277. Second Round

Mael rested for the day and got up early. He did a set of breathing exercises and flexed his muscles. Checking the time and noticing there was still an hour before the competition begins Mael went out for a splendid meal.

' Master and Sir Hisoka still didn't show up. Where are they? Could they have met up with the other members? '

Being Ryu's disciple Mael was aware of the team they were part of. And boy was he shocked when he found out what kind of weirdos most of them were. Luckily few of them seemed normal??.....

Reaching the venue for the second round Mael walked into the waiting room. The arena for the second and final round was three times bigger than the ones before. Participants from the four arenas were arranged in four different halls inside the stadium.

Looking around Mael felt expectant. After the matches he found out that he was placed in a weak group. That is to say.....the strong ones were all in different arenas. At most the only strong guy in his opinion was his first opponent.

' Geniuses from all the major sects within Heaven Alliance have joined the competition. That guy Storm was one of the youngest Geniuses but not the strongest. If someone like him isn't the strongest then what would the strongest be like? '

Mael was quite excited. Of course he failed to remember what kind of monster he was, defeating a True Immortal with just Immortal level strength, how many could do that?

The spectators were excited.

" I can't wait! I heard the top genius from Valiant Sword Sect has entered the competition. Moreover it's said that he broke through to Golden Immortal! "

" Yeah! The ones from the Giant Sect, Glacier Sect, Forging Sect and the other major sects are all here. Heavens this time's competition is way too fierce! "

" Even those from the Saint Church and Hell's Gate are here. Saint Church and Hell's Gate even sent all of their young upcoming geniuses."

" Speaking of geniuses.....have you guys heard of the one from the west arena? "

" Hmm.....you mean that young guy right? The one that defeated True Immortals with just his Immortal level strength."

" Yeah....that guy is way too broken. How could he be so strong!? He even beat Storm! "

" But he has an enmity with Saint Church...and all of their true talented geniuses have come here. Storm is strong but he isn't the strongest, atmost he would reach the middle ranks when it comes to battle strength."

While the spectators were in a heated discussion the referee, an old man wearing white robes stepped into the huge arena.

" The final rounds for the glory as the strongest among younger generation will begin now. First match....

Without further ado the first match started. The participants were from the Giant Sect and the Wood sect. The fight was fierce and it shook the arena making the spectators cheer in excitement.

Mael was surprised to see the guy from the Wood Sect use something similar to Wood Style, huge vines grew from his hands and bound the Giant. The Giant of course easily broke from the restrains and attacked fiercely.

But the man from the Wood Sect was tenacious he continued with his strategy and finally defeated the Giant.

Mael was watched the fights with great interest. He saw different styles, techniques and strange weapons, it surely was an interesting sight for Mael. Especially when he saw how a girl from the glacier sect used her hair as a weapon. Her white hair tinted with blue spread out covering the arena, completely trapping her opponent.

' Lily...she is strong.'

Suddenly the referee called out Mael's name. Under the gazes of many people Mael walked out, this time however noone despised him. After all how many at the age of less than twenty could do what Mael did.

Gazing at his opponent Mael's pupils shrunk. His opponent was from the Hell's Gate, but that isn't what surprised him.What surprised was the look in his eyes. Because he fought a lot with Hisoka Mael was so familar with murderous Intent. He didn't understand why but the man before him flashed a dangerous vibe just then but he hid it almost instantly.

' That's weird.'

Mael was slightly confused. But as he saw the referee signal the start of the match Mael focused. He took out his staff and prepared for the incoming attack.

Under his gaze his opponent faded into thin air. Mael couldn't even sense him even with his spirit but Ryu did give him an interesting technique. A split second later Mael felt every hair on his body stand erect. Almost without thinking Mael twisted his body and jumped back.

Wind caressed his cheeks making him feel slightly numb. He stared right where he was before and frowned. His opponent was standing where he was with a blood red dagger his hands.

Mael focused. He sensed his opponents realm and got serious. His staff glowed and was fully covered in blue engravings.

His opponent again faded away. Mael held his staff and struck to his left, the staff caused the space to ripple causing the air of twist forming a small cyclone.


The sound of metals colliding rang through the arena. The man from Hell's Gate suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He was blocking Mael's staff with that dagger of his. His hands were trembling from the sheer amount of power from that strike.

' What kind of brute strength does he have!? And how did he find me? "

Mael however didn't let go of this chance and took a step forward. Twisting his body along the staff Mael closed the distance between them and attacked fiercely. His opponent calmly and skillfully dodged all of his attacks.

Shadow possession!

His opponent suddenly muttered and disappeared. Mael felt his back tingle and kicked back. He looked back to see the man hold the dagger and lick a drop of blood on its blade.

" Sturdy body. Even with my weapon I could only break your skin but that's enough."

Eventhough he said it carelessly his heart was reeling from shock. Only he knew how strong his attack was and yet it only broke his skin.

' What kind of monstrous body does he have? '

Having licked Mael's blood a faint red energy started to disperse from him. Mael felt something sinister. He jumped back and watched the man wearily.

" Too late to be cautious.

Blood Possession! "