Riding Airatis's Wedge

Alsezh smirked he had already prepared a plan to sabotage their ambition for the core by taking it for himself.

"I better hurry up or things wont be fun if they kill each other, hehe"

Alsezh was going to go all in this time as he knew those who had survived till now were the best amongst the group.

"There were mentions about the private garage of the king being in the basement right hehe its time to take a look at it"

Alsezh found the basement easily now that he had learned the Alis language.

He opened the door by swiping a diamond shaped card which was actually the master key prepared by King Airatis to use in times of need.

Alsezh found the key inside a box aligned with smooth cloth, he thought it may be something important so he grabbed it.

"guess this key gives my class one access to all Alis facilities"

When the metallic door slid away what awaited him was a sleek, long black wedge, not too different from previous one except for the change in colour and length

"lets see what's inside"

This time the side panel slid up only when Alsezh hovered the master key over it. The interior was quiet spacious, Alsezh threw shiv at the back side and sat in front.

Immediately a screen came up, showing a map Alsezh then typed something on the hovering screen and the black panel in front started to twist and turn in a cubical manner, it resembled the movement of many pixels which finally turned out to be two cylindrical sticks hovering in air vertically, Alsezh kept his hands over them and the car illuminated with white light along its edges and the interior was much brighter now.

He then pushed those sticks forward the vehicle immediately sped ahead.

"whoa… this thing is powerful, worthy of a king's ride" After handling the sticks which acted as control system of the wedge Alsezh gained somewhat understanding of it.

"lets rock and roll"

Alsezh then drove the vehicle along the main road, the speed of the vehicle was at least three times faster than the earlier one. The vehicle was easy to control and better tuned than the earlier vehicle which Alsezh drove.

Alsezh started messing around with the control settings of the car and to his delight he came across 'engage combat' option after searching through the settings of the wedge.

He pressed it and the vehicle transformed, the front was still wedge shaped but the back trapezoidic part dismantled from center and both halves slid along the wedge's right and left sides

The end result was a Black wedge with two sets of 4 beams at its sides embedded in a rectangular box which was stuck to the side panels of the vehicle. the vehicles basic shaped still resembled that of a wedge except for the additions at the side panels.

Alsezh was now very excited he wanted to try out the combat systems as soon as possible so he increased the speed and sped off.


After the big explosion at the base of the central tower there were 30 survivors. After calming down themselves 17 assassins decided to climb the tower as for the rest, some of them were injured due to the explosion,a few of them had lost the will to climb and thus took the path of retreat.

The 17 started climbing the central tower up but just as the first guy reached 300 m they allheard an explosion and to their horror they saw a bloodied figure of a man falling down screaming at the top of his vice. After which many of them wanted to give up but just then they saw a figure climbing up swiftly and they took part in the competition again with increased resolve to get the codex.

At the end 4 of the climbers died and 3 were injured due to the explosions while climbing.

The remaining 10 of them climbed arduously while taking part in small skirmishes from time to time.

The assassins had entered the top room almost at the same time and when they saw the crystal which matched the The Codex's images they could'nt bother themselves with the whereabouts of Alsezh and Shiv and started fighting amonst each other.After the battle finally ended seven had died and only three remained. These guys were for sure top class experts.

one of the assassins took looking for an opportunity grabbed the codex and jumped out of the window from the top floor the other two desively gave the chase after him and thus things came down to the present scenario.

The Present Situation….

Two of the assassins at the front were fighting each other while the third one was following them hastily. All the three assassins were kitting each other in short. Alsezh who was able to see them from the wide window of the wedge incline sitting in his seat just smiled after looking at the scene. He excitedly activated the combat system and an aiming and several other graphical indicators in Alis language came up.

Alsezh aimed at one of the assassin.

"hehe, lets see what these guns can do"






The assassins heard a sound from them and they turned around.