Overpowered or Not?

After searching for a while on the supernet Alsezh came to know that PR is just a measure of the physical attributes and as far as MR is concerned it actually indicates the highest rank mission successfully completed

"seems like the PR is the core prowess as it does not take into consideration your intelligence and all other mental attributes while MR shows your battle prowess"

Alsezh was stuck with realisation at this point as he always assumed that climbing higher ranks was easy so didn't consider them something important

"I should increase my fitness first as it is the core of my battle power"

Alsezh then spent some time on the net to look around for the information he lacked.

After spending almost 3 hours Alsezh came to know how progressing up worked in this world.

Alsezh found that as one's main occupation level and sub occupation level increases the fitness points increase with them

The leveling up of occupations depends upon the knowledge possessed and its implementation.

Also any number sub-occupations could be leveled up but there were many drawbacks

This drawback was aptitude or talent for a particular sub-occupation as most people did not have any talent in other occupations besides their main occupation the time and resources required in leveling up sub-occupations became too big.

So most of the populace would just focus on main occupation.

As far as the number of sub occupations were concerned only one could be chosen from all the four main and other unique occupations.

The sub-occupations could be changed at any point of time but then the attributes provided by them would change too.

For Alsezh this was heaven sent opportunity as the only requirement he had to level up was harvest.

As for the attributes gained after level up they could be assigned manually but the time limit for this was 24 hours, if not assigned the brain would then assign the attributes equally into all categories.

Alsezh was now super excited as the so called 'aptitude' for different occupations was not needed for him due to his legendary skill of harvesting.

"hahaha I am so overpowered I don't even have to fight my enemies I will just drown them with my sub-occupations hahaha….."

Just as he was drowning in his happiness he was struck with sudden realisation

"But wait if only 1 sub-occupation can be chosen at a time doesn't this mean that I would have no edge over the geniuses who would be talented in at least one other occupation than their main."

Indeed Alsezh's speculation was right as there were known geniuses in the world having talent in more than one occupation.

Alsezh after realising this was depressed he unknowingly started drawing circles on the table in front.

The fact that Alsezh was no better than any genius was very true unless and until he realised that besides harvesting, he hadn't even used his other Farmer skills, plant and cultivate…..Urgh .. damn you Alsezh notice it already..*cough cough*

Alsezh after giving his current situation some though sighed "if only I had a skilled named overpowered plot or plot armor something like that….sigh…in any case its just that I would have to work harder hahahaha but who cares I have got another chance this time It doesn't matter if I have to work hard or fuck hard I will do it….hahaha"

Just as Alsezh was busy in his self motivation his alarm rang


ALERT ! 7 hours for Mission Commencement


"it will take me 4 hours to reach planet Alios where that grave is,I better hurry up"

Alsezh then packed all the stuff he had brought for the mission and contacted William to give him a ride to the nearest station.

"see you later old willy….."

After boarding the Intra 36 the interplanetary travel bus he took his seat and went through the mission details.


Mission Profile:

Rank - D (uncertain)

Location- Planet Alios (neighbouring planet)

co-ordinates (1234,4321,23231)

Objective- to search through the entire area and find hidden codex


1) The mission requires the City gate to be opened, Dark Gloves Organisation is responsible for opening it so 20% of all looted treasures must be handed over to the org.

2) The mission will be assumed to be completed after the codex is handed over to the Org.

3) only the codex bearer will be considered to have successfully completed the mission.


Alsezh had a devilish smile on his face right now

"20% taken by Dark Gloves hahaha what a joke, i have got the perfect means to fuck this 20% plan of yours, cant imagine the look on their faces though"

"hahah no hard feelings, okhayy".