Ribbon Dance

Alsezh merely smiled, "like I always said the more the merrier"

Alsezh then equipped his other hand with Shiv's dagger instead of the gun which he had pocketed earlier while he was unconscious.

Now alsezh had a sword in his one hand and dagger in another. His efficiency was unparalled, every swing would continue to move smoothly towards the assassin's . The attack power was so smooth that even after the first dodged or parried it Alsezh's hands would continue the flow of attack and move towards the other assassin in circular arcs.

It was like watching a lady perform a ribbon dance show in front of audience (Chinese ribbon dance).The assassins were unable to break through Alsezh's defence as his attack provided good defence as well as strong offence. Alsezh's attacks were starting to create major injuries on the assassins. Their movements were starting to slow down due to loss of blood from the wounds.

As for Alsezh he was rarely hurt by some lucky stricks but even so the alis force was working its magic to heal him right away.

The assassins realised that the longer the battle goes on the bigger the danger would become.

Suddenly one of the assassins back away and stopped from attacking.

"Your fighting style is indeed excellent but this is technological era and battles are won with weapons,some old ass karate wont help you any further" He was giving out a nasty smile

Alsezh frowned after hearing this, "seems like he has an ace up his slip,interesting lets see"

The assassin then took out a long blade with a curved handle having a barrel below the blade, the other assassin was shocked after seeing this,

h immediately shouted in shock

"why do you have a gunblade?"

His response was indeed correct as Gunblade was a high tech weapon that made use of nanotechnology to change its shape minutely giving it high flexibility, suited to use as a blade and as gun at the same time. The gunblade was a recent technology created by The Empire Research Dept which was not available for sell yet. It had long been approven for military service but not for commercial use yet.

One should also know that The Empire had a very strong intelligence gathering system which would immediately come to know if anyone possesed a class D unauthorised weapon. It also proved the abilities of the assassin to be able to keep the secrecacy of the weapon.

The gunblade in the assassin's hand was black in colour, the shape resembled that of a hockey stick with a long barrel at one side and sharp blade on the other

Alsezh knew the situation was getting out of hand so he decided to deal with the weaker assassin first.

while the gunblade user was busy aiming and loading the gun ,Alsezh kicked the weaker assassin hard in his chest and created some distance between the two of them. He then throwed a bomb towards the guy with the ganblade.

Alsezh then started running towards the one he kicked. Sword strikes increased in number, from time to time he would kick the assassin to create some distance and throw smoke bombs.

Alsezh aimed at the assassin's eyes so as to limit his vision and after finally getting close enough he stabbed the dagger through the assassin's chin and turned around pulling back his dagger to face the only one remaining.

Thud !

The Assassin with gunblade couldn't interfere as he was still suffering from the effects of explosion.

Alsezh had used a gas bomb instead of a normal. The assassin after seeing this brought up his energy force shield and started running towards Alsezh but the anticipated explosion didn't occur instead a white smoke entered his nostril making him dizzy. But after all was said and done the assassin was still an expert he forcefully exhaled and stopped breathing. But to his horrors Alsezh was constantly throw smoke grenades just before the earlier would be close to running out, This was Alsezh's tactics to stall the assassin befor ehe finished the weaker one.

At the end the Assassin came out of the smoke and aimed his gunblade in Alsezh's previous direction where the fighting songs were coming from.

But to his surprise he couldn't see anyone except the dead body of the other assassin. jist as he was started to panic right at that moment he sensed something wrong and turned back.

Slash ! Thud!


Alsezh after killing the weaker assassin with his explosove strength went into the smoke. With the aura of Alis the effects of smoke was as good as slightly polluted air for him which didn't hinder him at all.

He crouched down and when the assassin passed by he stealthily approached the guy's back, the assassin turned around but it was too late. Alsezh's sword pierced his throat.

Thud !

with this both mid D ranked Assassins were killed by Alsezh.

The sad part was that the only help the gunblade gave them was to fasten their own deaths as it wasn't even used in the battle.

Alsezh on the other hand was not impressed by the gunblade as its effects seemed good but it was quiet clumsy to use, he planned to further upgrade this weapon and use it only after getting satisfied with the upgrade . The one thing he disliked about the gunblade the most was its aesthetics.

He then with a look of picking up garbage on his face placed the gunblade in his space storage. The reason was simple.

"it is a good research material"

Alsezh sighed deeply he hadn't gone all out before but it was also not easy to deal with the assassins either. At the end he couldnt even overpower them so as to make them his puppets.

If anyone knew Alsezhs thoughts they would strangle him too death for being too greedy of power. One must know that with each increase in level corresponding attributes are given. Within level 10 each increase in level offers 1 to 10 points for each attribute.

And Alsezh had just defeated two level seven having power around 250 with just half the power of (30x4=)120.