The Admantium Suit (part 3)

Alsezh then went to the surveillance room on the top floor and saw Zaron and two gaurds coming up from the lift. " The old bastard is quiet cautious but its good that he brought those gaurds if not then there wont be any fun". Alsezh was very calm as he had already taken the guards into consideration while devising his plan for Zaron's welcome.

Alsezh from regal's memory found out many things. Zaron always carried a Level d rank suit with him for protection, in emergency cases Zaron would not only go under complete lock down by entering the black box security room which was only accessible to him but also a team of specialforces consisting of 15 members would be deployed to hunt the intruder.

Alsezh after taking all these things into consideration formed a plan which relied on a single gamble, How Timid Zaron was?

Alsezh had planted remote bombs on the top floor and was now heading towards the black box through a passage. his plan was to make Zaron approach the black box before those 15 guards arrive, "it is quiet difficult even for me to take down 15 guys but dealing with Zaron alone would be easy"

After a While Zaron arrived on the top floor with his guards. He was frightened at the moment as he was standing infront of his best man Regal's dead body. Alsezh seeing this through his watch smirked as he pressed the detonate button.


A series of continuous explosions, Zaron after experiencing this made the entire building go into complete lock down and called the special forces team, "Master Zaron you should head to the black box, we will protect you"

Alsezh after seeing this scene almost wanted to spare the guards life for suggesting this to Zaron, "one doesn't fear tiger like opponents but pig like teammates, indeed its so true"

Zaron was now running through passages towards the black must know that after being activated the special forces would only require a minute to reach Zarons location.

After a while the passage ended and a large hall came into existence with a black door at its end. Zaron then approached the door and just as he was raising his hands for the biometrics…

ZHUP! ZHUP!...THUD! THUD! The sound of laser piercing brains and bodies falling down after which there was complete silence.

Alsezh slowly grappled down and stood in front of Zaron with a menacing smile on his face, Zaron's Body started shivering after seeing what happened, "you wha…what do you want,my army is coming you will die soon haha its no use".Alsezh keeping his smile on the face replied, "have you heard of something called hostage" after which Alsezh quickly locked Zarons hand and pointed a gun to his head.

Tap tap tap tap

The sound of several footsteps entering the hall, the 15 guards after seeing zaron in the hands of enemies Immediately raised there weapons pointing in Alsezh's direction.

Alsezh cleared his throat and said, "I don't like to talk too much, so I will only say one thing,a single move from you and he is dead"

The guards then withdrew their weapons but their leader still voiced out is thoughts, "you dont know hoe big the consequences of your action are,after catching you we will tortu…

ZHUP! THUD! Leader dead

The hall was completely silent. Both Zaron and the gaurds were terrified. After which they heard a casual voice, "I forgot to tell I don't like threats either". After which alsezh turned around and ordered Zaron to open the black box entering inside amidst the helpless gazes of gaurds.

The black box had all basic survival needs and a surveillance system. After entering Alsezh took a seat and asked "where is the Admantium suit?"

Zaron's face became dull after hearing but he still tried to speak, "the suit is my life's hardw…..

Zhup!! .....aaaaaaaaa And a shrilling cry echoed in the room.

Alsezh shot zaron's earlobe so as to give him a little scare thus speeding up the interrogation process.

"I don't want your bullshit, I will ask again where is the admantium suit,believe me this is your last chance" Zaron was so afraid of Alsezh that he no longer hesitated and told everything to alsezh.

Alsezh had always been ruthlessly to cruel people. From regal's memories he came to know that Zaron had killed all the people involved in the design and development of the admantium suit under the pretext of accidents so as to not leak the information about the suit outside.

To Alsezh's Surprise the Admantium suit as well as many other special weapons and armours developed by Zaron corp were in a hidden room in the black box itself.

Alsezh's face was brimming with happiness after seeing all these dazzling weapons and armours kept in an orderly fashion, "the Zaron corp is quiet good coming up so much stuff requires real skill only if i could make this Zaron obey me" after thinking for a while Alsezh's eyes lit up and he started walking towards Zaron and hit him at the nave and making him faint on the spot.