Chapter 9: Summer, year 2800.

After that I started reading and studying all the information that the school wanted me to learn.

During this period I learn a lot of new things, and some of them are really important.

There are new pets. When I saw that I grew curious and I went to interplanet( internet ) to see what that meant however what I saw shocked me to my bones. The science had reached new heights and managed to create new living things, such as unicorns, gryphons and other mythic creatures.

When I searched in internet I even found a freaking kraken for sale. The prices were all incredibly high, reaching and extent in which only the wealthiest families in all the solar system could afford it.


Other curious thing I found was the enormous popularity the martial arts have reached.

At first I was shocked about this discovery and wondered why did that happened so once again I went to interplanet and search it. However what I found left me speechless. The last two vr games ( the one before the actual being 40 years in existence before letting the one that all the people play now come, that has been a total of 59 years now and will reach 60 at the end of this one ) needed the player to have a good physical body in order to enhance the battle power possessed in the game, and to reach the top this was a requirement, without it getting to the top was nearly impossible. This made me be shocked for a long time and realize how fortunate I was of being young when I came out of earth, because if I was too old I wouldn't have the opportunity to start training in a young age and create a solid foundation.


Since then I started training my body and I even went to find Decreto to help me in my training. What surprised me was how hard contacting him became and I only managed to do it through one of the guards of the academy. When he come he gave me a number and told me to call him when I had questions, and he gave me exercises to do so I could make a solid foundation before learning any martial arts. Decreto would come once in a while to see how I improved and change some of the exercises I was doing.

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The last thing that greatly shocked me is that with a new recent technology upgrade in neuroscience humans were capable of "inserting" information in humans brains without damaging it, which meant that they would have all the information memorized instantly. This was a expensive process what every family with decent jobs could afford it with the planet help.

This info-introduction was something that all humans now passed when they reached the age of 10 and it was made so early because even do they had the information memorized, they had to understand it and process it. This discovery made me question what kind of classes people had now and after searching once again in interplanet I learned that now schools teaches it students in how to use the information they have with the greatest efficiency possible, martial arts techniques, music and other forms of art (this explained the three rooms of instruments) and philosophy.


During the summer the only things I did was studying, training and reading the books in my new house, which where a compilation of the best released in the last 200 years of all genres.

The one I liked the most was one about a black dragon called Alduin, that managed to become the strongest dragon in his world through many challenges and imposible tasks.


Without me noticing the summer came to an end and school start was around the corner, the end of the year was also coming.