2 cores."

Mael looked at the man before him faintly and started to walk away. The man wearing golden armour was stunned, he didn't expect this bumpkin to ignore him. He dared to ignore him!

" Stop! Didn't you hear what I said!? "

Mael stopped in his tracks and looked back.

" I did hear you."

" Then hand it over! "

" Nope."

Mael continued to walk away. The man in golden armour trembled in rage. His lackeys were standing behind him with flushed faces. Noone has ever dared to blatantly despise them like this guy has done.

Instantly all of their energy flared and fell upon Mael. They already sensed Mael's realm and despised him for acting so mighty. Go ahead, let's see how you act so might now!

Under the tremendous pressure Mael stood like a mountain under wind and rain. He looked these rude bastards and asked.

" You done? "


All of them were shocked. They never expected this man to withstand all of their pressure and still seem cool about it. And he didn't even sweat under such pressure!

" You guys from Saint Church are all the same. Rabid dogs, all bark no bite."