Shopping Around

Unaware of these happenings, Lucas was now in the marketplace of the underworld. He bought many essential things for his new mission but was now staring at beautiful sets of watches on a display screen in a large shop.

"Hey boss, what are these watches? Doesn't everyone have the same standard watch?"

After listening to Lucas's question, the boss mockingly gave a laugh but still explained, "These are customized watches with special features enabled inside them and are highly personalized. Unless and until one doesn't live under a rock, one should know about it." After taking a pause and looking at the still dazed expression of Lucas, the shopkeeper angrily exclaimed, "Brat, the starting is at least 3 million rads. You can't even buy parts for customizing, forget about buying a complete watch."

Not caring about the shopkeeper's comments, Lucas first called Zaron, confirming that they didn't deal with technology related to watches, after which he started looking around.

After a while, Lucas selected a few parts and was finally ready to check out when he saw a huge muscular man who was most probably the guard of the store coming at him. He grabbed Lucas, ready to throw him out amidst the shocked gazes of countless customers, but what happened after that almost gave everyone a heart attack as Lucas was now holding the guard's neck high up with a single hand while the guard was choking and struggling to get out of Lucas's hold. This turn of events happened in the blink of an eye.

Lucas then threw the guard and walked towards the now terrified shopkeeper, "Hey boss, I have selected these things. Pack them up for me." The shopkeeper then looked at the list and gulped down, "It's almost 50 million," but didn't dare to voice out his thoughts.

Lucas, after being handed over a small storage ring consisting of items he selected, transferred the money to the counter and walked out. The shopkeeper sighed in relief after seeing Lucas leave, but after looking at the transaction on the counter screen again, he dryly smiled, "He really did buy stuff worth 50 million."

Lucas couldn't care less about these things. His aim was very high, so he couldn't waste his breath on mere half-assed shopkeepers. But even so, Lucas decided to buy some elegant and cool clothes to avoid such kinds of troubles and replace them with his standard clothes that were given to him by the super system. Even though there was armor present on them, he still looked a little rough with the contrast of armor and dull clothes.

Lucas had a high sense of fashion even in his previous world. That was also a reason he was famous with ladies. So after looking for a while, he bought a dust and water-resistant long black coat with a V cut at its bottom and neck with silver edges and golden embroidery at the edges of V cuts with a small golden crown embroidered at the coat's backside. The best thing about the black coat was it was made of special material allowing complete non-disturbance when wearing other armored suits over it. Th...

After looking at the mirror, Lucas realized that he looked like a royal prince and couldn't help but smile. After leaving the shop, Lucas ordered the servant sent by Zaron to drop him at his new house.

Lucas wanted to try out his other occupations, that is why he bought parts instead of a watch and would try to assemble them on his own. "These occupations seem very interesting. It's time to give them a try." This was also the reason Lucas ordered to build a high-tech lab for him.

Lucas was now standing in front of a huge gate as he heard the driver tell him, "Master Zaron has ordered the mansion to be named as per my lord Lucas's wish."

Lucas smiled, "I should make my name a brand because power is a combination of strength as well as popularity."

After which he walked to the door and said, "This mansion will henceforth be called AZ's Palace."

After the gates were opened, he saw a broad and beautiful mansion. After entering the place, Lucas was surprised to know that the house had many servants and guards.

But Lucas dismissed almost all of them except for a middle-aged man named William Adams, who was their leader and a level 3 fighter.

Lucas was a man who liked solitude a lot. He liked to socialize, but at the end of the day, he would always feel more comfortable in the cold moonless night standing alone on a deserted peak. He was that kind of guy who would always hide his real cold side as he had never found anyone who could cope with this side of his.

After William showed him the entire area, Lucas took a bath and went to the laboratory. It's time to see just what these occupations really are.