Releasing Shiv

And Alsezh had just defeated two level seven having power around 250 with just half the power of (30x4=)120.

Alsezh looked at the info on his smart watch and was happy to see that his fighter level had gone up to level 2


Alert !

You have 60 free Attribute points.


Alsezh should have had 20 attributes initially but due to his cultivation skill he now had 60,three times more.

Alsezh pondered for a while and decided to wait before allocating them as the time limit was still 24 hrs.

"I will give it a good thought once I get back"

He then harvested the watches of the assassins but did't bother to look into them,

"the technology these guys have is too shabby"

After driving King Airatis's vehicle his standard for technology had increased a lot. He looted the assassin guys only so that he could find some so called 'research material'.

Alsezh then carried shiv and brought him out to gave him an antidote.

Shiv opened his eyes, his memories were blurred he tried to get up but soon noticed that his hands and legs were tied. He then saw the man who had almost killed him earlier.

He immediately roared "dreadful bastard what is the meaning of this if you want to kill me just go ahead with it why do shameful acts"

Alsezh couldn't hold his laughter which immediately turned into a cold smile, he looked directly into Shiv's eyes. This was the look of a god even if he wasn't strong anymore he was once a god. He still had the temperament of a one, so the aura he released was no laughing matter.

Shiv was now dripping with cold sweat, the moment he looked into the man's eyes he had got goose bumps all over his body and he involuntarily lowered his neck as if that was the natural thing to do.

Even the organization leader had never made him so fearful.

Alsezh was satisfied after looking at Shiv's meek reaction,

"brat what's your name?"


"I heard about your mother you were babbling about it in your dreams when you were unconscious, so what are you going to do now"

Shiv's body shooked when he heard this but didn't reply, he remained silent.

"sigh…..brat take the core with you to complete the mission and in return inform me about Velvet's organization"

Alsezh was initially going to make those assassins infiltrate Velvet Org and then make them give him info but it was too late for that

Alsezh also thought about asking shiv to become his sub-ordinate as that way he could even get the intel about Velvet but Alsezh soon changed his mind. As for why he wanted Velvet's core intel that was because he had heard something very interesting from the private jet pilot Max earlier.

He thought the boy had already suffered much and now if i try to force him to submit me then that would look bad on me. If Alsezh had'nt heard Shiv's story then he would have most likely just altered his memories enslaving him but now if he does that even after knowing the truth then only bad karma would await him.

"sigh….looks like I still have some compassion hidden in my heart"

Alsezh shook his head and continued,

"do we have deal"

Shiv had tears rolling down his eyes, he immediately started nodding. Alsezh then threw the core towards Shiva, removed his shackles and told him to get in the wedge.

Shiv still didn't had an inkling of idea as to why the dreadful bastard would do this for him, after giving it much thought he finally gave up and accepted the truth as his primary target was to save his mother so he couldn't waste his brain cells thinking about other matters.

"if the man wants Velvet's intel then he must have something to do with it, if it's damaging the org, that would be for the best then"

He then asked Alsezh about his name and where to find him. Alsezh exchanged contact id with shiv and told him that he would contact him whenever necessary.

After some time they both arrived at the city gate which was now illuminated by portable bright lights as sun was about to set.

In the Dark Glove facility,

the previous B-ranked officer who destroyed the barrier was sipping a cup of tea sitting and contemplating about something but suddenly the corner of his mouth rose up he then vanished and arrived before Alsezh and Shiv.

After coming down he immediately noticed the presence of a black wedge and was surprised as he had seen the vehicles of the Alis race previously they all looked alike, with grey metallic finish but this vehicle was different it was more sleek, longer and black in colour.

The B-ranked officer then made a handshake gesture,

"I am Thomas, nice to meet you Alsezh"

Shiv who was watching this seen was shocked because he knew what it meant for a man of Thomas's status to take the initiative to offer a handshake. He knew about Thomas's identity from the information provided by Velvet org. Shiv then went into contemplation.

"Even if Alsezh had killed all the assassins that would'nt warrant Thomas's personal visit so why is he here"

Alsezh was not surprised in the least, after creating so much chaos and killing his name was ought to be known by the higher echelon as far as the personal visit was concerned that was because he must have obtained the codex which even an A rank could'nt bring back.

Alsezh then smiled back shaking Thomas's hand "its an honor to meet you Sir"

Some time Earlier…

Eva the green eyed girl was shocked after listening to the reports as she had never imagined a delicate looking young man such as Alsezh would be so daring and strong to create such a big commotion.

She initially thought Alsezh would be nothing but cannon fodder in this mission. But who imagined this cannon fodder would be capable enough to annihilate almost all of the assassins.

All these reports were given to her by the injured assassins who came back wounded so there was no need for them to lie so the report was shockingly true.

She had gone personally to give the news of his arrival to Lord Thomas but to her surprise just as she entered his chambers he vanished before her eyes.

Thomas already knew of all happenings that occurred in the Alis city but the most shocking thing for him was that the previous life force coming down from the tower, he couldn't sense it any more which implied that something must have happened with the core.This was what had shocked him the most.

"even A-ranked officers were useless how can this be…"

That's why he took off immediately when he sensed the party suspected to have messed with the core had arrived.

On the other hand Eva had different thoughts running in her mind. She knew that Thomas always had the urge to test promising youngsters like Alsezh but she knew even if Alsezh was strong, all the commotion he caused was due to his well planned strategy and explosives, that didn't necessarily mean he had strong physique as there was no report of his physical attributes but one thing was still clear to Eva, How could an E rank warrior face the unsheathed aura of a B rank expert that was akeen to death. Although she knew some people who could do that but they were as rare as pheonix's feather.

So Eva hurriedly rushed off behind Thomas, as if this indeed happen then it would look very bad on Dark Glove Org.