276. Unbelievable

As soon as the words left the referee's mouth Mael and the young man disappeared. The young man swung his sword at Mael's throat. In a battle death was common and there was no rule stating death wasn't allowed. In a world governed by power the weak are always prey to the strong.

Mael was calm seeing the incoming attack. In a split second a black staff with blue engravings appeared in his hands. Mael blocked the attack but the young man was quite talented. He changed the motion of his sword and slid it past the staff's body aiming for his gut.

Using the power from the sword Mael jumped up dodging the attack. He gripped the staff tightly and swung it at the young man. The air rippled from the sheer power of that strike. The young man skillfully rotated in mid air and parried the attack.

Both of them didn't give the other party a chance to strike. They kept on moving trying to get the drop on the other. Only blurs could be seen on the arena. The audience were baffled when they witnessed such a scene.

" Holy!....

" That guy....He.....He is actually contending with a True Immortal! "

" Where did a monster like him pop out from!!? "

" Hey....don't you think he seems familiar? "

Some of the audience found Mael familiar but they couldn't place where they have seen him. It was weird not remembering a Genius of his caliber.

" Isn't he that guy? "

" Who? "

" You know...the one the Saint Church put a bounty on."

" Yeah! Now I remember! It's him alright! "

" He's got guts coming here. Once they know he is here then death is all but ensured."

" No way. No trouble inside the city, that's the rule. As long as he is within these walls noone would dare make trouble. Of course once he steps out he is dead."

The audience were in a heated discussion over Mael's past. The match however was heating up, the young man was surprised at first then he was shocked as the fight went on.

Mael wasn't just strong, he had outstanding battle instincts.

" You don't have to be surprised. For two years I battled with death literally every sparring session, one wrong move and I would be resting beneath three foot soil by now."

The young man nodded. True, having life and death battles would improve reaction speed as well as instincts. Understanding his opponents strength the young man took a step back.

He traced his sword and as he did so the sword hummed. The air rippled with the sword as it's origin. Sword Qi started to take a material form around the young man.

Mael got serious. He felt threatened by the momentum his opponent was emitting. Rotating the staff with unspeakable speed Mael condensed a huge amount of his energy.

" Heavenly Sword...Destroy."

The young man muttered inside his head. Mael felt all of his hair stand erect as a faint sense of death covered him. Demon Arhat Energy spread throughout his arms onto his staff.

" Demon Monk Staff Arts.....Devour! "


The arena shook as an invisible sword struck Mael's defence. Wind raged inside the arena causing the rubble to fly around everywhere. The audience could feel the power from that strike even with the protective barriers around the arena.

All of them peered in to see the result. Soon the dust settled, all of them widened their eyes as soon as they saw the participants.

Mael was standing with his staff just a hair width away from the young man's head. Many imagined what would have happened if he had continued with that strike.

" You win."

" Thanks for the battle."

Mael took a step back and put his staff away. He respected this young man, he was only Level 3 True Immortal but he was able to push Mael to use one of his strongest moves from the Demon Monk Staff Arts.

" My name is Storm, one day I will defeat you."

He spoke those words and walked away. Mael acknowledged his challenge and went down as well. The audience were in an uproar, they just witnessed a miracle. An Immortal defeated a True Immortal!!

This wasn't something just anyone can perform. Only those heaven defying Geniuses could do such a feat. Many were curious as to who Mael's master was, after all a brilliant student would have an even spectacular Master.

Even some major powers who witnessed Mael's battle send word to gather all about Mael's past. They wanted to recruit such a capable genius into their mix.

Going back into the waiting room for the victorious individuals Mael was greeted with tens of curious eyes. Ignoring all of them Mael found a seat and started to meditate.

Soon the preliminary rounds were over. Next, the people who won before would be pitted against each other and weeded out again.

Mael was again up against a True Immortal and needless to say he won the match. It was difficult but he did it. By now the audience and the other competitors were able to understand what kind of a genius Mael was. The audience were excited to watch him battle while his competitors were wary or jealous of his talent.

Time went by very quickly, soon only fifty challengers remained. Mael was pretty pumped up, unlike fighting monsters he was able to gleam some understanding of his Martial Arts during his match.

After all Mael always fought Hisoka or Ryu who were way too perverted when it comes to battle. Right now however he was fighting those with the same power level as him, with each battle Mael was getting stronger.

This is why Demon Arhats were called a miracle of nature. They had no bottlenecks when it's comes to training, even if they stay still and do nothing but eat and sleep they would still advance over the years but the rate of improvement would be extremely slow.

But what if one was actually fighting and training with everything he had? Now that would be scary.