The Admantium Suit (Part 1)

Swish! Swish ! Alsezh's lean figure was cutting through the wind.

On jumping from the 30th floor he started his stopwatch and by earlier calculation using newtons equation he found out the time required to reach the window of room 263 was 15 secs. "this newton guy made my job so simple, I should go and thank him later".

Alsezh on the 10th second launched a grappling rope from his suit, whose pointed end thrusted through the material of the building and then he slowly descended down finally stopping in front of the destined window whose curtains were already drawn.

This was perfect for Alsezh's sneak attack he started cutting the window in rectangular shape with the suits extended claws and finally after making sure through infrared vision that no one was present,went in.

After going inside Alsezh noticed different documents, blueprints of buildings and local maps lying on a table, there were also some wires, holders and stuff on another table, "seems like these guys are quite professional to make such thorough preparations sigh if only they knew it was going to be useless"

Alsezh noticed someone coming towards him and immediately leapt up to stick to the ceiling like a lizard after which he saw a 6 foot tall man having scars on his face approaching the documents, picking them up he sat on the couch

Alsezh knew there were two targets so he didn't attack but decided to wait for some time and just after a while another man of 5'7 stature wearing a white coat came in, the duo then started talking with each other. Alsezh knew this was the right time to commence the attack

He drew his weapon slowly and jumped down casually, the duo was very shocked seeing a man suddenly standing in front of them but still their faces turned solemn. the tall guy summoned his weapon from his spacial storage but Alsezh was not busy drinking tea as they were doing this and had already taken action.

Zhup! Zhup! two laser shots two guys dead, "I should increase my accuracy even though the distance was close I coud'nt shoot them in the head sigh"

Alsezh then started harvesting all the info and supplies from these two guys,the shorter guy was a lv 3 researcher and lv 4 engineer, the other guy was just fighter lv 3, "seems like they were a team".

From there memories he came to know that they were working for a small assassin organisation and there was actually one more guy with them who was called Jeffrey and was a doctor lv-4 but what surprised him was that he could not harvest much information from them "something is blocking my access to their memories" and so Alsezh gave up.

After Salvaging everything he placed a remote camera bomb which would explode when Alsezh wanted it to. Then he went up on the top floor again this time he was going to use a parachute to land on the terrace of the opposite building named 'Zaron Corp'.

One must know that the hotels height was about 300 m while that of the target building was 200 m and the distance between them was barely enough for the jump to be successful but Alsezh being the fearless person that he was was still made the jump. "I have trust in this newton guys equations.if it says the jump is possible then it should be possible, I guess I owe a lot to him now sigh."

He then took a run up and jumped from the edge of rosary hotel a second time.


Alert ! deploy parachute


Alsezh could feel the cold wind brushing by as he was approaching the opposite building very fast.

"okay steady, steady stead…..thud!, hmm a good landing nonetheless given that it was my first time"

Just as he landed Alsezh's watch vibrated and when he looked at it,he saw a person entering through the door of room no - 263 which was no one other than Jeffrey, who was looking terrified after seeing his comrade's bodies,

"friend I know you want answers so you better catch up with your friends they will tell you the entire story goodbye" Alsezh then pressed the detonate option


Alsezh standing on the opposite building could clearly see room no-263 which was now raged with fire and in a complete mess.The corners of his lips rose "the starters are done its time for the main course"

After which he used the same strategy of breaking through the window to enter Zarons house, " the journey so far was quite smooth but I have a bad feeling about it"

While Alsezh was searching around Zarons house a man with strong built and tall stature was now looking at this scene on a screen, sitting on a chair with a women wearing a silky long dress sitting on his lap. He had a wicked smile on his face, "I was quite bored these days with no rats to kill.It looks like I found one". the women smiled but advised, "Regal don't you think we should tell about this to master Zaron first"

The tall man rebuked angrily "master Zaron is very busy man, rats like him don't deserve his attention, you go and keep a look out, while I get rid of him". the man named Regal then started walking towards Alsezh's Area. After regal was gone the woman looked at the screen and charmingly smiled, "Mr. Alsezh It seems like you caused quite the ruckus in the hotel, I am surprised" she then went in the opposite direction of Regal.

If Alsezh would have been here he would be shocked to see the woman, as she was no one other than the receptionist of Hotel Rosary.

But alas Alsezh was busy searching for the hidden vault and was quite frustrated now, "that old bastard Zaron is quite crafty,I have searched for so long but couldn't find anything maybe I should ask someone".

Just as he was thinking about how to proceed he heard a cold and harsh voice "you should worry about your life instead of searching here and there you fool"

Alsezh had a mixed expression of surprise and delight on his face as he heard this, "the yield this time seems to be plenty, i guess it's time for a good harvest" after which Alsezh turned to face the man with a childish and wicked natural smile plastered on his face.

The man's expression after seeing Alsezh's smile turned solemn as cold sweat dripped from his back.