Chapter 19

While I'm waiting to see the results of the exams the weapons I chose arrived. I've never used weapons before but I'm excited about starting. I go to Quiron's house and when I enter I'm surprised to see only one of the weapon I asked for here. The short and long swords.


Before I can ask, Quiron looks at me and says "you idiot, you think practicing weapons is so easy?" I notice by the tone he is speaking with he is mad. He keeps saying "in my 200 years of life I've only mastered 2 weapons and you want to master 4? Mastery over something is not a thing easily accomplished, it needs time, love and dedication. Mastering something, doesn't matter what, is a never ending process. Me and every master in something understand one simple thing. Mastery means understanding whatever you master. Not only knowing movements or how to execute them perfectly. Mastery over something means you know EVERYTHING about it. You have to know how everything affects whatever you master. You think someone has ever reached that level? I'll tell you right now no. People call someone a master of something normally when they don't understand how he can do something that seems impossible with whatever they have mastered. The level of mastery can't be measured, at least not until you find someone with a much higher level of mastery than you. This is unlike expertise that can be measured by the so called "masters".


"In weapons is even more important because you use them in battles, and this can mean your life is at line. You need to be able to trust your understanding and skill in the weapon you are wielding before it can help you at anything. The truth is that the more you understand something, the less you notice you actually understand it. The deeper you go, the wider the road is. For this reason I'll only teach you swords from now. The day you reach my mastery over them will be the day you can start practicing with others. I don't want to hear your excuses or opinion. As I teach you, you will understand."


"For now though you'll start practicing maximum perception and chess dao. When you reach a level im satisfied with, I'll start teaching you how to use the sword." I'm shocked to hear this and confused. What does he mean with understanding everything? Is just a sword, a tool, how much mysteries can it contain?. What I still nod and keep my self from saying everything. Even though I've only met this teacher recently, he is the expert in this area and I understand it must've been frustrating for him to say 4 weapons if training with them is so hard.


Now I don't understand, but I'm more than willing to start in this path of "mastery" and see what my teacher means.

Author note: I'm too lazy and young, i don't have enough persistence to do this constantly. I'll try to write more, but is something hard and needs a lot of investment and even worst, you don't get nothing in return except for improving writing skills, but it takes a long time to notice it.

Im back, let's see how much i last lel.