Driving A Wedge

Alsezh knew that the codex thing was most probably hidden in the tower at the centre, he could already see around 30 people rushing towards the tower through the main road in front of the gate.

The city didn't look like destroyed or anything it was just that there was no presence of life whatsoever

The roads were still filled with some weird structure looking as if they came to stop abruptly.

"hmm seems like Max was right the whole species was annihilated suddenly, weird but terrifying"

After contemplating about the origins of this phenomena for a while he gave up and concentrated on the things at hand

"wait a minute Logically speaking this a city, so there shouldn't be any traps laid around except for the central tower."

"the distance to the tower is approx. 4 kms, so why don't I use the city's transport to reach their"

Alsezh then stopped rushing towards the tower while all the people passing by gave him a look of disdain but didn't bother fighting as reaching first was there primary goal.

Alsezh ignored those bastards and looked around for something mobile and small that looked like a vehicle, after 15 mins or so Alsezh found a wedge shaped structure. There were many of these randomly found here and there.

"this should be it"

After closing in to the vehicle the side panel of the wedge opened automatically Alsezh was genuinely surprised

"maybe it was unlocked already, seems like lady luck is shining on me"

He then looked in and saw two empty seats. The Alis race was smaller than humans in stature so the seats were too small for a 6 feet tall human like Alsezh.

He ripped apart the other seat to make place for his legs, he then sat in and a 3-D map was displayed in front, Alsezh after thinking for a while touched the central tower on it.

The screen displayed some characters,


$@%$#^%*&^(())*__)_U& ^%$&^



( There is no Geek letters font so had to do it with symbols)

And the wedge started to hover,


The wedge starting traveling in the direction of the tower on the main road.

Alsezh was foolishly smiling now looking at the tower approaching nearer, the vehicle was very fast at least 3-4 times the fastest guy in the group of assassins ahead.

Alsezh had nothing to do so plugged in his earphones, and chose shuffle songs on the super watch.

"...…Am Sexy and I know it….."

The other assassins who were now racing like maniacs suddenly saw a blur pass them, as the road was wide enough there were no collisions, so they all sighed with relief when the blur passed away.

But just then the side panel of the wedge shifted and the guy sitting inside with his earphones on throwed some cylinders in the air and winked,

" hey dumbasses a small advice, ITS EXPLOSIVE AND YOU BETTER KNOW IT…."

The guys were terrified after seeing the cylinders closing in as they knew these were standard government issued bombs and immediately started moving only the experts brought up there defense devices as they knew it was too late to run.


Near 10 simultaneous explosions happened killing off as good as 30 assassins. One should know that the total number of assassins was near to 100 and Aslezh took down almost 1/3th of them in one stroke.

Alsezh knew that this plan would only work for those below peak D-rank holders as the stronger a person gets the more one values his/her life deploying better defences. So he knew it wont be easy to kill the experts present in the group.

The Man who earlier broke the barrier was floating in the sky outside the city giving him an eagle's view. He was currently looking at the situation below and smiled after watching the explosions, "hmm….interesting".

Alsezh on the other hand was shaking his head to the beat of the song,

"cool device this earphone….after completing this mission I should custom create my own"

Alsezh then looked on the map and prepared to get out of the wedge vehicle as the wedge was near to the tower.

The wedge slowed down and finally stopped.

The side panel opened Alsezh got out Stretched his back and started walking towards the entrance of the tower.

"30 mins and am here, not a bad start".