When I enter the pyramid I don't know what to expect, it's the first time I'm inside one after all.
I see a large hall with a lot of doors at the side, the hall goes all the way to the end of the house in a straight line and it doesn't seem to be any stairs. I wander if that's why no one wanted this house....
However I still think it's a awesome house, even if it really doesn't have a second floor.
I start to open all the doors one by one. I found that each of them is different, they are made of different materials and with different styles moreover they all have a different use.
They are even 6 of the rooms I don't know what to do with, I'll ask the man when he comes.
The other rooms are a kitchen, a bathroom, three bedrooms for guests(I guess), a mini cinema, a gym, a room with all the things needed to play vr the games, three different rooms with different musical instruments in it and a library, that makes me really happy. All of the rooms seem to be made of expensive materials and the furniture and items inside are of the best quality available.
After seeing all the pyramid I wander why no one would wanted it and how the houses of this tycoons ( sons of wealthy families ) must be. When I'm about to head to the kitchen I remember that the man said "go to the kitchen in the first floor". I meditate and draw the conclusion that there must be more floors since what the man said implies that at least there are two. I start searching for stairs what I don't found any, so I start thinking that the man made a mistake or there's a secret mechanism in the house that leads to the second floor. I stop my research and go to the kitchen, then I start reading the guide the man recommended reading.
After going through all the information in it I get a general understanding of how the reward system of the school works. Unlike other schools, the Shrek academy rewards aren't only the knowledge you acquire or the notes you have, it gives a lot of rewards that arises the greed even in the tycoons of various famous corporations. The way to get rewards is really simple, you just need to use academy points and then go to the rewards list of the academy that has all the things you can think of and even more. To get academy points a student needs to get a 70% in a exam, the reward for doing that is 2 academy points, 80% rewards 3, 90% 4 and 100% 5. It can look like you can't do nothing with that few points what in reality 2 points are enough to get one of the best cars currently available in the market. The other way to get academy points is winning the monthly tournaments that the academy holds. How many points you acquire depend in your performance and the tournament that you are in because there are special tournaments that give more points than the monthly tournaments.
After all this the doorbell sounds and I know that the man has arrived.
I go to open the door immediately and as expected when I open it I see the man. The man says:
"All done, you are now officially a student of Shrek" he throws me something that seems like a insignia and when I look at it I see "Shrek student" in it.
The man continues saying "The academy has decide that you need to have a minimum knowledge about the actual world and the changes that humanity has had in the last 200 years. I've come here to give send you what the academy has prepared for this to your new computer and devices.
Then the man goes into my pyramid, directly to the bedroom where the computer is.
I follow him and he takes out a phone I've never seen and touches the computer, after that he starts heading to the exit. I ask him " did you really need to go inside and touch it?". The man halts his steps and turns around and with a righteous expression says " No. My name is Decreto." Then he continues walking and while he reaches the exit I think that my summer this year is going to be study, and then study more. However that's nothing new for me.