Star Screamer

Alsezh's Engineer level was level 23 right now, if Zaron found that Alsezh had increased his levels so efficiently in a month he would most probably commit a suicide because of inferiority complex.

Although Zaron was also a high class engineer he mainly focused on research and not creating stuff, much like a scientist who finds new laws rather than an engineer who implements them hence his knowledge was advanced than Alsezh but still an increment of 20+ levels was no joke at all.

As one should know that Zaron even after working har for all these years was around level 30 or so.

Alsezh had finally learnt all the basic concepts his foundation was very strong but as far as the advanced knowledge was concerned he would have to obtain special connections to get them.

Alsezh had built many things in a month's time period. Different types of Robots, sensory gadgets, bombs and weapons.

But there was only one he would proclaim as his best invention. He named it 'Star Screamer'. The star screamer was basically a sniper rifle created by Alsezh its speciality was its Extremely High Damage, Adaptability and a one of its kind function Aura transfer.

The Gun was in fact a godly weapon for assassinations. The Gun was 1.7 metres long and had a capacity of just 10 bullets. It had 3 modes Sure kill, Silent kill and Aura Surge named by Alsezh himself.

Alsezh was very proud of this weapon. The sure kill mode made the most sound but had the best output damage.

In silent kill Alsezh had utilised sound acoustics so as to deplete the sound to at least 90% but this compromised the gun's power.

Aura surge would utilize one's own energy to shoot and hence the type of energy utilized to shoot would determine its effects. This implied the effects of an activated skill could be displayed through the bullet. If it was life reaper then the targeted enemy would be affected by this skill after the shot got connected. This mode would not be much effective right now to Alsezh but as his skills would increase the mode will start becoming more terrifying.

Alsezh had also created the admantium suit through Zaron's blueprints and also customized it accordingly to his tastes

For semi ranged attack Alseh upgraded bang bangs. For long range he had 'Star Screamer'.

As for melee Alsezh decided to go with Reactor Blades which were to be equipped on forearms and they would extend out whenever required.

The only thing Alsezh needed right now was a mask with tremendous defense so that even if attacked it won't break easily. This was given because Alsezh at no cost wanted to reveal his connection with his alias to real identity

Alsezh had to spend almost half of his fortune to build this head gear as it contained Selazinium in it. It was a dark black metal which would change its characteristics based on the amount of electric current flowing through it.

Alsezh decided that now to it was time to take action again. He then stood up from his chair and sighed after taking a look at the lab's condition,

" now that I have sharpened the axe its time to start cutting the tree hehe" there was an eerie vibe about him which harmonized perfectly with the broken down dimly lit lab.

Alsezh then started walking but engrossed in his 'to do list' he didn't notice a small robot crawling in font of him and stepped on it,

The robot under Alsezh's weight slid.....grrrrr

Thud !

"why you little fucking piece of shit !"

Alsezh after cursing the robot calmed down and realised that being locked down in the lab had made his body a little feeble so he decided to take some rest to restore to his peak condition. The same day at night after waking up Alsezh took a shower, shaved his beard and dressed up in a nanotech thin suit.

Alsezh pressed a button hidden under the side lamp and a cylindrical container came up from the floor.

Alsezh placed his hand on the biometric screen of the container and the opaque lid slid around it.

What awaited him was a black suit with metallic lustre and fine green neon lights running across the suit giving it an exquisite finish. He then started wearing the suit piece by piece. It was none other than the customized adamantium suit he created

Time passed by….

Alsezh was now ready with an entire body suit with no gaps around him, two thin gauntlets on forearms, black guns at his waist and black helmet with green lights being emit form its sides and sharp edges of its eyes and finally a long black coat with standing collar covering his back fluttering in air around Alsezh.

Alsezh was very excited as he couldn't wait to see chicks wet and enemies prostrate themselves after looking at him.

Only one word could describe his appearance 'sick' !

Alsezh then sat on his custom upgraded bike bought from a local vendor. It was painted fully black with green neon lights on the tyres, head and tail lamps. This was necessary as he couldn't imagine the repercussions of traveling in public transport with such an outfit.

His next location was underworld's Dark Gloves Org.