Life Reaper

Alsezh was now very excited to explore this new world. From the super net on his watch he found out that the city was called the ying-yang city as the city was mostly divide into the rich class and the underworld. For Alsezh this was a perfect place to start his adventure so he immediately went to the underworld part of the city.

Alsezh after coming to the underworld felt comfortable with the more savage and killer aura present there. After asking around he came to know of a place called 'The Dark Gloves' which gave different contracts and paid accordingly for completing them, thus he went there

The dark gloves organisation had unknown origins but was the most reputed one in the city.

After entering the place Alsezh saw a handsome man in tuxedoes sitting at the only large desk present on the floor and went to him after a thorough enquiry he came to know that the missions were divided into A,B,C,D,E,F ranks with decreasing difficulty and S,SS,SSS ranks above the A rank, the ranking system was actually centralised throughout the entire humanity which meant that it was same in all organisations, governments and military.

"Currently the ying-yang branch has only missions available up to the A rank, you can choose the mission you want after connecting to the the dark gloves network through your watch. Note that you can only accept missions of your own rank or one rank above and completing them will thus add to your Dark Points which you can use to increase your rank or get items with them, of course you can exchange real currency for them as well, think of it as exclusive dark gloves currency, wish you best of luck" though the man was quite friendly Alsezh could sense a tinge of danger from him.

Alsezh being a newbie got F rank for himself and finally after thinking for a while chose an E rank mission "I need to increase my rank for better opportunities sigh…guess I can do it only step by step"

The mission is to steal the blueprints of a special wearable gear from a local engineer who had recently gained some popularity after designing it ,Alsezh was interested in this mission because of the wearable gear aspect of it.

After exiting the dark gloves Alsezh headed towards the section 4 region where the engineer resided according to mission data but was blocked by some people, "well It would be quite odd if no one would have made trouble for a rookie here, seems like underworlds everywhere have this similarity present".he gave an earnest smile to the three thugs blocking him as he pointed towards a dark alley.

The thugs were quite surprised when they saw Alsezh making their job easier and followed him giving a mocking laugh.

"little friend it seems you do know your place so hand over your stuff and we wont make things diff…." whoosh ..urgh…thud, the thugs were in a daze as they saw one of their companions vomiting out blood and died just like that. After which a cold voice rang in their ears waking them up.

'spare me the chit chat'

As the thug was blabbering Alsezh had already slain one of them with the throw of a scalpel he had stolen from the hospital earlier, one must not forget that he had gone trough so much killing in his early days that drawing weapons and attacking were like natural habits for him and the killing intent behind them would not be noticed by anyone except the real experts of this world

After making his first kill he didn't stop there as he immediately starting running towards the other two and as he came near them he side stepped on the walls of the alley giving him the required speed to approach the central target and kicked him with his knee, bang! the thug who was talking earlier fainted on the spot.

After that Alsezh picked up the corpse of the dead thug and without anyone noticing attached a string to the already embedded scalpel and threw it in the direction of the last one thug left , after seeing the corpse of his comrade coming towards him the third thug dodged but just as he became relaxed and was going to commence his offence, poof!! Alsezh pulled the string back and blood spurted from the corpse neck like a fountain.

As the now anger blinded thug looked up in the direction of the poof sound blood went into his eyes from the shower of blood this gave Alsezh the window of opportunity and he threw the last scalpel he had with him towards the thug.


Three thugs, one asleep, two dead within just span of a minute.

After that Alsezh first went towards the corpse and didn't know what to do as there was no equipment nor bags nothing on them after searching for a while he noticed there watches which indicated alert sign.

After looking through it Alsezh saw an option which made him delighted

Transfer The space storage Y/N

Alsezh was delighted and immediately pressed Y after which he was prompted by his own watch "warning the owners watch does not have space storage feature ,would you like a complete harvest of all functions,features and storage from the other party, note:

The Upgrade may take some time, all basic functions will be usable though"

Alsezh was completely delighted with this "it seems like this feature is exclusive to me only haha".

After harvesting the 2 thugs he came to know both of them were actually D ranked level 4 engineers, level 3 fighters and had many gadgets with them which they hadn't used earlier or to be more precise they didn't got the chance, though Alsezh killed them easily he knew that the reason behind his success was his savage way of killing making them surprised and his highly undetectable killing intent, "I might have easily killed these garbage but in front of an expert I am still lacking, I should make myself familiar with this worlds technology or next time I wont be so lucky".

After coming to realization he turned towards the last one and was surprised to see him already waking up, one must know that as much as two minutes had passed away but as compared to average people he was already showing signs of walking up.

Alsezh grabbed his scalpel and swiftly made deep cuts around the thug's wrists, elbows and knees constraining him from doing anything wild

The thug was so afraid of Alsezh after seeing his comrades corpses and the ruthless way of the so called 'constraining' that he started convulsing, "my lord please forgive me I was blinded by greed so I did this all, please I beg you my excellence".

Alsezh didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing the bullshit when he saw the thug actually approaching the nearby knife as he was begging for forgiveness, "Dude are you out of your mind, I am not blind you know sigh.., dear karmic cycle this is not on me okay, his death is his own fault now" and gave a helpless laugh.

After slitting the thug's throat Alsezh went ahead to harvest the thugs stuff and after thinking for a while he pondered whether he can harvest memories as well and asked Alpha, after receiving the reply that the chances are high, he kept his hand on the thugs head and said in mind "transfer data".

Alsezh was surprised to see a transfer taking place on his watch, after the completion was done he also did the same with the other two thugs.

"finally its time to see the benefits, Alpha show me the status"

Analysation complete!

Doctor level 2 [15+7(new)/100 lv-2 points]

Engineer level 5 [10/100]

Administrator level 1

Fighter level 0 [3/5 kills]

Farmer Special Ability unlocked-

Knowledge Harvester-Harvest Direct knowledge from Memory(no level constraints)

Life Reaper- Targets get stunned with Life reaper aura(effect corresponding to level)

New Features-

Space storage – D rank (rank as per storage space gets added)

Memory storage- D rank (rank=character rank +2)

Memory deletion-D rank (rank=character rank +2)


Armour-2 x D rank Weapons- 3 x E rank,1 x D rank

Special wares- none (more details available)

Alsezh was very happy after looking at this, "did my doctor level go up because I used a scalpel and made 3 killings,woah engineering level went up too,i guess its from that knowledge harvester skill haha what a blessing" just as he was engrossed in thoughts his watch vibrated

The system has noticed a high blood pressure, and harmone production,

The system recommends Mr.Alsezh to calm down by listening to newly Added Songs or watching the newly added Porn Collection
