Mission Accomplished

Alsezh was excited because he wanted to try out whether he can harvest from someone without killing them but was soon disappointed as he came to know that couldn't.


"the system has analyzed that Mr. Alsezh cannot carry out a Harvest from a living target as many undefined barriers come into existence while doing so. The system suggests leveling up so as to carry out this task.


After which Alsezh tried to work on Zaron's memories and after some time Alsezh became very excited as he found out that memory harvest does work.He then started wiping out the cruel and other negative memories from Zaron's mind slowly altering them and finally he realised that by doing so he can actually alter ones memories.

Time passed by,4 hours later Alsezh finally Stood up stretching his back but just then his watch vibrated



Congratulations for developing new high level skill Memory alteration, Farmer Knowledge gained

Farmer level +1


Alsezh smiled ear to ear after seeing this message,

"I sometimes feel a little guilty for being so perfect haha" with the noise of alsezh's narcicist laughter

Zaron woke up with a dazed state of mind but as soon as he saw Alsezh he stood up and gave a deep bow,

"Zaron pays respect to Master Alsezh".

Hearing this Alsezh was so happy that he almost hugged Zaron out of excitement,

"control Alsezh control".

Alsezh had altered Zarons memory in which he had portrayed himself as a godly being gaining obedience from Zaron.

Alsezh then ordered Zaron,

"call me young lord( young master) instead of master also I want you to prepare a high tech laboratory and a house for me,all the decisions regarding Zaron corp will be taken by you unless and until I interfere and one more thing 1/3 rd of Zaron corp's profit should be deposited to my account on super net"

Zaron after hearing this seriously nodded his head,

"I will personally see to the young lords wishes as soon as possible"

Alsezh then instructed Zaron to send one soilder at a time inside as Alsezh wanted to wipe out their memories of him being an intruder, he tried altering their memories so that he could control them but realised that it took a huge toll on his mental energy so decided to just wipe out their memories.

Because of the lock down only the soldiers knew of the real identity of the intruder but after wiping out their memories this was not an issue at all, Alsezh then told Zaron to take care of the rest of the matters regarding how to handle the post lock-down procedures and all.

After which Alsezh went to the guest house arranged by Zaron to temporarily reside in it.

Guest House...

Alsezh was looking at the sky while drinking red wine, he then confirmed the acquisition of blueprint by taking a look at them before sending them to the dark gloves organization after which he received a reply from the Dark gloves agent,


Congratulations for completing your first mission

You have now been promoted to E rank.

The reward has been transferred to your account.


Alsezh busy in his watch didn't notice that a woman with a perfect figure was now leaning on the window looking at Alsezh with a beautiful smile on her face after which she pouted and said,

"so rude of you Mr. Alsezh wont you invite me in"

Alsezh was shocked after looking in the direction of the voice. One should know that Alsezh's instinct were far superior even if they were limited by his current strength, no ordinary person could by pass them but what was shocking was that not only someone bypassed them,the one who did this was no other than the cute receptionist of 'rosary hotel'.Alsezh was surprised but he didn't show it in his expression.

Alsezh gulped down on his saliva after all a person who could come so close to him without him noticing must be quite powerful. He awkwardly started speaking,

"ummmh hi please do come in. I would have preferred if you would have entered through the door though"

After hearing Alsezh's thoughts the woman started laughing and sat on the couch,

"so lame I thought you would be more surprised and please spare me the questions, who am I, what am I doing here blah blah, because you are very weak right now to know about either of these things"

Hearing this Alsezh gave a helpless smile and nodded.

"Good boy, now then I am here because I want the blueprints you took from Zaron."

Alsezh was immediately exasperated, the amount of work he had put into this mission was quite big so how could he let someone else eat the pie he had painstakingly created.

Even though Alsezh would have a copy of the blueprints how could he give them away freely but he knew the opposite party would it get it from him by either negotiating or by force one way or the other, so he decided to negotiate first.

"1 million and the prints are yours" Alsezh said calmly."

Rose the hotel receptionist after hearing this gave a beautiful smile,

" i agree"

Alsezh was surprised

"maybe i should have asked for more,what a shame"

After the transaction was completed rose stood up to leave.

"as you gave this so cheap to me i will let you know about a little secret, the blueprints you have are not the big deal but the map is"

Alsezh didn't know what she was talking about, " map what map?"

Rose after seeing the flustered look on his face giggled

After saying this the woman turned around to leave but Alsezh immediately asked,

"atleast tell me your name" the girl smiled and threw a rose at him after which she just disappeared from the spot.

Alsezh caught the Rose but before he could say anything anymore he realised there was no one in the room

"seems like I am indeed weak ain't I Rose "

After which a glint could be seen in alsezh's eyes full of ambition as his corners rose up,unknowingly Alsezh had clenched his fist. He was determined to become stronger.

After she left the window she floated in air Rose smiled again

"quiet an interesting guy even if he is so low ranked my instincts tell me to be on full alert near him, his future prospects are tremendous it makes me wonder what kind of monster this guy will really become, may be he is the Omega anyways now that he took care of Zaron corp I don't need to be undercover anymore its time to report back",

After which she disappeared from the spot and reappeared a 100m away, if Alsezh would have seen this he would have been shocked to know that the person he thought was little bit stronger than him was actually a level 25 monster.

On the other hand Alsezh had now calmed down himself,

"a fine lass indeed,just wait for yours truly to get stronger, alpha show me the status"


Analysation complete


Doctor level : 2

Engineer Level : 2

Administrator level : 1

Fighter level : 2

Farmer Level : 3 (2+1)

New Features

Memory alteration Unlocked

New items:

Admantium suit, wingblades, freezer....


After seeing his new levels and loot Alsezh started laughing crazily,

"haha what a yield, I have started loving this farming occupation, maybe I always had talent in farming and was fated with it,hmmm makes sense because in my previous life too my father was a farmer and my uncle and cousins ..…. ummm that's it i guess"
