Lana walked through the door with an smile and a blush on her cheeks as she waited for the instructor to finish what he was saying. The teacher knew when she walked through the door who she was and continued to talk for another 10 more minutes before speaking to Lana. Lana couldn't help but think 'Rude! so very rude!' and continued to moving onward. She handed him the scheduled she just got in front of him and he told her to pick a seat. Both of them stared one looking impatient and Lana just smiling. Before he could say anything she said "I will need my schedule back sir before taking a seat."
He coughed as he handed her her schedule and she did a quick look over the class room. Her eyes briefly went over her so called mate who had a girl on his lap and her brother who was on the opposite room necking with a girl also. The scene wasn't uncommon when the teacher had his back towards them and facing the black board and it seemed this teacher loved writing on the black board by way things looked. She puckered her lips in dissatisfaction as she choose a seat that was kinda in the middle of the two.
Mom differently would have smacked him in the back of his head if she saw what he was doing and in class too! She always stressed graduating from high school then going to college and taking school seriously too!! She sat in the back and took notes down as much as possible while both her brother and her so called womanizing mate gave her some glares that contained hostility . She already had a label for him and it was even 30 minutes in yep. She was glad she put her wolf under. Her wolf would have cried her heart out over him.
Smile Lana she told her self. Focus on school work and then when the time is right go for it. The teacher noticed all that was happening behind his black as he continued his lesson and still ignored it. Finally when class was over Lana stretched her arms out in relief. That was alot of note taking she thought. She yawned loudly after stretching her arms upwards. As she did this she made a quick motion of getting the fabric of her mates pants stuck on the back of the metal of his chair with her magic. When she got up after making sure everything was ready to go. She waited for a distraction to happen so she could walk to her second class.
As the girl got off his lap that he was playing with before he collected his things together for his next class. This class was always kinda stressful for him. Just as he got up he heard a rip sound coming from below.
Lana's brother moved his gaze from her and started to laugh at him as he saw a huge hole in the center of his butt. Using the this as a distraction. She made it safely out of the class room without anyone the wiser.
Even though Allana only attend one class so far this class was schedule as a double class. She really needed to somehow transfer out of this class she thought. The pheromones in that class were a little distracting.
Lana be good she thought to herself as she heard a scream come from the direction of the principal's office. Hmm happened faster than I thought. On the way out she left a surprise in that secretary's bottom desk. Inside was a huge fake Halloween rat that looked really realistic. Lana shrugged her shoulders as she wandered off to her next class. First class was history and second class is Math. When she sat down in her next class she introduced herself to the teacher before the other students came in and chose a seat in the back of the room.
Lana sat down and looked over her schedule to see what other classes awaited her.
1.History 10:00-11:30
2. Math 11:45-12:30
3.lunch 12:45-01:45
4.physical education 02:00-3:00
5. English 101 03:15-4:00
6. Home Economic. 04:15-5:00
Lana could feel black lines start to show on her face. 5:00 she got out at 5:00. Was this school crazy what kind of establishment has school for 7 hours?! she cursed in her head. how did getting off at 3:30 turn into 5?! ugh she cursed again but under her breath. Just as she finished pulling out her next blank booklet and text book everyone took a seat waiting for the class to start.
As everyone was paying attention to class Lana looked around at her new classmates to see if she could make any friends. Again she was in the same class as them again. She rolled her eyes at this. Was she destined to be in all her classes with them she hoped not. Today I will be a model student she thought as she slowly made a mental blueprint of this school. Then when everything was completed then she will start her mischief.
Class soon ended she did all she could to avoid them. Lunch following after had nothing interesting happening. She started to somewhat feel like this was a school she could be in. They left her alone except for that first class and there was really no one causing her any trouble.