Alsezh The Badass !

The side panel opened Alsezh got out Stretched his back and started walking towards the entrance of the tower.

"30 mins and am here, not a bad start".

Alsezh kicked open the translucent door as he couldn't sense any life force.


The door flew inside by the kick and landed down. Alsezh was on high alert even though there were no living creatures there may be traps laid by the Alisians. He carefully started started sweeping through the first floor. There were unknown devices and structures on the ground floor

He tried to activate them but they didn't budge at all

"the power source must have stopped after the abrupt opening of the barrier, it will take time to study and turn on the power"

Alsezh shook his head and focused on the priority one item, The Codex

"everything else will be dealt with after I get the codex"

Alsezh was quiet happy as he knew even if by any chance he didn't get the codex he would atleast be able to harvest the Alis Race's knowledge.

Alsezh then started searching for stairs or something that would lead him to the next floor, but the only thing Alsezh found suspicious was a pillar like structure in the middle having many small spaces like rooms in it.

He suspected that this was a lift which could carry people inside the spaces to other floors.

But the sad part was that the lift could'nt be accessed anymore as there was no power supply to it.

"sigh….guess I have no choice but to climb from outside the building and then breakthrough the translucent windows"

The idea was good as the building was translucent so the insides of the buildings were visible to some extent from outside giving a general indication of what was inside.

Alsezh had made his preparations before hand but how could he not leave without creating some trouble for others

With a combination of a foolish and wicked smile plastered to his face he started placing sensory bombs and explosives everywhere.

The bombs he bought this time was known as the, 'the little sinner', the name indeed suited it well as the bomb was designed to burst into shrapnels and these shrapnels themselves had tracking devices in them thus even if one survived through the attack his/her position could be determined locally.

But The range was only about 500 m. Alsezh placed 10 sensory bombs and 5 little sinners on the ground floor in a circular way surrounding the cylindrical pillar.

The Central tower was like a high rising cone with deep parabolic arcs instead of straights along the outside surface

So all floors were basically circular with decreasing radius to the top.

He also planned to plant some bombs on the translucent windows at a greater height so that if anyone came in contact with those then at least they will die a thrilling death making their last bungee jump without a bungee though.

Alsezh was no messiah, even if he didn't had any feud with the assassin, he knew that if given the chance they would kill him so why not instead make the first move.

"I have had enough of heroism in my previous life this time I will try to be something different…hmm VILLIAN hahaha but wait that's too extreme"

"I might scare chicks away from me, I guess an antihero should do"

"Antihero it is then, Alsezh the badass sounds nice, hahaha…(some evil laughter)"

"To commemorate my badassyness I have no choice but to sacrifice these assassins, well its not like I care anyway hehe."

Alsezh after deploying the bombs on first floor started to climb the building from the backside so as the others wont be able to see him immediately which would give him enough time to climb further.

Alsezh already had made preparations so he had ropes and grapplers ready with him. Alsezh replaced the grapper end with adhesive rubber balls. The ball was designed to stick to smooth surfaces and was the best for Alsezh's current situation although its range was short not more than 300 metres it was quiet handy.

The Central tower's height was around 1km and Alsezh had 4 Adhesive balls barely,enough to make it.

Alsezh then started climbing the building with the help of the rope that was attached to the Adhesive ball.

Alsezh had set his super watch to notify him when the sensors would catch something and also each time he climbed 100 metres more.

100m ...200m…300m

Alsezh then shot another adhesive ball and picked up the already attached but just then his watch started to vibrate.

Alert Breachers Found

"well well lets wait for a while so that everyone would get the chance to enter the floor, to fight and to weaken each other."

5 mins passed Alsezh stopped climbing looked down one last time and sighed, "Rest In peace my friends"




