275. Competition Begins

Mael's words silenced the entire hall. The young man in Golden Armour was shocked for a second then his aura began to flare.

" Wretched bastard!! What did you say!? "

Mael was nonchalant about when facing their furious gazes.

" You heard me."

" Die! "

A Golden spear appeared in the hands of the young man as he attacked. His companions also took out their weapons. Mael stood calmly before the incoming attacks, he wasn't the least bit intimidated.

" Stop."

Just as Mael was about to be skewered a gentle sound reached their ears. The young man and his companions were frozen in air, their bodies trembled nonstop trying to inch forward.

Under their shocked eyes the receptionist stepped infront of them and said with a cold face.

" Dear guests, within the perimeters of this city no trouble is allowed. Especially within these walls. I don't care who you are or which power you belong to, inside this city you will follow the rules or get the hell out."

By the end of her words a terrifying pressure descended upon the Golden Armoured young man and his companions. Mael gazed at the receptionist and walked up the stairs.

The young man could only swallow his rage and leave. He yelled at Mael before he left.

" Pray you don't get matched up with me during the competition."

Mael smirked at his words.

' I hope you get matched with me.'

The receptionist lady glanced at Mael.

' Interesting. He saw through my realm..... hehe, looks like this time's competition is gonna be entertaining.'

Mael settled into his room. After a shower Mael started to practice his Art, without him knowing time flew past. By the time he opened his eyes it was already the next day.

Breathing out lightly Mael clenched his fists. A fire seemed to be burning inside his eyes.

Two years training with Ryu and Hisoka was like hell to him. Especially Hisoka, that man attacked him with the intent to kill, if not for his sharp senses he would have died countless times.

Walking out Mael saw the receptionist and nodded at her. Taking out a token Mael went to his designated arena.

The competition was divided into two stages. As an event that would put any upcoming talent to the peak of his generation they would obviously be countless youths participating in the competition.

To weed out the unnecessary the competition is split into two stages. First stage is where the extraordinary talents are sorted out. For this four battle arenas have been arranged.

Through elimination the number of candidates will be limited to a mere fifty from each arena. The two hundred top talents would then be pitted against each other for the final glory.

Mael was assigned to the west arena. By the time he reached the location, the place was packed with people. Amazed at the sheer amount of people here Mael walked upto an official near the entrance and gave his token.


The official was surprised for a second sensing Mael's realm. But it wasn't his place if a mere Immortal wants to walk to death.

" Go inside and take a left. Wait there until it's your turn."

Mael nodded and walked into the arena. He followed the directions and came upon a wide hall. The hall was filled with young men and women. All of them were watching the first match that just started.

Sensing a newcomer some of them turned around but lost interest as soon as they sensed his realm. Mael wasn't bothered by it, he calmly watched the battle.

Time went by slowly, one by one many men and women got called up. Mael felt his blood boil at the thought of fighting peers from his generation.

" Contestant no.xxxxx, Mael! "

Hearing his name Mael stood up. He walked steadily under the gaze of thousands of eyes and showed a toothy grin.

" An Immortal dares to enter the competition! "

" He must be seeking death. Just Level Five Immortal and he already thinks he is unparalleled? What a joke!! "

Scornful voices reached his ears but Mael was unperturbed. He followed the guard and reached an open space. Infront of him was a huge arena made of Obsidian Stone, one or the strongest ores found in nature. Surrounding the arena was tens of thousands of people cheering for the next fight.

Mark calmly walked upto the stage. Each step he took made his heart beat faster. A sense of excitement he has never felt before washed over him.

" Eh? An Immortal? "

" You gotta be kidding! Why is a brat on stage? "

" Kid! Get down otherwise you might accidentally die! "

The audience threw different comments at him. Some pitied him, some scorned him, some advised him but Mael was deaf to all of it. He felt each beat of his heart get stronger, faintly he could feel his Demon Arhat Energy get restless, as if it couldn't wait to show it's prestige to the world.

A young man wearing golden robes with blue linings walked over from the other side. He had a sword on his back, Mael could feel a sharp aura even without him releasing it.

" Please get down. You aren't a match for me."


Mael was surprised. He was surprised that someone could speak so modestly without an ounce of superiority.

' Looks like there are some good warriors out there.'

" You don't have to worry. Just fight with your all, otherwise you might regret it."

Since the opposite party showed him respect Mael replied in kind.

" Very well."

The young man released a strong sword qi. Mael could feel the sharpness brush past him. The referee held his hand up and waited for them to get ready.

" Start! "