Chapter 18: Do you read? Why? Why not?

"-To get ambrosia we have a few options, and the closest one is the exams at the end of this month that you'll have. To the students with the 3 best grades in the exams the school has prepared the following rewards. For the third place 1 liter of ambrosia; for the second place 4 liters of ambrosia and for the first place 16 liters of ambrosia. You need to make it to the top 3 in one of your classes.

Is imposible for you to get it in martial arts for the moment so it'll have to be in the other two.

Prepare the best you can and make it to the top! If you don't your training will be 10 times harder.-"


Im scared of the last words my teacher says, what I have the confidence in getting in the top 3 in one of the other classes and I can't help what grow excited at the thought of drinking ambrosia and the two martial arts my teacher is talking about. My master tells me that he'll give me the techniques tomorrow and that he'll get the weapons for me. He also tells me that the masters guide, what is up to the student how far they go.


After going back to my pyramid I know that my fairly easy life has come to an end and the future requires determination and persistence from me to achieve anything at all. My life is starting to organize and in the time I've been studying at the academy I've noticed that even though humans have advance in technology by leap and bounds, we tend to forget about advancing our ideas and beliefs. I realize now that I've met my fellow students that in this 200 years humans remain with the same traditions and mindsets and I see as clear as ever that they are limiting humans sight and ideas. I think that although traditions give personality to different planets and people, it most cases it also limits the development of people and creates fixed mindsets in people that are hard to change.


Time passes without me noticing and today is the day of our exams. I'm going to get to the top 3 in at least one of my 2 classes.

At the end of the day and after finishing my exams I feel confident in both of my exams. The martial art one was a fighting competition and the other ones only had one question each. The one I found most interesting was the question in philosophy. The question was: Do you read books? If you do tell why and if you don't tell why not.

In this question I felt inspired responding it and I'm sure I've made it to the top 3.

Now only thing left to do is wait and see.
