The Admantium Suit (Part 2)

Regal took the initiative to attack first as he drew out a automatic sub machine gun to attack from long range. Alsezh after seeing this knew his opponent was just checking the waters by doing this and so he purposely made the bullets hit the armored part of his suit, the suit gave him a quiet the boost to speed and analysis of situation but Alsezh years of profound experience was more than enough to determine the trajectories of stuff as simple as bullets.

After probing his target regal finally sighed in relief "humph I was worried for nothing, this brat is just so so" regal had now put his guard down against Alsezh but still an unknown fear was lingering in his heart it was very minute but not negligible.

After seeing Regal getting a little more relaxed Alsezh turned the nearby table over and used it as a moving shield while approaching regal. After which he kicked the table very hard making it fly towards regal.

Regal seeing the table approaching summoned a sledgehammer and struck the table shattering the table into pieces. But from the blind spot created by the table a small cylindrical thing was flying towards him seeing this regal smirked "kiddo my Rhino suit is a total defensive D ranked suit, you wont harm me so give up already haha"

Even though regal said this he was wary of Alsezh and dodged but Alsezh after seeing this smiled and pressed the detonate button.


After the Smoke cleared out due to the explosion Regal was still standing there though there was harm brought upon it was not a major one, "look kid I told you it is useless".

Alsezhs then took out his bangbangs and shot out towards regal, seeing this regal thought that Alsezh had just lost his mind but suddenly he felt a cruel pain all over his body and cried ou aloud in agony. This pain was similar to lightning passing through his body

"brat what have you done to me answer me or I will kill you"

Alsezh previously had taken cover under the table for many reasons,he had already noticed the high defense of his target so he devised a plan.he attached the flamethrowers gas barrel containing hydrogen to the remote bombs and attached 3 of them to the table, after the table broke they got scattered but weren't still used as for the last one that he threw he detonated it.the detonation dispersed the gas surrounding regal after which alsezh used the powerful laser pulses to ionize them finally giving rise to plasma which passed through the nearest conductor which was Regal's body.

But Regal was no fool either he came to know something was wrong with the gas he started running but how he could he surpass the speed of lasers and at last was brought to his knees by Alsezh as he fainted

Alsezh after seeing his opponent faint just gave a smirk, and went over,

Zhup! Another guy dead.

After harvesting the man he found out many interesting things. The man named regal was actually impotent, "sigh seems like I should find out a way to just harvest important memories, After all everyone has their own secrets, even if they are my enemies this is stooping too low". After harvesting Alsezh came to know about the position of vault and earned may good things beside the submachine gun and sledgehammer there was also a sword with blue laser edges on it when turned on.he also came to know that the man in front of him was actually D ranked, and had just reached fighter lv 5

One must know that Alsezh after killing in hotel had already become fighter level 1 but was already good enough to kill fighter level 5, "if I was in a direct confrontation I wouldn't have been his match at all"

"I now know the position of vault but only Zaron can open it, seems like I have to call Zaron up here to personally have a chat with him".

After which Alsezh turned around towards the observation room editing the footage of their fight and messaged Zaron through regal's watch, "I should text him or the voice change will cause some problems.

"I have catched a big rat you would be more than pleased to see him".

After waiting for a while he received a reply, "Await further instructions, I will be coming over there in a while"

Alsezh who had already prepared a cup of tea in the time being sat on a chair as he sipped the tea, "I have made preparations for your welcome Zaron so don't worry I will await further instructions".