The World Is My Farm!

"Farmer that's it its just displaying farmer what the fuck is going on?"


After exclaiming his anger he kicked the huge slate like structure containing super consciousness and smirked as a thought came in his mind "get destroyed for angering the all god you idiot piece of shit hahaha, wait what ,it is not broken and what is this pain in my ankle -_- …..aaaaaaaaaa" Alsezh started to breathe heavily after going through the pain and again cursed "this super Mario is just a piece of shit no wait what was it called again….yes super conscious".

Alsezh after doing some yoga and meditation in the room calmed himself and again developed the courage to look at the screen hoping he might have been mistaken earlier



The system would like to congratulate Mr. Alsezh for gaining a Unique Super Occupation.

Basic Traits of occupation- Plantation, Cultivation and Harvest

Note:The system does not have any further information about this occupation in its data base as Mr. Alsezh is the first individual to unlock a super occupation.


Unique occupations are those which are obtained by a very few people and each one of them is a treasure to humanity

These occupations include-Assassins, Gaurdians, Athletes, chefs and so on

The number of individuals having such occupation could be counted only in millions,one must know that the current humanity has population of trillions.

But Alsezh couldn't figure out what was a super occupation and according to the system he was the only individual with a 'Super Occupation'. "I hope its something good".

After wearing the standard watch given by the system(super net) Alsezh went to his own room 69 but while going he noticed some people working on a robot in a room which was the one he had dismantled earlier, he stood at the window while being curious about how they would fix the robot,time passed by,the procedure came to an end and Alsezh's watch vibrated bzzz!

You have harvested low level engineering knowledge

Engineering knowledge +2

Farmer Kowledge +1

Title Engineer Unlocked

Alsezh was shocked "it seems like a farmer I can harvest but unlike a real one I can harvest anything, this does bring a smile on my face haha"and became very happy, he started running all around the hospital watching Surgical procedures and even people who were cleaning the floors and maintaining hospital, updating the data servers of hospital and what not

After 3 hrs of running he finally came back to his room and opened the status tab on the watch, "the watch was vibrating through out the three hours its time to see the harvest and started laughing maniacally".


Engineer level 1

Doctor level 2

Administrator level 1

Farmer level 3

Doctor and Administrator Title Unlocked

One must note that Doc Mira was only at level 4 but Alsezh was already level 2 this evidently proved that he was quite talented in gaining (harvesting) knowledge.

From this little experiment he came to know that his farmer level will always be one level higher than his highest level and the speed at which he gained levels in other occupation was the same if they would have been his default occupation but this speed will be for limited number of occupations equal to his farmer level and will thus increase later on,one most important thing he noticed was that the complexity of information he could harvest was proportional to his Farmer level.

He also gave his new powers a try and tweaked his watch a little through which he also came to know that equipping appropriate titles for appropriate tasks gives a boost to his speed,stamina and other factors to carry it out much easily as for the Farmer title it would always be equipped as default beside others and could not be changed.

With his tweaks he thus enhanced the voice command function, and firewall so that no one could hack in easily, he also gave a name to the voice assistant as it was more handy "I will call you Alpha form today".

"I have already harvested almost everything here its time for this farmer to explore the outside world" and wrote a note for Doc Mira that he would be taking his leave and also wrote down his contact id, after that he left the hospital

As he opened the last door of the hospital he was welcomed by bright lights shining in the dark skies, he noticed that these lights were from people's houses,street lights and parks around the hospital.

As he turned his head up he was surprised to see bridges coiling around,there ends nowhere to be seen, there were posh and stylish cars flying with high speed in the sky like free birds, he also noticed police cars chasing a vehicle which made him very excited he also saw tall buildings with colorfully lighted names on them and thought "one day my name will be on one such building too".

A devilish smile could bee seen on his face now as he commanded his watch "note down today's date and time Alpha because from this moment onwards