279. Fierce Battle

The two men kept staring at each other. The air was starting to crack, everyone beneath could feel their blood freeze.

" Wanna go, Blood Demon? "

The man wearing green clothes grinned. Faintly, a green glow started to surface his body. Blood Demon's face turned sour seeing this scene. Usually, those from Wood Sect is rather calm and collected. Also, the way they fight is completely different from how this man infront of him fought.

Within Wood Sect this man was an oddity. However noone can deny his might, many would hesitate to make an enemy out of him.

Blood Demon gritted his teeth, he looked at Mael with murderous eyes and disappeared.

" Tsk... he chickened out."

With a face full of disappointment the man wearing green clothes disappeared. The showdown just now didn't disturb the competition. It seems like this has happened before.

Mael sighed and left. He got back to the resting area and sat down to recover. The other contestants looked at Mael and turned serious. They saw how he defeated that man from Hell's Gate.

He is strong!

Mael discarded their looks and meditated. The Energy within his body was raging, that blood aberration he swallowed boosted his realm. Quietly his body went a change, noone noticed Mael's aura getting stronger.

Time passed...

Soon his name was called out. Stretching himself Mael felt his body full of power. With a wide grin on his face he went out. The moment he stepped in he was stunned. A beautiful lady was standing before him, like a scene out of nature.

Jasmine looked at Mael's stunned look and smiled lightly.

' This is the guy Sir Ryu took as his disciple? Interesting... '

Ryu and Hisoka made a big mess out of Saint Church army, their wanted posters were spread all over the world. As a core disciple from Glacier Sect, it isn't a surprise Jasmine knew about it.

" Begin! "

The sound from the referee woke up Mael. He was slightly embarrassed but immediately turned serious.

" Sir Ryu really took a good disciple."

Mael was surprised.

" You know master? "

" Of course. But, that doesn't mean I will go easy."

" That's exactly what I want."

Jasmine's smile faded. She traced the hilt of her sword and disappeared. Mael already had his staff in his hands, taking a step back he striked his left side.


Like a phantom Jasmine appeared to his left. Her sword was trembling from sheer power, Mael tipped his staff and tried to hit her gut. Jasmine moved quickly and dodged it.

Suddenly Mael felt his body freeze. Without a second thought he dodged to his right. A wave of blue hair coiled where he stood, frowning slightly Mael jumped up.

" Demon Monk Staff Arts... Planar Destruction! "

Against a strong opponent such as her he couldn't get careless. Jasmine looked at the incoming attack and moved.

Drawing a circle in mid air with her sword Jasmine breathed out lightly.

" Glacier Sword... Frozen Plane! "

Mael's staff seemed to contain boundless power as it crashed down. Jasmine's attack on the contrary seemed silent and beautiful. Wherever her sword passed the air was frozen.


The two attacks collided head on. For a second both seemed to be in a stalemate. With a slight crack in air the attacks exploded causing wild tornadoes.

The spectators were shocked. They held onto their seats and tried to see what happened. The dust finally settled and what they saw stunned them.

The arena was gone. Crushed stones and rubbles laid all over the place. Mael and Jasmine stood facing each other, not a speck of dust was on them.

Staring at each other for a second they moved again. Flashes of light could be seen flying all over the place. Most of the audience couldn't see a thing, only those with slightly good cultivation could see them.

Mael was getting suppressed!

This surprised most people but they weren't shocked. Jasmine was not only a core disciple from Glacier Sect but also the direct disciple of the Vice Sect Head. Her strength was evident.

Facing Jasmine Mael had already liberated his Shikai but still, he got suppressed.

' As I would expect from someone like her. Seems like I have no choice.'

Taking a step back he focused on Jasmine. His breathing was a bit rushed but excitement shone deep within his eyes. Gripping his staff he whispered in his heart.

" Bankai... Wreck heaven and Earth, Demon Arhat!! "


Like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon his staff went through a metamorphosis. It's black skin fell down revealing a blood red staff with golden engravings.

Jasmine felt a great change in Mael. She felt as if something terrifying awoke within him, without hesitation she attacked. Her speed improved explosively as she got near Mael.

" Glacier Sword... Cleaved Ice."

The air seem to freeze and split as the sword made its way to Mael.


Jasmine stared wide eyes as Mael stopped her attack effortlessly. He didn't move an inch but she could feel tremendous power radiate off of his weapon. She hastily retreated.

" Slow...

Mael got beside her and whispered slowly. Startled she hastily defended. However she underestimated the power behind that strike. Like a cannon ball she was shot far away.


The earth split open from the impact. Seconds later the ground started to freeze and a figure came up. Blood trickled down her lips but the desire for battle was evident on her face.


Mael and Jasmine disappeared. They collided in mid air, this time both of them went all out. The aftershock was enough to cause cracks throughout the stadium. The spectators were screaming at the top of their lungs.

This was what they were here for, this was a fight between monsters of their generation!