280. Killing Intent

The arena was a mess. People from the Wood Sect had to come up and form barriers so as to not let any aftershocks harm the spectators.

Only blurs could be seen inside the barrier. Mael showcased his incredible skill with staff arts, filled with power but flexible. Jasmine however was calm and collected like still water, but underneath that calm lurked the dangers of the deep ocean.

The fight went on for more than an hour. The stronger warriors could see the tides changing, and just like that both of them stopped their attack.

Facing each other both of them breathed heavily. Mael's clothes were ripped and blood marks could be seen all over his body but most of them were skin wounds.

Jasmine on the other hand was in a worse state than him. Although no wound was apparent on her body, she was trembling nonstop.

Taking a deep breath she looked at Mael and put her sword back to its sheath.

" You win."

Mael smiled.

" You didn't use your trump card."

" Giggle... you can already push me this far even though you are two realms below me. If I use it wouldn't I seem like a sour loser? "

" That so? "

Shrugging Mael put away his staff. Looking at Jasmine he said firmly.

" One day I will make you use it."

" I will look forward to that day."

With a light smile on the corner of her lips Jasmine went down. Seeing her back a peculiar feeling rose in the depths of Mael's heart, shaking his head Mael also went down.

The stadium was filled with cheers and screams. Every one of them looked at Mael with respect and awe. He won against her! He won against one of the ten prodigies of Heaven Alliance!

Heaven Alliance was made of ten Great Sects. The competition within such an alliance was hundred times harder than the norm. To encourage it's disciples the top echelon decided to create a ranking for the young generation.

The Ten Prodigies!

Anyone below forty years of age and having a Golden Immortal Level cultivation or below are eligible to obtain the title of a Prodigy.

Needless to say, having obtained this title in your life is seen as a glory. But, this title isn't easy obtained. All those people that has ever gotten this title was a monster among monsters. It was rare for anyone among those Ten to lose and even rarer to lose to someone with a lower level of cultivation.

Several eyes inside the VIP rooms were focused on Mael.

" The kid grew up."

" He better, after taking that many of my pills if he didn't I would have clobbered him to death."

" Don't be a miser. It's just some pills."

" Just some pills? Do you have any idea what kind of materials are needed to make those ' Pills '?? Do you!? "

" Well... um... I am sorry."

Two figures kept bickering within a VIP box. Due to the sound insulation noone else heard what they were talking about, even if someone did they wouldn't care.

" Lily, your disciple lost."

" It seems so."

A man with a sturdy frame said to an ice cold lady. Ryu would certainly recognise these two, they were the ones who bought two of his weapons, Drake and Lily.

" I never expected such an outcome. To be honest he is quite scary, his cultivation is just at the Immortal Level but he can match those of the Golden Level albeit with some difficulty but still... he is scary."

Lily looked calm as she looked at Mael's recceeding figure.

" I thought Sir Ryu was an oddity but it seems like, everyone he is associated with is quite... different."

Drake understood her meaning and asked back.

" Why do you think they stood out right now? After all, with how crazy Saint Church and Hell's Gate has been over searching for them, I thought they would lay low for few decades."

Lily pondered for a second before raising her head. Shock could be seen on her beautiful face, Drake nodded to her in confirmation.

" They sure made trouble for themselves. I guess it's to be expected considering how they worked."

" It seems like our realm will see a bloodshed soon."

Lily sighed. Drake however laughed and showed an amused smile.

" I look forward to that day."

" Madman."

Lily ignored him and focused on the battles to come.

Not far from their room, five people looked on coldly towards the direction of Mael.

" That brat is growing up. If not removed, he will one day come for our heads."

One among the five spoke coldly. His voice was coarse and a bone chilling intent rose from his body.

" Who would have thought he would reach such heights in just two years. His master... that guy is just as dangerous as him."

" It's alright. Once we get him, his master will definitely show himself."

" Don't forget our deal."

" Relax. Anything we obtain will be shared equally."

Mael was oblivious to the schemes centered around him. He rested for some time and recovered his lost energy. Battle with Jasmine drew out every ounce of potential in him. His comprehension of his staff arts went a step further, now he can produce even more power with each strike and still be nimble.

' She... if she had used her Bloodline I would have definitely lost. Master was right, the world is vast. My Bloodline is special and gives me an edge but there are equally powerful bloodlines and geniuses out there... only by battling them can I become stronger! '

Clenching his fist Mael took a deep breath. His eyes showed how excited he was, he couldn't wait for his next match.

The battle continued for few more hours before the final fifty were announced. Mael looked over the fifty remaining contestants and grinned. He could sense power radiating off of every single one of them but only ten had the aura that could make him palpitate in excitement.

' I can't wait for the final battle. Saint Church... are you guys ready? '