Chapter 20

As my teacher said, we are going to start with the martial arts without weapons.

We are now outside the house of Quiron and he says —We are going to start with maximum perception. The first way to train this I've decided to use in you is going to be like this:

I will put 12 objects, all of them different shape and color, and they are going to be in different places. You are going to have 10 seconds to see them and then you'll turn around and tell me what you remember.


I can understand the logic behind the exercise and I think that is definitely a good way to train the perception. Quiron asks me to turn around and as I do it I hear him moving.

Quiron then sus —Alright now you are going to turn around and see try to find all the objects and remember them. Don't forget there are 12.


Two hours later I'm exasperated and mad. I haven't remembered more than 6 of them in all this time.

Each time they are completely different objects and colors, I've been wandering where my teacher takes them from the entire time. I know that if I was doing something similar alone I would have given up long ago, but Quiron has been there all the time, motivating me with a patience that seem to be eternal.


Even though I'm frustrated, I'm even more stubborn and with Quiron's support I can keep going even if I fail over and over. I've always thought I had patience and that I'll be able to persevere any kind of training or challenge. Only now that I actually do it, I realize the importance of having someone to support and guide.


After half an hour of more training I finally manage to remember 7, I only do it one time but Quiron seems satisfied with that result and puts an end to the practice. He says that we would practice tomorrow at the same time. I'm tired and Im in my way to the pyramid.

The results of the exams will be posted in 3 days, until then we don't have school so I'm thinking about investing my time in researching about the game and all the new posts there might be.

When I get to my pyramid I get a shower, change clothes, and my research starts.


With this game they are being very secretive and not much information is open to the public. Every one knows the game will have a different combat system never seeing before, and that the magic seems to be very special. We know to that we will be able to be various classes at the same time, but nothing more. Not a clue about how either of them are going to be or what classes can you choose from.


After searching for two hours I don't find anything useful.

My plans for the game classes are basically investigate everything properly before choosing them.

I want to have a balanced character that can adapt to different situations and scenarios.

It's been a long time since vr games became a open world and even though fighting capability is extremely important, other things are needed to explore all of it.

My goal is to wander around the world of the game, gather intelligence of it and reclute talented players to help me achieve my aims.


Author note: Hope you enjoy it, if I have 1 comment in every chap (from now on) I will try my best to write one chap a day.