Fighting Shiv

Shiv then removed another dagger from his space storage and laughed at Alsezh menacingly, "even if you give up on the codex I don't want any sudden disruptions later so you have to die"

Alsezh knew that the brat was getting serious, he prepared himself.

Shiv dashed towards Alsezh and swung his right arm ferociously.

Alsezh tried to parry with a sword he equipped earlier but to his surprise the brat threw the dagger at his face. Alsezh vision was temporarily blocked and he had to bend his neck back.

Alsezh moved his sword instinctively towards the other dagger in shiv's hand but Shiv suddenly threw the dagger from his left hand to his empty right.


Alsezh knew it was too late to change the direction of his sword to counter the dagger coming from a different direction than earlier, but he was still surprised by the brat's performance.

Alsezh got stabbed in his shoulder instead of his neck by shifting his body a little. He managed to fall back quickly and pulled out the dagger. Alsezh was now angry he never thought that a day would come when a single kid would deal him such damage. It was humiliating.

"humph… these days"

Alsezh breathed heavily and activated 'nerves of steel' and with his passive healing the internal injuries started to heal as soon as they were formed.

"This skill combination is dope"

"As for you brat I am going to spank you to death"

Alsezh then dashed forward in a zig-zag manner with the new increase in his attributes he now had a little more than half of his opponent's attributes, that was more than enough for him to deal with the brat.

Alsezh with his hands behind dashed towards shiv, who was now feeling as if targeted by a wild beast. Shiv readied himself and took a defensive posture but he noticed that the closer Alsezh came the more paralysed he started to feel it was like walking through some dense fluid around you.

Alsezh swung his sword at shiv from above, shiv sensing the danger brought forth his daggers and blocked the sword with relative ease.

The blow was softer than he anticipated. He knew from previous exchanges that the opponents attributes were way lower than himself so he thought that this was just another facade put up by Alsezh

He smiled at Alsezh after thinking that his speculation made sense but what awaited him was Alsezh's nefarious smile in return and a gun who had come out of nowhere pointing at his forehead from point blank.

Alsezh knew that he had to take care of his opponent as soon as possible so he came up with a plan instantaneously.

Alsezh's activated life reaper aura which affected shiv and with this opening Alsezh drew his bang bang and placed it behind his back taking advantage of shiv's disturbed concentration, then at the moment he drew his sword he crossed his hands to make them look like he was using both of his hands to hold the sword and deliver a frontal strong blow but actually he held a gun in other hand which he just placed crossed above his sword yielding hand.

Shiv should have noticed it but due to Alsezh's height he had to block relatively higher thus blocking his eye sight by his own daggers.

The process looked simple but was very complex as what Alsezh had to implement was the timing of the attack so that the opponent will have required time to raise his daggers enough to obscure his own view, the prediction of viewing angle so as to create opening and to time all these actions.

All of this required many instant calculations.

Shiv was rooted on the spot. The combat ability shown by the man who seemed to be merely some 2 to 3 years older than him was very terrifying. After seeing that the situation was hopeless, he closed his eyes tightly as he mumbled, "I am sorry mom I couldn't save you"

But what he felt next was a needle piercing his neck and he became unconscious.

Alsezh was going to shoot but he knew shooting would attract attention and make the approaching assassins know their positions. Even if the guns were silent they could speculate the signs of battle and would immediately try to eliminate any threat.

"Damn it being level 1 is not funny at all even kids have started shitting me"

Alsezh looked around and noticed that the floor didn't had a pillar in the middle like that on the ground floor implying there was no lift to the next floor instead it had a central staircase just behind the colossal ring structure. The staircase ended with a wide door at its end. Alsezh then carried Shiv's body and started climbing the stairs leading to the door.

"brat your luck better be good enough to open the door if not then we both are fucked up"

Just as Alsezh reached the end of stairs some noises were heard by him. Alsezh knew it was those Assassins coming in.

He pushed the doors and to his surprise the door got opened he silently went in and pushed the door from inside to close it . He started looking for something heavy to place in front of the door so as to block it. But before he could even walk 2 steps he heard a 'clack!' sound from the door Alsezh frowned he tried to open the door but it did'nt move at all.

"god dammit how do you unlock this door"




Just as he was busy cursing Alsezh heard an announcement, he furrowed his brows and turned around ready to fight but all he saw was what seemed to be a large cabin and a holographic presentation of bald short guy with purple skin wearing some strange but delicate clothes.