Continuous Harvesting

Alsezh didn't feel any drastic changes in his body

"maybe it works only after harvesting all 10 animals, in any case I better start with the others"

Alsezh needed 9 more harvests to complete Existence level 1 but his lab only had 4 species right now which included dogs ,cats ,earthworms, lizards and pigeons.

So Alsezh gave a call to Williams asking him to bring 5 lower animal species other than what he had.

The animal species were divide into 3 classes basic/low ,evolved, super. There also existed apocalypse class beasts but were just legends. At least there was no further information about this class in the ying-yang city.

Alsezh after ordering Williams hung up and went ahead to deal with other animals.

While Williams after listening this weird request was flabbergasted as to why would Alsezh need animals.

"lord Alsezh is not a simple man even master Zaron is very respectful towards him"

Back in the lab....

Alsezh was now under the onslaught of a dog. Only after repeated attempts did he manage to kill it and after absorbing the DNA he woke up again.

"sigh...what a bother, why is this existence level requirement so weird, who knows how many times am I going to be stripped down of my humanity to become dogs,cats and what not"

Alsezh looked at the watched and was shocked to see the time passed was just 2 hours.

"it seems in that dimension time slows down, hmm well works for me anyways"

Alsezh then continued the same process on the remaining two animals.

Just as he finished it, Williams walked in.

Williams was bewildered after seeing the bodies of dead animals

"Is Lord Alsezh part of some cult or something but that is so old fashioned"

Williams then placed all the 5 animal cages on the floor

Alsezh almost had a stroke after seeing the animals Williams had brought

"wtf is wrong with this old man, a crocodile, bat, mongoose...…mongoose really where the hell did he even get this from"

"forget it, its better this way at least it will harden my resolve"

Alsezh after down calming down himself started the harvesting again.

He took some breaks in between and was starting to get tired but still he kept going on.

After almost 26 hours.....

Alsezh was now in front of a DNA strand obtained after killing the mongoose.

"hahaha now now come to daddy" Alsezh then grabbed the strand.

The strand disappeared as if it ws absorbed by Alsezh.

His body started convulsing, his breath became louder as time passed by. After some time did the process stop and the anticipated screen came in front of him.


Existence Level 1

10/10 Basic species harvested

Note: Due to below 10 farmer level evolution has been stopped

The evolution will continue after host reaches farmer level 10

The effects of Existence level have unlocked only to a certain extent.


Alsezh after coming back from the dark dimension immediately started swearing

"what the extreme fuckganza is this and you tell this to me after I went through this whole helish process….urgh…. wait even if the process was stopped I can feel changes in my body"

"its like something in my body has been strengthened and all basic attributes have short a better foundation, hmm not bad"

Alsezh wanted to analyse his body but he suddenly collapsed

"now what the fu….v"



After a day Alsezh suddenly woke up with his hands in front of his chest in a martial art pose.

"woof…woof wooh the fook"

Williams who just entered Alsezh's bedroom to check on him was shocked to see Alsezh barking like a dog as soon as he woke up.

Alsezh in his dreams had become a dog who was giving speech to other fellow dogs by barking and abruptly woke up,as the transition was sudden so the bark.

"is this a side effect…..hmm i need to be careful who knows what will i become next time,an ant would be good thought at least i will wake up silently".

Alsezh after harvesting all the DNA's had used up all of his mental energy and was fatigued without having sleep hence he got a mental stroke and slept for a full day.

"young lord, are you okay I found you deep in sleep in the lab so I brought you here"

Alsezh started walking out of the room,

"good job,keep it up"

Alsezh was not particularly thick skinned but he acted like nothing happened as he was too lazy to explain. He then went ahead to the lab again to continue his 'research'.

Williams on the other hand was in a daze"keep it up, does he mean to say this will happen again…..holy cow!!"

Alsezh after reaching the lab he immediately went into the analyser machine to Analyse his whole body.

After sometime he started comparing his attribute before and after the harvesting process.


Changes found

Strength +5

Dexterity +5

Defense +5

Mental Energy +5

Fitness level –(physical attributes only)

Strength- 26

Dexterity- 37

Stamina - 30

Defense- 21

Power - 26+37+21+30=114

Power based Rank (PR)- Peak F

Mission based Rank(MR)-Peak E


After reading the report Alsezh was surprised to see this new analysation.

"seems like the super watch can only do a surface scan while the more graded a machine the more details..hmm"

But their were still questions in his mind so he asked alpha, "what is this PR and MR?"