Exploding Assassins :)







The entire building shook for a while before dust came out from the ground floor.

Alsezh also saw some bloodied corps and vestiges flying away by breaking past the translucent windows. Alsezh was immune to such scenes he just turned around and started climbing again but he didn't smile even though his goal was achieved.

Alsezh wouldn't think much before killing his enemies but that didn't mean he disrespected life itself. The guys that blew up down there didn't have a special feud with him but to achieve success he had to make sure they wont bother him that's why he killed them and observed silence so as to show his respect for the dead. If they were indeed his enemies then he wouldn't even give a single fuck about it whether they were crushed or eaten alive.



Sensory implants are now active


Immobile- Blue

Mobile- Red


Alsezh knew basic programming which he had harvested back then from the underworld thugs so he programmed his super watch to tell him which targets were mobile and which were immobile, so that he could differentiate between the dead and the alive.

He also made sure that if two sensory implants come very close to each other they will be marked as single unit so as to avoid the situations where two or more implants get stuck in a single person and on the map there will be 2 red dots represented for him alone.

Alsezh now had a clear understanding of the situation and after looking at the red and blue dots around he was surprised to see that as many as 30 had survived the blast.

"seems like they are the cream of the crop, but hehe i still have another gift for you all"

But suddenly Alsezh brain was struck with an interesting idea

"hmm if some guy survives the second explosion too then wont it be a waste to kill him, hehe guess I will perform memory alteration on the survivors then"

This plan was indeed cruel but the group of assassins were no innocents either to become stronger they too had made there hands dirty too so Alsezh didn't feel guilty about it.

Alsezh was now climbing above 600m he removed his windbreaker as it was swaying with the strong wind disturbing his balance.


Alert Sensor 'G' has been activated.

Detonate Y/N


"haha seems like someone just reached the trap…Y"


Another explosion, Alsezh could also hear a scream which died down after a while.

At the ground Floor few minutes earlier-

The first group of assassins had just entered the ground floor after which more started to turn up.

Some were more like mercenaries instead of assassin as they were here just for the rewards. Shiv was one such guy as he was ordered to complete this mission by 'Velvet' organisation.

He had planned to secure the central tower first but after experiencing the explosions on the road which he barely escaped he was on high alert.He realised that there were more fearsome people than him around.

The Assassins were all eyeing each other to reduce their competition but had unknowingly entered a non-violence pact as they knew if they wasted time around then the earphone guy will take away the prize.

So everyone was searching for staircases and lifts. Shiv was the first person to arrive so he had already searched the entire place but couldn't find any leads, he was deciding whether to head out and search or to remain here but just then his instincts ticked off, he immediately started running out of the entrance just as he managed to reach out an explosion took place.


He was blasted off due to the explosion, when he regained his senses and looked around he was frightened to see corpses lying around. He went back again to check in but there were very few survivors. He shook his head and steeled his resolve.

"whatever happens if I don't get the codex then my mother will be …"

Shiv wiped away the tear that was formed at the corner of his eyes and looked up just to see a man climbing.

Shiv had the necessary means to climb but given these scenarios he was more than sure that the bastard who was climbing had more gifts for all of them.

So instead of climbing he hid around, after almost 15 mins passed away another explosion rang in his ears he saw a bloodied figure coming cashing down at the ground.

The scream from earlier was no more as the guy was smashed to pieces after crashing down. All the assassins climbing on the building were frightened after seeing this.

But Shiv as if he was waiting for this chance with out any second started climbing through the way from where the body had fallen down.

"hmm my guess was right…that guy did place bombs, such a dreadful bastard"