Mysterious Purple Crystal

With out any second thought he started climbing through the way from where the body fell down.

"hmm my guess was right…that guy is a dreadful bastard"

After climbing 700 metres Above....

Alsezh was now looking down with surprise when he found out that a frail looking guy barely in his teens had actually reached 450m

"I must commend him even if his equipment is better than mine its still a miracle he is catching under the given circumstances."

Just then another explosion occurred.


Alsezh didn't ever bother looking down this time when the explosion took place.He knew the reason.

Alsezh had planted bombs in ring shape around the building even if one could see them, the only way to avoid them was by maintaining a distance of 5 metres from it.

But Alsezh had placed the bombs with a distance of 10 metres from each other so avoiding the bombs was almost impossible. Upon reaching near to them it would explode.

While Alsezh reached the 800th metre 5 of the 10 bombs had exploded which he had named as alphabetically.

While the only person who had hope of catching up to him was on 570 m or so he was no one but Shiv.

As Alsezh continued climbing but suddenly his instincts told him about an approaching danger. Alsezh's instinct had become very sharp after being through so much trouble in his past so he always trusted them.

He looked down but noticed no changes, just as he looked up a dark purple mist had reached his hand Alsezh shook his hand but to no avail.

The Purple mist formed strands and attached themselves to Alsezh firmly and suddenly pulled him through a broken window on the 850th metre.

There a machine with huge concentric rings was hovering in the middle at the centre of which was a Dark purple Crystal.

The room had huge height. Alsezh suspected the last two floors were combined just to fit in this concentric rings.

The entire room was a complete mess with all things broken lying on the floor. Different strange instruments and what not could be seen in the room. The room looked like a science laboratory of some sorts.

The purple mist then started rapping around Alsezh. Alsezh had very high battle prowess but his fitness was too low to even struggle against the mist. When he attacked the mist it was no use due to the materialistic properties of mist which could only be dealt with by super abilities.

Super Abilities could be gained only after reaching fitness level of C-Rank and above but that too would be basic super natural abilities.these abilitiea would help to deal with unnatural stuff. for eg even if a person had very high strength that wont make him immue to fire only super attributes and abbilities would help him achieve this

Finally Alsezh's watch vibrated just as the strands were rapping around his eyes he brought up the strength to move his hand.


Alert ! system analysation complete

Suggested to use Cultivate Skill



Hope ! Alsezh finally saw a ray of hope,

"yes I have 2 more skills other then harvest how could I forget this important shit…."

Alsezh then activated his Cultivate skill

"this skill better be as heavenly as the harvest or this shitty mist is gonna fuck me dead…."

The crystal started rotating faster and faster to increase the strands. Alsezh was having major trouble but he also noticed that the misty strands were never increasing they were always constant unlike before where there was no end to them.

The mist was entering his body and moving around, Alsezh was going through intense pain it was as if a a very hot fluid was rushing through all your veins.

But he withstood it, endured it.

Time passed by 5 mins…..10 mins….15 mins…

Only After 30 mins did the strands of mist started dissipating into smaller and smaller strings. But in the course of time there was a point where the mists had become so dense almost too form a pool of liquid around Alsezh.

After the last string disappeared Alsezh who was floating above fell down,

"ouch….what was that before but the important question is where did it go and what did my skill do exactly"

"Did the mist get destroyed ..hmm but that hardly seems to be the case as the name suggests cultivate so it wont destroy anything"

Alsezh had no clue of the recent happenings so he finally gave up thinking and decided to do a Quick Analysis.

Quick analysis as the name suggested itself gave a measure of Change within a short period unlike Compete analysis which gave detailed results but required more time.