
If Thomas tested him resulting into some injuries to Alsezh it would look bad on the Dark guild.

That's why she rushed behind Thomas.

Just as she caught sight of them she froze when she saw Alsezh smiling and returning a handshake nonchalantly.

"how can this be he is just E ranked fitness wise"

Thomas on the other hand was impressed by Alsezh, he was a baron appointed by The Empire and was tasked as a representative from the Empire to look over the matters while Eva came to represent Dark Gloves

As for Eva's background Eva was actually the only daughter of Viscount Baelish, Thomas's superior and Thomas was sent here to also meet and bring her back home, but like her father she was too adamant and insisted on forging her own path rejecting to come back almost immediately.

Thomas was depressed for the entire day because of this so when he heard about today's happenings he got interested in Alsezh and so came enthusiastically to meet him.

Thomas continued, "young man you are quiet capable want to have a cup of tea"

Alsezh felt the aura released by Thomas but that was all about it. He knew The man before him was not acting rude but just checking his strength so Alsezh didn't held it against him

"how can I reject such a tempting offer"

Resisting Thomas's aura was not related to how strong someone was it was related to mental fortitude. Eva knew that only men and women with great power and nobility would be able to handle such auras. Eva being the heir of a count could also resist the aura but not as efficiently as Alsezh who made it seem like he didn't even notice it.

Eva had only seen her elder brother Brandon do this so efficiently, but Brandon was young master of Wayne family and son of a Count.

In her eyes Alsezh was a complete mystery right now as she had got reports about Alsezh's history which only stated that he was but a young master of the Zaron Corp which was not even worth a fly before her own Brother personal forces.

Eva after regaining her calm demeanour arrived at the scene,

"*cough cough* "I must tell you that lord Thomas is a respectable Baron of The Empire so you should refer him to as your excellency with immediate effect, secondly you should issue the core before you have your tea with Lord Thomas"

Alsezh eyed Eva from top to bottom and then began speaking with a smirk as if mocking her,

" *cough cough* firstly I do not have the core, my friend Shiv here has worked hard to get it and he has it, secondly as per rule 16362 A of section AD unless and until prompted by the a position holder to call him with due respects I am not obliged to follow that conduct and would prefer calling Lord Thomas as Mr Thomas which I think he prefers more."

Everyone knew rules existed but no one bothered to memorize useless rules like the one Alsezh just said. As for Alsezh it was'nt that he had enough time to learn them manually.It was just that after harvesting Information it would be completely memorized by him. So he could quickly recall any rules.


Absolute silence no one spoke for a while, Thomas on one hand was very impressed while Eva was angry.

Eva was squinting her eyes and her cheeks had now become red, the effect of gritting her teeth,she was no doubt angry by Alsezh's perfect reply but how could she back away her reputation was at the line. She then turned to look at Lord Thomas and hinted with her eyes to say something.

Lord Thomas after looking at this was reminded of the little girl that Eva used to be. He then started laughing heartily, "hahaha I have never seen Eva getting flustered so easily, young man I must say you are quiet capable indeed, come on in now unless you make her even more angry"

Alsezh smiled and followed Thomas before winking at the angry Eva.

Eva after watching them leave stomped her foot and turned towards Shiv and asked coldly,

"you are to stay here until tomorrow so that we have enough time to verify the core, your rewards will be issued immediately after the verification, now hand over the core"

Shiva handed over the core to her with a smile.

In his eyes Alsezh's reputation had increased after all there were many who were as powerful as Alsezh but only some who could make beautiful ladies fluster by mere words.

He then smiled widely and followed Eva back into the facility.

Inside Lord Thomas's Private Chamber –

Alsezh and Thomas were now sitting in front of each other sipping tea,

Thomas broke the silence by asking,

"my friend Alsezh I find it difficult to believe that the boy was the one who got the core, wont you explain me how did that happen"

Alsezh then told him that he made a business deal with Shiv and exchanged something which he needed without revealing what exactly the deal was

After chatting for a while Alsezh confirmed that his earlier speculatations were indeed correct. He also sighed with relief when he found that the core was verified and found to be true.

The core was indeed true but what was important inside it was gone, Alsezh gave a dry laugh thinking in his mind,

"about this I will let the Empire explain it to the Alis themselves."

He then continued,

"Mr Thomas is The empire going to strike a deal with Alis using the core as a leverage"

Thomas raised his brows, "And why would you mention this fact"