New Mission

Alsezh was very excited about the weapons that he got so he decided to try them out the next day and to get a new mission as well, it was a little late and Alsezh was very tired mentally. He thought it was because he made those memory alterations and went to sleep.

Alsezh after waking up received a call from Zaron saying that all the preparations have been done and also received the address of his new house and payment transaction to his super net account.

Alsezh was now very excited to see his balance, "nice very nice,105 million rads, I am filthy rich now haha"

Alsezh after seeing through further details realised that approx. 4 million was what he looted from all guys he killed,1 million was his mission reward as for the rest 100 million rads they were from Zaron.

Alsezh now went to the Dark gloves organisation to get a new mission, being E rank Alsezh could now do a D rank mission at max.

Alsezh browsed through many missions and finally stopped at a mission named 'Grave robber'.

After years of development in Science and technology the Word grave was rarely heard by anyone as all of these graves were already exploited or explored which was a very difficult task and could only be handled by C rank or B rank and above experts.

Though Alsezh's fighting prowess was very high than his rank it was barely enough to make a dent on a metal wall like C rank.

After thinking for a while. Alsezh took the mission and after going through the mission data he also came to know the number people who took the mission unlike the previous time

this was one of the perks unlocked as his rank grew higher. Alsezh knew that real fun would start as his rank grows higher, "Rose's rank maybe A or even the legendary S but no worries it took me 5 days to get the E rank, I will soon reach her".


While alsezh left the organisation building, the handsome receptionist that Alsezh met on first day in the dark gloves org was talking with a white bearded man in a respectful manner on the top floor of the org building.

"My lord under the pressure of the Flower Empress we allowed Rose to get her hands on Zaron's legacy but don't you think instead of keeping it a secret and letting rose take it we should have made Zaron know what his grandfather really left behind and protect it"

After hearing this the white bearded man gave a smile, " James don't forget that letting that thing be in hands of the flower empress is far better than making Zaron aware of it just to make those old monsters to send someone away to take it. Also by making Rose take it we have earned a favour from one of the twelve supreme beings which is countless times more valuable than the whole organisation"

After hearing his thoughts James nodded disappointingly

After seeing this the old man sighed and changed the topic, "I heard some interesting fellow showed up this time on the mission, make him take part in the Dark tournament I want to personally see him"

James nodded, "yes my lord I agree with the first part, but he recently advanced to E rank, maybe its too early for him to participate in the dark tournament"

The old man smiled, "If he is good enough to make you take notice of him then I am sure he will at least be under 100 rank in the tournament"
